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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. To kiss Oct's nipples, turn to page 47

    To compliment his eyes and tell him how handsome he is, turn to page 69
  2. Originally posted by CASPER Make a §m£ÂgØL x oct erotic choose your own adventure


    Ok i do
  3. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny book titles arent pseudonyms.

    Didn't say they were slowbro
  4. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I use 49.

    Thats not the metric
  5. Originally posted by CASPER I mean our brain chemistry is kinda fucked, and will probably continue to be fucked for a few years following our cessation of all drugs. I think it has a lot to do with different experiences, different ch I also being released. We got used to a cycle of immediate gratification, immense pleasure response, burnout, repeat. Normal life isn’t like that. The truth is, normal life doesn’t have everyday super highs like that. It’s probably going to take a while for our brains to restrain themselves to trigger reward chemicals for doing the things that are actually healthy for us- ie socialization and career, outings, exercise.

    Everyone’s been pretty supportive of me. I’m like 99% positive i COULD drink, but at this point I don’t really see much point. Alcohol just makes me kinda sloppy. I don’t get much more anxiolytics effect from alcohol than I would from taking part in any other number of things. It’s funny when I drink, I feel less anxiety and inhibition but only at a kind of surface level. After having started working the steps and learning to be honest with people, I feel like I’m able to create way more intimacy with people sober than I could drunk. I can certainly articulate myself better. And people have been cool. At a Christmas party the other night, someone suggested I pour us some drinks and I didn’t feel like having the talk so I just poured myself a glass and didn’t drink, no one noticed or said shit. It’s weird not having something in my hand to carry around and sip on, but even just to type that now makes me feel retarded. That feeling doesn’t make sense and I’m sure that’ll go away in time too. Just like how I used to feel weird without someth8ng to smoke at a party.

    How do you think you'll do when you're off the methadone?

    Took me a while but I haven't done Crouton in a while and I stopped vaping nicotine or smoking weed.

    Going to try switching to kava and cut out drinking altogether. I regret every time I drink.
  6. Originally posted by G §m£ÂgØL your gnome ass would benefit from couscous.

    i don't eat carbohydrates
  7. Originally posted by Octavian I am so fucking bored.

    see above image
  8. Originally posted by Sudo women are always surprised when I dont hit them because I look like the type of person who does, and is accustomed to a lifestyle of promiscuous drug addled women around who are constantly telling lies.

    When I saw surprised I really mean they dont believe me until they get to know me kinda well. Ive twice hit girls while defending myself but I was never in a relationship with these women or even had sex with them. One punched me when I was drunk and my immediate reaction was the swing back and clock her and then my girlfriend started beating her up. Another was about to hit me with a wine bottle and my friend threw her to the ground and we kicked her at a party with a lot of people present lol but she was definitely going to hit me with it. Then went to another party a few months later and she was there and it was awkward but we had a talk and she agreed to act right lol

    The night hydro pulled a gun, I had her sit down and tell me why the she did it, and made her admit that she was a fucked up person. I told her that I really wanted to hit her. She told me I could, but I didn't. I think I said something like "No, I'm not like you" lol.

    I really wish I did it tho.
  9. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Oh well from what you have said she has always seemed like she was by the way she was acting so…. sudo is actually right, you're not really that intuitive in certain that would be obvious to others. But at the same time if I was fooled like that yeah I'd be pissed too. I knew when my daughters mom told me she was pregnant with my kid that it was mine. I got the sixth since .

    But anyways its whatever no one is giving hydro any money.. what did she do with her kid though? I'm a pretty bad dad but I still pay child support and her mom isn't a junkie and mary anne is taken care of at least.

