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Posts by Splam

  1. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve read stories on this forum of how people have stolen and not gotten a second look while doing it because they are white

    Then you have someone like myself who has never stolen or been in trouble in their life..most likely will be followed while that guy is taking their merchandise..

    Good.. lmao 😋

    If you go to Minnesota maybe. I can't imagine that happening in NYC.
    Unfortunate but true, is that the reason blacks are profiled, is because they actually are disproportionately committing more crimes.
  2. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny I SAID THIS MANY TIME AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN :


  3. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Not quite sure they’ll get the testing kits. There’s only 75,000 of them coming. I imagine they’ll have to go to hospitals and urgent cares.

    There’s a nurse who voluntarily took care of a corona virus patient. Her docs say she probably has it, but the CDC won’t let them test her.

    Which is why Corona virus is actually 10x more widespread than being reported, with only the most severe cases going to hospital and getting tested.

    Which means the actual fatality rate is like 0.1% to 0.2%. Go do as Trump says, continue your normal lives until this blows over.
  4. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny molotove by proxy

    Exactly. Which is why I hope to see either Trump or Bernie win 2020.
    I wanna watch America bern, while I'm eating my popcorn up North.
  5. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Yo, you're from the greater Vancouver area, right?

    What's the current situation out here?

    I saw a news article saying that something like 13 cases have presented in BC.

    But in this area in particular, how bad is it?

    Supposedly we've got a few cases yes. I haven't seen any panic buying so far. But we also have a huge Asian population.
  6. Splam African Astronaut
    And that's why the rich make their women sign NDAs.
  7. Splam African Astronaut
    Was searching for it, but I can just find nationalities of victims, not race.
    It looks like this affects asians disproportionally. TBH I don't think we whites have anything to fear. Likely our race already encountered a similar virus and we're immune to it.
  8. Splam African Astronaut
    It's now illegal to come onto women. Good luck getting laid.
  9. Splam African Astronaut
    More of the same forever if the US elects Joe Biden.
    Not that he's going to win against Trump anyways, but as always anything could happen.
    I think I'd ball my eyes out if that happened. Seeing the four years of Trump on the news daily just brought a smile to my face.
    Seeing Bernie come to power would cause an even bigger shit storm than Trump. I could live with that. The change Obama promised never came. Trump and Bernie are both true campaigners of change. With Biden it'll be more of the same old.

    But how entertaining will the news be the next four years, if Americans elect Joe Biden?
  10. Splam African Astronaut
    Ding. I'm more scared of faulty stair cases than sharks and terrorists combined. Si far the Corona is far down on the list.
  11. Splam African Astronaut
    Free healthcare.... for whites only!
  12. Splam African Astronaut
    Uh oh, I live only an hour's drive from Washington state.

    Better raid the grocer tomorrow.
  13. Splam African Astronaut
    They're practically giving away cruises nowadays, and half of flights are empty.
  14. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Bern Trump 2020

    I concur. We need a half-Trump half-Bernie hybrid. He will be half nationalist and half socialist. We shall call the ideology of the Trump-Bernie hybrid for national socialism.
  15. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace No respectable person gets into bar fights. Or hangs around bars for that matter.

    Hence why I'm wondering. How many of you all are respectable people?
  16. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox The American public is not smart enough to put in the mental effort required to try and actually comprehend the complex issues they claim to care about

    Then they deserve the tyranny they get.
  17. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Archer513 The two parties make the rules

    Just getting on a ballot is problematic for an independent

    Both parties receive a bunch of money from the same interests.

    The problem with Bernie is that he approaches the problems in an unrealistic and ignorant manner.

    If he wants free education,then he should attack ‘big education’ he doesn’t…he goes right for “tax payers should pay for education like we do the military”

    It makes his whole argument invalid. Who controls most of the hospitals and medical facilities? ‘Big education’

    Bernie is just a shill for big education.

    Exactly. A party runs your country. Not a person.
    Two party system is closest thing you'll get to a dictatorship.

    But at least the people are willing. Because if they really wanted to, they could vote independent.
  18. Splam African Astronaut
    How many of you have actually been in a bar fight? Or any fight at all?
  19. Splam African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra FBI steal them in major raids

    I was going to suggest burying a USB stick, but I don't know if that'd last 20 years. Neither if a HDD or SSD would. If stored in the cloud, you'd have to trust them to keep your account for so long.
  20. Splam African Astronaut
    The simple masks don't work due to not being fit tested.

    Of course a mask will generally help even if not fit tested, especially with kids, as it'll keep their hands out of their mouths and noses.
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