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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Splam The price of meat is triple to quadruple in Norway, compared to the USA.
    Norwegians who live close to the Swedish border (where meat is 1/2 to 1/3 the price), enjoy a much lower cost of living. Plus meat isn't the only thing expensive.
    Never thought I'd hear anyone ever complain that the price of meat is too low…..

    Those that live in Bergen or in the west, meanwhile, will easily have double the grocery bill compared to someone living close to the Swedish border. Equality my ass.

    Work ethic is non-existent in Norway. Nobody takes pride in their work. What a way to build a nation. Using imported labour so no Norwegian will ever again have to carry a hammer. As soon as I got to Canada, I got a job in the trades. I have no friends in the trades in Norway. They're mostly clerks or unemployed/retired (yes, retired with pension in their 20's/30's). Some have phony jobs where they pretend to be important all day. Protected by unions so they don't actually have to work. They just go to the office to hangout and socialize. Bang the hammer around. Sweep the floors that are already clean. If Norway didn't have that oil, they'd have to make up for it with work ethic like the Swedes do. It's also a prime example of how under communism or socialism you have no motivation to actually produce. No aspirations beyond being a clerk. Path of least resistance through life, is what most Norwegians opt for.

    The price of meat is low because we literally ship it in from China. That was signed off on by Donald Trump.

    None of what you say really matters. That 3k average disposable income does. That's why they are one of the happiest countries in the world, and we are ranked with 3rd world nations. All you care about is how rich the rich can get, and not how happy and healthy people are.
  2. Originally posted by Ghost So why is it called socialism then?

    You DO understand what socialism is, right? Full on socialism would be taking control of industry in the name of the people. It is the abolishment of private property. It's like full out communism or capitalism. The extreme form of it is just unsustainable.

    Thankfully we don't have pure, unbridled capitalism. We've got rules, regulations, taxes, etc, that are used to help the people. A lot of policies that already exist are democratic socialist policies.

    Democratic socialism is koool with the redistribution of wealth, but not the abolishment of private industry. It's basically like organized hippie anarchy.

    Bernie Sanders for example would never try to create a public fund with profits from the oil industry, like Norway did. But he's cool with the redistribution of wealth. He believes that we should be run by a democracy, not 'the people' like full out socialism would mean.

    I mean, you're okay with food stamps, right? Disability? Unemployment? Government health insurance? Social security? These are all great institutions that I think improve quality of life for everyone. So what if the wealthy pay more taxes? There are basic human rights that everyone should have, and should be ensured.

    Capitalism in America SERIOUSLY needs to be choked.
  3. Originally posted by Splam I'll speak as an expert as I actually lived over a decade in Norway.

    If you're a tradesman in the USA or Canada, firstly you'll be way worse off in Norway. Your boss can't give you a raise for putting in more effort or for being more skilled. It's all tied to your credentials, how long you've been working in the trade, etc. Not your actual skill level.
    Second, try to get someone to do work for you in Norway. You'll be biting your head off. Or eventually hire pollacks, just pay for their gas money up and give them somewhere to sleep.
    Only the grocery store clerks and the unemployed are better off in Norway than in the USA.
    They adjusted salaries, and they adjusted for purchasing power, but did they adjust for income tax? sales tax which in Norway is at 25% for most items?
    Low unemployment? Give me a fucking break. Actual workforce participation is a better metric. Which is low as fuck in Norway. People seek out diagnosis from their doctors such as autism. This makes them "retired" on paper. They get guaranteed income from the state for life, and are not counted in the unemployment statistic. Lots of people seek this out after they finish schooling - it's like winning the lottery. Except the amount of money you receive is little in Norway - so people go live abroad as kings on it instead.

    Comparing Norway to Sweden or Denmark? Sweden and Denmark have heavy industry. Norway never did have much. You've got iron mines, machinery factories, volvo, husquarna, saab. They make excavators, jet fighters, tanks, trucks, etc. in Sweden. They don't in Norway. Much of Norway's wealth back in the day came from the fact that Sweden had to ship it's iron ore through Norway to get to market.

    Dream on about Norway, they're racists there too. I was essentially considered a foreigner for having dark hair.

    So all of this sounds great. Equal pay for equal work. The problem with America in the first place is that the rich are making too much at the cost of everyone else's health. Our food standards are low as hell. You can get a 5lb pack of chicken for like 2 dollars. That shit isn't right. That is symptomatic of a world in which only corporations can afford to compete, while the majority is pushed into being workers for them. It's modern day slavery.
  4. Originally posted by Ghost Yeah, anything can work when you have a tiny population and a wealth of natural resources. It's not at all comparable to any economic superpowers with large populations where that kind of system would never work.

    If you tried it in America the country would go broke so quickly, not like you care because ideology is all that matters to you. Try looking at the bigger picture for once.

    Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. You still think their wealth comes from oil. It doesn't. When Norway created their socialist oil company they looked at how to use the money generated to help their economy indefinitely. They saw what Saudi Arabia was doing and knew that when the oil was gone, it would leave their economy in ruins. Hence the saying, "My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel."