    Eh I was 20 and thought I had responsibilities. Was paying her bills for a while because she was just absolutely hopeless and alone and living in a hovel with no vehicle. I felt bad for her and thought most of her shitty behavior was because of other people. Yeah there was the gun thing, but it took a long time before she started actually directing her anger at me. I went to stay with her for about 3 weeks and it was just fights everyday for absolutely no good reason. One night she tried to kill herself with her baby in the car, and threatened to shoot me if I tried to stop her. Was sitting inside with the fugitive pedophile roomate babysitter she had at the time and heard a gunshot. All she did was fire it off into the night to, idk, stir up more drama? Fool us into thinking she died? I have no idea.

    That visit was when I realized it would never work. So many pointless, stupid, explosive fights.
  10. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I feel ya, I used to be really angry all the time like seven years ago, its just different for everyone. I still get pissed off at my daughters mom for having such a blase' rattitude about lying to me to get pregnant and the bullshit the pulled in court. But the thing I don't understand is how §m£ÂgØL got involved a girl like that when he's a goody two shoes, I would never want to be around someone like that unless I was shooting dope and sport fucking them, I wouldn't actually want to be in a real relationship with them lol

    But yeah with all the bullshit I went through when I was committing all my crimes seven years ago, I was really hateful and upset because so much bad stuff was happening all at once and I realize now after going through all that that its never worth getting upset and angry the way I used too.

    Really the only thing I do feel bad about though where I felt like I was really in the wrong (sure I can be mouthy and a dick) but when my daughters mom was pregnant I was shooting diladids and just raging and she had already told me she was pregnant and I was still willing to see her because I believed she was (despite having mutliple girls lie to me about being pregnant for attention) I don't really know what happened I guess but she told me she was waiting for me outside when we were going to dinner and it was really late and she totally was not where she said she was and eventually just started walking up to me with this bitch face pursed lip look on her face that was so goddamn casual, I couldn't help myself I fucking socked her as I could and dragged her into my place with one of my neighbors just in awe staring at us and I put her to bed. I started nodding really hard while watching captain murica and I would come to every 15 minutes and just start chewing her out. I was really pissed off.

    She wasn't shooting dope when I was with her. I only stuck around till I was sure the kid wasn't mine.
  11. Originally posted by Sudo I havent cheated on my girlfriend in over a month and have seen my daughter twice in the past few weeks, got her presents on Christmas and facetimed her. Made Christmas awesome for my girlfriends son too and donated to the childrens hospital.

    What have you done for children besides pit one against each other in a ring reminiscent of cockfighting? Is nothing too barbaric for you?

    You also avoided the question which I think is an interesting one and could be a crux of your butthurt: do you think hydro and her ex hubbie groomed and lured you to satiate their sick pedophilic urges? Do you acknowledge you would be a good candidate for this role?

  12. Originally posted by DietPiano Thats like saying pickles dont make a pregnant girl happy or chocolate a bleeding girl soothed or tea mellow whilst coffee alert and red bull jittery

    Its like saying raisin brain makes you feel the same as sugar and white flour, or fanta the same as an orange

    This is a ridiculous analogy.
  13. Originally posted by DietPiano Different weed produces different effects based on the strain even with the same thc to cbd or whatever because of the 5000 different terpenes

    Its mote thans just those 2 or 3 chemicals, but the rest sren't studied

    The other ingredients in alcohols arent studied because they aren't interesting, that doesn't mean they aren't psychoactive, it means there's no data.

    So what you're saying is, you have no science to back up your claims.

    With weed we know about the different cannabinoids.

    You literally think that alcohol hasn't been studied for this??? Like, we've had alcohol as part of our society for centuries, but we just haven't got around to testing to see if it contains other psychoactives? Fucking lol. I suppose you haven't heard of congeners? I mean you might have a case if you were talking about hangovers and dehydration relating to congeners, but as far as angry/happy kind of drunks, no.

    You have a right to believe whatever you want, but I'll continue to look towards science for my answers, thanks.
  14. Originally posted by CASPER Yeah that would make sense. I guess I just found it weird bc so little makes me angry. And if someone does do something bad enough to make me angry, I would never waste energy typing shit out or trading insults or getting all buttflustered. I’d just spend a few weeks earnestly doing my best to ruin their lives.

