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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by aldra it's meant to be economic stimulus to keep people spending so that businesses don't crash even harder

    it's not really welfare regardless of what they sell the measure as

    Welfare: financial support given to people in need.
  2. Originally posted by Technologist That’s your point, not the point of the thread. The funds will not come from unemployment no matter how much you want them to. If they send this money out, it will be welfare plain and simple.

    Trump's welfare package, we'll call it
  3. Originally posted by Erekshun Let's actually get back on point. The government sending out checks "just because" is welfare, Unemployment is not.

    Unemployment is welfare. These checks are not 'just because' you fucking retard. You understand people have already lost their jobs and are unable to work or make money? Unemployment is not covering them. Otherwise they'd get it. You think they're just sitting around twiddling their thumbs when they could get unemployment money? That shit does take time you know.
  4. Originally posted by Fox But the check is supposedly going out in a week or two. They extended the tax deadline to July. I bet a lot of low income people haven’t filed yet. How would they know in real time who works in what industry.

    You have to submit tax info when you get a new job and payroll tax is submitted monthly so it's not hard for them to figure out quickly.

    My insurance actually found out I got a job after maybe the first or second paycheck. Have never had that happen before. Had to submit a pay stub. I'm sure the federal government could figure it out too.
  5. Originally posted by aldra they've already spurted 1.5 trillion + an additional 850 billion into the stock exchange and banks lul

    It's a guarantee, not that they have already paid into any stocks

    the 850 is not for the banks either that number hasn't been released afaik

    and corporations are getting a separate 1 trillion from the 850

    this is some big spending but it seems the 850 IS for the handouts. It seems as if they are planning to provide more than one handout though.

    Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), with the support of several other Democratic senators, are pushing a measure to disburse $2,000 checks to everyone under a certain income threshold. Their plan would require the government to disburse checks for an additional $1,500 if the health and economic emergencies continue, followed by quarterly payments of $1,000 after that.
  6. Originally posted by Fox How would they know which people work in the food industry

    pretty evident from tax records who is getting paid by restaurants. Like 85% of those employees are probably corporate employees anyway

    Can get list of restaurants from Health dept records most likely considering ORA conducts inspections themselves. I've no doubt the US government could find this out pretty reliably.
  7. Originally posted by Fox The way I behave when drunk is demonstrably different than other people. I’ve never once blacked out or lost time while drunk. I don’t act hardly any different. I can still walk a straight line. I’m in complete control of my faculties the whole time.

    But don’t worry your little social justice head about it. I almost never go out drinking anymore. I do it at home mainly these days

    You are a fucking retard.
  8. Originally posted by Sophie Like everyone is actually getting a thousand dollars. Also, lmao at Mnuchin's trillion dollar stimulus package. Oh boy.

    The budget for this is 850 billion and it would take 357 billion to give everybody 1k. So it could feasibly happen, although you're right and I don't think it will.
  9. Originally posted by Fox I saw somewhere the cap they’re looking at is like 75k/year, after that the more you make the less your check will be.

    I saw 100k but yeah. I wonder too if food industry people who are already out of work in a lot of places will get more money than others. A lot of people are still working you know. I certainly am.
  10. Originally posted by Technologist Well that doesn’t makes sense to me G. I get statements from SS telling me how much I’ve made and how much I’ve paid into SS annually.

    It also has a section that tells me how much I’d get if I retire now, in 10 yrs., etc., etc.

    I mean, does it being a percentage of how much tax you paid really make it that much better? It's still a fraction of what you paid into it. Same as other forms of welfare.

    It explicitly calls it welfare in the actual legal act I posted a link for if you want to look for yourself. It calls people on SS 'aged needy individuals.' Is welfare not all about helping the needy? I think it's really the only form of welfare that can work in this percentage way. You cant give an 18 year old food stamps or healthcare based on the taxes he's paid. That's why it's different. I guess you could argue that you earned it more or whatever but I don't think that matters. People have this negative connotation with the word welfare like it means you are desperate or is a shameful thing to ask for, but it's really not. At the end it's all the same thing: taxes going back to the people who need it most

    Right now, a lot of Americans 'need it most.' Those who are not working due to the corona virus probably will stop working soon. We're going to need help from the government in one way or another, be it a stimulus package, unemployment insurance, or mandatory paid time off/sick leave. Let's not pretend that we are anything less than needy right now. That's what a government is for anyway, to help us and keep us safe.

    Or it's supposed to be, anyway...
  11. Originally posted by Fox I can’t believe I’m getting a lecture about drunk driving from pedophiles and rapists. I drive exactly the same drunk as sober. I’ve had cops pull up behind me when I’m pissed drunk like they’re waiting for me to fuck up, and then just keep going

    Literally what every drunk driver says and then they crash. You've gotten lucky is all it is. The science on drunk driving doesn't lie and you aren't special. In fact, you're a piece of shit. I hope you keep driving drunk and I hope you die soon, wrapped around a tree.
  12. Originally posted by Technologist Mnuchin said he wants it to start within 2 weeks due to the restaurants and bars closing.

    First talk was for it to be a grand, but Nnuchin made it sound like more in the last press conference.

    I imagine it'll vary based on your income but idk. Would be unfair for UPS workers and the like to have to keep working with no free money while everyone else basically gets a vacation. Don't want to make the essential employees upset.
  13. Originally posted by Fox No when you paid into Social Security you were paying for other people. When you retire, that’s other people paying for you. You should do the world a favor and just off yourself when that time comes instead of being a drain on society

    This. It's not like some savings account. Other taxpayers are still paying for your ass.

    You could make a similar argument about food stamps. I pay taxes that go towards funding food stamps, therefore I deserve food stamps and it isn't welfare. I pay taxes that go towards healthcare, therefore I deserve healthcare and it isn't welfare.
  14. Originally posted by Technologist Well, but we pay into SS G-man.

    We pay into food stamps, unemployment, and healthcare too. It's all social welfare. Just like this stimulus package.

    Literally calls it welfare in the social security act of 1935

    The Social Security Act (Act of August 14, 1935) [H. R. 7260]
    An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws; to establish a Social Security Board; to raise revenue; and for other purposes.
  15. Originally posted by Erekshun Are you saying Social Security is welfare?

    ... social security is literally welfare. What the fuck do you think welfare is? It's not just 'money that i dont think people deserve' its anything paid out by the state for basic essentials like healthcare, food, housing, clothing, etc.

    Learn how to apply for unemployment benefits, workers’ compensation, welfare or temporary assistance, and other programs and services that can help if you lose your job.
  17. Originally posted by Erekshun Insurance is paid for, time to pay up. I don't care if it's the state or not. Put your hand back in your pocket empty ya retard.

    Good god you are dense
  18. Originally posted by Fox Yes it is. Unemployment is paid for with taxes. How do you think welfare is paid for? Lmao they don’t just print money to give people. Everything is paid for somehow

    Yeah. It's just part of the taxes businesses pay. I think Erekshun thinks its like private insurance lmao.
  19. So tell us Erekshun, which welfare is better for people to take. Unemployment or Trump's stimulus package?
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby you could walk.. or ride a bike.. or take a lyft.. or have a friend drive you home.. quit being an idiot

    When Bill Krozby is the one giving rational advice you know you done fucked up.

    Don't drink and drive. It's immoral and dangerous. If you tried to do that shit around me I would chuck your keys down a storm drain. I have hidden people's keys before.
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