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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Lol ok wariat

    I am glad you're at least talking to women youre own age and not literal children
  2. Originally posted by Fox If that's what your argument is then you either did not read all the passages or did not understand them, so further discussion would be pointless.

    Cool blanket statement for someone who hasn't read the bible and can only google quotes.

    God totally didn't give us free will or anything...
  3. Probably when I was like 16 or something
  4. Originally posted by POLECAT my dick has more inches than the snow has in my yard

    You'd have to stick your erect dick to the ground to be sure.
  5. Originally posted by WellHung Damn…§m£ÂgØL moving up in the world. He is now much less of a loser than I am. Only strike against him is that he still lives at home with his parents.

    Yeah but I am saving up big doughs. Gonna get a second job probably.
  6. You just en masse copy pasted by searching for a general term, meanwhile absolutely none of it claims existence is predetermined. Again, its talking about God's will, not some plan or path that you cannot stray from.

    I'm not religious in the slightest but I did go to catholic school and got a religious education, and I know you are without a doubt just making up bullshit to fill in the gaps in your knowledge of Christianity. It makes you feel better about being ignorant and helps to maintain your false sense of superiority.

    There is nothing worse than someone who makes up bullshit about another's spiritual beliefs, ignoring the words of those who actually believe, and the general consensus of the theists, based on some self conceived interpretation of their religious texts.

    People say the same shit about atheists too. No moral barometer. No guide in life. Etc etc. None of that is true either. How about you listen instead of talking for once?
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby then why is mexico the most obese country? nice try pedro, we get it you're really insecure about being a gay mexican but you don't have to remind us constantly that you're irrational too.

    anyways this thread is about thrice not about your bowel movements.

    Lol they're not. Doesn't even break the top 10.

    Cry harder tejas fatty.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Don't blame it on the thread or me, blame it on your mothers cooking..

    My mother is a great cook, as all Mexican mothers are. Healthy and delicious, as all meals should be.
  9. Originally posted by Fox Oh my god, yeah ok dude whatever

    >still no scripture

    >obviously hasn't even read the Bible
  10. Thread gives me indigestion and op gave me diarrhea
  11. Originally posted by Fox In the bible there are many, many passages on predeterminism, predestination, whatever you wanna call it.

    But I’m not even gonna bother looking them up to cite because it is well accepted in abrahamic religions that god is all-powerful and all-knowing. He knows everything that happened in history, and everything that is going to happen. And, he created all things in existence, with that knowledge of future events. He already knows which souls are damned and which ones aren’t.

    I mean have you ever even heard the phrase “god’s plan”? What do you think that means? You think god is just sitting up there wringing his hands muttering “yes, yes, it’s all going according to my plan….. nothing can stop me now! Wait… what is that? Darn it, foiled again by you humans! I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!!!!” as he shakes his fist at us. Obviously not, because if we could ever do anything against his plan he would not be all-powerful or all-knowing.

    I don’t believe in any of this stupid bullshit by the way, in fact I use this as an argument for how retarded Christianity is. But it’s what they believe

    No scripture, no ground to stand on.

    'gods plan' doesn't mean everything is predetermined lol. It's just talking about his will.
  12. CandyRein

  13. Tech doesn't have one tit

    It's just that one is bigger to fit her big heart :3
  14. What's the most effective way to advertise online
  15. As a Mexican, this is probably the best virus ever
  16. Originally posted by ORACLE Bore a well.

    "Would you like to hear about this amazing timeshare opportunity?"
  17. I do have a car but I do occasionally drive the choo choo train instead

  18. Originally posted by WellHung He is busy with a high-paying career. You don't have a career or a website, so You have plenty of extra time to complain. Accomplish something with your life that takes up a large amount of time.. and then you'll know what it's like, and have empathy.

    Wow ur totally right i will repent immediately i am sorry lanmby pls 1 forgib
  19. I bought a sweater for my doggie :)
  20. Originally posted by Fox This is so fucking stupid. You really think your dad is up there telling god what to do. You realize that if god is real, all things that happen are already predetermined by him since the beginning of time? So even if your dad was up there why would god give a fuck what he says??? He would have no impact on what happens. And by the way don’t you think he’d be too busy enjoying eternal life and everlasting happiness to keep looking after you? He’s fucking dead let the man relax

    Christians believe the dumbest shit

    Lol where does it say God predetermined everything?

    Originally posted by Fox I’m not trying to convert you, I’m just trying to point out how ridiculous your beliefs are. Believing in god is one thing, fine you can’t prove it one way or the other. It’s all about “faith” right.

    But your dad being up there voyeuristically peeping on you at all times like some kind of creep, and being able to influence an all powerful being, doesn’t make any sense whatsoever even by your own belief system’s standards. Nowhere in the Bible does it describe ghosts in heaven “looking down” and helping live people. It’s an idea that modern Christians just completely made up from thin air to make themselves feel better.

    This is not a modern concept in the slightest...
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