    I'm not about that revenge shit. Hydro ruined her life all on her own. It's really more than just the junkie shit. I think she does actually need something for pain and should probably have a prescription, but she could like, buy fentanyl analogues for a fraction of the price, make a solution, and probably be able to scrounge enough begging money to get off the street. Really don't understand how that wouldn't be your number one priority as a homeless person. Especially being homeless in the winter. I imagine the winters in Maryland are similar to here in the midwest, and that it gets to like -10 sometimes, with ice and snow up to your knees. People actually freeze to death falling asleep in their cars.

    I'm sure the heroin makes it more tolerable but if I were her I'd be looking to migrate.
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby He saw his child the other day §m£ÂgØL and gives his baby mammer money

    No he didn't lol.

    When have YOU last seen your daughter, Bill Krozby?
  16. Originally posted by Sudo §m£ÂgØL and hydro are both dumb people in different ways. You both seem very immature to me. I hope you both get better

    You cheat on your girlfriend and havent seen your kid in years. You're not much better than hydro in terms of being a manipulative absentee parent.
  17. Originally posted by Octavian A Trainspotting-esque novel based on Zoklet/Nis types trying to find meaning to their lives in a complicated world.

    All your inspiration is here, on this site.

    It would actually be a pretty good book if I went to go visit a bunch of you then wrote about how crazy and demented you all are.
  18. Originally posted by ORACLE Selling s lot doesn't make something great

    Yah its shit might as well send me ur switch u dnt use it aneeway
  19. The nonce stuff goes further than most people here know.

    I'll just say that if I was a pedo, she would've engaged with my fantasies just short of actually fucking kids. She was with a convicted child molestor for like a decade sooo
  20. Originally posted by hydromorphone Well, from even just recent history, I seem to publicize my misery, my pain, my suffering lol.

    You have ZERO clue what my life is like, and well… Remember too I know how you, and your kin are. I know all about the fakeness, and blatant disrespect for everything that didn't fit in their ideals of normalcy. Sad really. I know all about your fakeness and almost like sociopathic behaviors too.

    I don't think I've ever said "I'm happy" before like this. I don't think I've ever been this positive. I am genuine in saying it too.

    I sleep on a very comfortable air mattress. In the summer I had a hammock and OMG best thing ever for my back. I stay plenty warm. I even can cook when I feel up to it.

    My pain is more under control. I really attribute my happiness to that and this routine I have. It's not perfect but it gives me the reason to get up, and direction to aim for.

    Maybe it won't last, I don't know, but I'm cherishing it while I have it. I'm happy, at least for today.

    Your mom literally poisoned you as a child and you had regular screaming matches with your dad as an adult. I remember how you told me you had to drop out of school because he wouldn't drive you anymore lmao. You have absolutely no family who is willing to house your crazy ass. That's why you're homeless. I mean even your grandma packed all her shit and got away from you. That's some shit.

    You just try to find things wrong with my family where there are none. You're so used to a shitty, toxic family, and you expect others to be the same.

    But the truth is I have a large family and look forward to the holidays when I can see them. I havent yelled or had an actual argument with my parents since I was a teenager. My family loves and supports me, and doesn't do petty shit out of spite. You are literally talking shit about people you have never met or interacted with. But I've met your family, except your mom who, really, nobody needs to meet to know she's a shit person.

    You don't even have custody of your son because you're too busy junking it out in the streets. Not that I think its a bad thing for him, but dear god its so utterly hypocritical that you can sit there talking about family in your situation.

    But I suppose I should thank you for showing me how crazy and dysfunctional people can be. You have more red flags than the Chinese embassy and it was useful to learn about them. Met someone else who got out of a moving car during an argument with their partner and I knew right then she was a crazy bitch to be avoided.

    But go ahead and keep calling me a spic. Just shows what kind of a person you are. But master race don't care. Master race will always be better than crazy homeless junkie race. Viva la revolucion! Viva la raza superior! Viva Mexico!
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