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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Ghost Those are some pretty sweeping generalizations

    I only drop facts, kid.
  2. Originally posted by Ghost And this is news to you?

    Its news to a lot of people here
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby you do know a lot of boomers vote blue.. and wheres your source on this happening? pretty sure you're making stuff up again keenan

    The boomers voting blue wore masks and didnt get sick.

    You know, like Biden?

    Those damn liberals from Kansas
  5. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Goodbye boomers! Your grandchildren will vote blue!
  6. Originally posted by G I have 3 kids what's to show for your female interaction lol ?! I actually smashed Thursday night but that's neither here nor there.

  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL Mongolians are a rough and rugged lot. They have to be.

    They also did contact tracing and shut down everything back in January.
  8. No COVID-20?
  9. Originally posted by Ghost whats the difference

    i would if i could

    Nic salt lets you consume more nicotine at once with less burn. I've seen the rush make people have to sit down

    Also easier to carry and use before going into stores n shiet
  10. get a nic salt vape instead so you can abuse it harder
  11. Originally posted by netstat More proof that the plandemic is a democrat hoax orchestrated by the Biden crime family, Obama and the Clintons

    Yeah okay pedo
  12. Originally posted by Bugz No one sent my forms in.

    I never got my Green pack

    Biden is a corrupt mother fucker and a hair sniffer. I Would vote Donald before him even if Donald is crazy as fucking hell. but then again, he threw his lawyer under the bus.

    So it would be awesome had everyone rushed to vote green and see where it could have went from there. No Coal mining I agree but trade deals with countries not polluted as fuck like China is. .

  13. Originally posted by Bugz I meant HUNTER biden. it's still a Biden.

    He's at the top of being a Billionaire now with his business deal (or he will be CEO and make a hundred million a year)

    Gulliani Isn't liked much in NYC. I mean everyone loved him for cleaning up the red light district but he apparently pissed off Cops and Firefighter Unions for some shit that I forget. I know they were angry af at him

    I don't fall politics like i used to. I have burned out but Im just following along because how funny and yet scarey as hell current times are. it's Mad Crazy and everyone is corrupt as shit. We know Trump is Corrupt for throwing his Lawyer under the bus. We know Joe Biden is clearly doing some dirty dealings in China and Ukraine. And we really know about the number of shit the clintons did. everything from Bill fucking a young intern (Which like chris rock said, not a big big deal) but it was Hilary who ruined Poor Monika Lewinski life for 20 years she had it bad looking for work. TedX she gave. she is very professional and well spoken. I have a crush on her. and I hope one day she becomes something big and gets to talk more than she was allowed to back then.

    Bush Sr was dodgy and lied about taxes never to be raised but he wasn't half bad of a leader. His Son however is. His Son's VP was. Donald Rumsfeld wasn't seen as that bad of a guy. but he is the one that set up the torture chambers in which 4 or more Soldiers got arrested fr taking photos and humiliating Afgan soldiers. I mean why didn't Rumsfeld get into trouble? Because we know "Shit rolls down hill" in the military. thats fucked up. You're given an order to do something and then go to jail for it while the person who gives the order walks. that being Donald Rumsfed.

    over and over again. its right there in front of us. poor people go to jail for small shit, big wigs walk. Over and over again.

    didnt read
  14. Originally posted by STER0S the "black community" can fend for themselves in this point of time.

    Not when they keep getting killed by cops and racists.
  15. We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.

    Here's the plan he's talking about. It was started during the Clinton Administration, and worked on by the Bush and Obama administrations. This was a comprehensive bi-partisan plan that had been worked on for over 20 years, and Trump just ignored it completely.

    Check the community measures on page 46. Trump didn't enact a national quarantine, or shut down schools, or do contact tracing, he laughed at social distancing and mask wearing, did not use federal funds to help provide PPE until it was too late. He's also not working with the international community to develop this vaccine. He's worked to degrade public trust in scientific institutions like the CDC and WHO.

    I don't know what advice in this book Trump actually has followed. I'm pretty sure he didn't read it. I'm some of you voted for Bush, or Clinton/Obama. Their administrations all worked on these plans. But suddenly it's all bullshit just because some loud orange clown says so? Lol.

    I will continue trusting the institutions listed in this playbook, thanks.
  16. Originally posted by Ghost nigger

    I am not your nigger
  17. Originally posted by -SpectraL This from a guy who says Mexicans are the master race. Nice.

    It's true. It's not racist to say that. Other races just play a different, but equal and subservient role.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---.----.--------------+--(bĀ­anned) fake statistics,

  19. Narc is mad lol
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