    You can see where the wealth in Saudi Arabia went. Nice cars, crazy ass sky scrapers, but the poor are getting ass fucked and living in 3rd world conditions. Probably one of the countries where wealth disparity is the most apparent.

    But it doesn't matter if it's oil. Any kind of income is the same. Natural resources just tend to be a very easy way to generate income. It's a lot harder to say, develop something like Silicon Valley in your country. But America has done it. We are the richest, most powerful country in the history of the world. America's GDP is about 20 trillion. The EU's GDP is about 14 trillion, and they have 100 million more people than we do. China has a similar GDP with a waaay higher population, and then the next highest is Japan with 4 trillion GDP.

    There's money in this country. We just aren't distributing it. Corporations are literally paying zero tax. There is no excuse for America's people to live like this. I mean what, you think it just can't get better? This is as good as it gets? Give me a fucking break. Democratic socialism has a proven track record. You yourself literally live on it, so it baffles me how you could be against such a thing.
  5. When Biden wins I'm going to bump this thread every day for the entire 8 years of his presidency.
  6. Can't find a clip of it, but I like the one where Hank is driving down the highway and sees a billboard saying he's driving through Bill Clinton's hometown. Hank gets scared and rolls up the windows.

  7. Originally posted by WellHung Scandinavian countries are well-known for possessing high standards of living, and quality of life.

    Norwegians pay on average 19.7% flat rate for their taxes. 60% for the top earners.

    Americans pay more like 10-15%. Top earners pay 37%.

    Yet even with these high taxes, they are coming out with $3,000 USD more disposable income than we do. And their schools and healthcare are taken care of, so none of them are in debt. Plus they don't have that credit card culture that we do, and even if they did they'd need it less because less of them have trouble paying their bills to begin with.

    It's just nuts. It's not that much more tax. This is what happens when you take from the rich and give to the poor. It benefits everybody, instead of just the rich.
  8. Originally posted by WellHung I wish that he would come under your tutelage, youngster.

    Look, I'm a designer, not a sculptor. With a body like his, there really isn't much I can do. He would have more luck going to physical therapy to be quite honest, because even the easy workout routine that I start youngsters on would probably be damaging to him. I'm not saying he couldn't do it, I just don't want to see the dude hurt himself is all. You have to work your way up to the big leagues, you know?
  9. Originally posted by WellHung G sabotages his gym progress by eating Fruity Pebbles.

    I think you misheard him. He didn't say "I love going to the gym." He said, "I love eating Slim Jims." I talked to him about it on cam. Dude thinks he'll actually lose weight eating a diet of Slim Jims LOL. He was trying to argue with us saying, "Well why do they call them Slim Jims if they don't make you slim?" I had to give up arguing with him about it after like 5 minutes. Dude is like 250lbs and broke a chair on cam earlier this year. Drinks like a fish too. You'd think he had gills.
  10. Originally posted by Ghost Socialism is gay though

    Democratic socialism is not socialism. Wow. You are severely uneducated, did you know that? Did you even graduate highschool?
  11. Originally posted by Bill Krozby ok keenan, how about you go kiss more butthle muah muah muaha muaha "I"M MAKING LUV TO A BUTT" mUAHA MUAH AMUAAAH!

    you're an idoit.

    Ok loser
  12. Obama has been killing it with the speeches lately. Too bad he can't be president again.
  13. Originally posted by Obbe Arctic Ocean: why winter sea ice has stalled, and what it means for the rest of the world

    You're on a roll obbe
  14. G is a fatass LOL

    This is ignorant as fuck. There are a lot of Mexicans with lighter hair/eyes/skin/etc. There's a town I know of that's famous for how many redheads it has. I think Canelo Alvarez's family is from there. Mexico is one of the most culturally diverse countries on the planet. A lot of our popular snacks were invented by Japanese immigrants for some reason.

    I dare you to tell this dude he isn't Mexican.

  16. Average Norwegian family has 3,000USD more disposable income every year.

    An extra 3,000 is life changing for a lot of people. The difference between being homeless and not. Going hungry or having food. Scraping by or taking a vacation abroad.
  17. Originally posted by Bugz Natural Gas is very valuable. when Heavy Crude becomes more worthless because of gas vehicles becoming a think of the past and synthetic oils being used in place of heavy oil, Methane that comes from the vapors of it will still be valuable for centuries to come.

    as a matter of fact, I believe Icelanders have Norwegian (Vikings?) lineage and its just by chance Iceland is a major pipeline of natural gas.

    vapor liqued Methane and Propane fluid is fuck expensive in Cali. I think its like 8 bucks a gallon for Propane and who knows how much or how Methane is measured. but its got to be twice of that as Gas. so it's a very profitable commodity im sure.

    also they're making Plastics with Vapor fuel now. the value keeps going up.

    It's more their tax laws and wealth distribution that have made the average Norwegian so well off. Protip: democratic socialism works.

    They've basically got the dream economy right now that America did in the 1950's.
  18. i dont read your posts
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