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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. That's what he deserved for being a good for nothing addict.
  2. Qué mierda acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña perra? Te haré saber que me gradué de honor en mi clase de los Navy Seals,he estado envuelto en numerosos ataques sorpresa a Al-Quaeda, y tengo 300 asesinatos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en tácticas de guerra revolucionistas y soy el mejor francotirador en todas las fuerzas armadas de la US. No eres nada para mí, sólo un blanco más. Te borraré con una precisión nunca vista antes en este planeta, recuerda mis putas palabras. Piensas que te puedes salir con la tuya diciéndome esa mierda a través de la internet? Piensa otra vez, cabrón. Mientras hablamos estoy contactando my red secreta de espías alrededor de los Estados Unidos y tu IP está siendo rastreada en este mismo instante,así que deberías prepararte para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que destroza la patética cosa que llamas tu vida. Estás muerto,chico. Puedo estar dondequiera, cuandosea, y puedo matarte en más de setecientas formas, y éso sólo con mis manos desnudas. No sólo estoy entrenado extensivamente en combate desarmado, sino que también tengo acceso al arsenal entero de la Marina de los Estados Unidos y la usaré para borrar tu miserable existencia de la faz de continente,pequeña mierda. Si tan sólo hubieras cerrado tu pinche boca. Pero no pudiste, no lo hiciste, y ahora es cuando pagas el precio, maldito idiota. Haré llover furia sobre ti y te ahogarás en ella. Estás muerto, chaval
  3. Originally posted by CASPER They think anything with thc in it is drugs. And neurontin is also a no no. Basically anything ever used to get high is a no-no. the somas i took last week for instance.

    Yeah, I hate that mentality. These are the people who somehow used drugs but don't get that the abstinence mentality of things like DARE doesn't work. Harm reduction should really be the focus of these kinds of groups. You drink a 12 pack every night? Try going down to a 6 pack. You're clean off heroin! Fantastic. Go smoke your weed.

    The problem with this in a group setting though is that you'll have people making relationships and friendships while at different stages of improvement. You don't want the chipper to make friends with the guy who's actively going through withdrawals

    I mean how many people dont go just because they dont wanna get totally sober? Most people just want to move down to a few beers here and there and/or some weed. I certainly don't ever see myself stopping those. I'd probably lose my mind without at least an occasional release. I've accepted that.

    All I try to do now is mitigate the damage.
  4. Don't you have some dope to score, junkie?
  5. Originally posted by Pillpopper Says the guy who lives in a carboard box.

    Never been homeless in my life but okay
  6. That pastor who tried to keep his mega church opened got a warrant out for his arrest

    Apparently he was trying to get people to do the 'stimulus challenge' where you donate your check to his church lol.
  7. Originally posted by Bill Krozby No you don't. Literally nobody even thinks about Austin. Not for pizza or anything else.

    Pretty sure people do considering its the capital of live music in the world and one of the fastest growing cities in the world.. so …

    Nah nobody has even heard of it. It's an insignificant city.

    Not that you'll ever travel abroad but if you do.. Tell people you're from Texas, not Austin.

    Chicago, now there's a city everyone knows.
  8. Originally posted by OMGPLZUNBAN I don't conversate with racists. Spic.

    WOW ok how about you say that to my face not online

    But in a few months when this COVID-19 shit is over

    In a few months I'm going to KICK YOUR ASS, punk
  9. Happy Easter guys
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein

    I fucking love bubbles.
  11. Originally posted by Netflxchillr So you're saying- it's okay, tho, to get a "stimulus check" from the government- but not use it to pay rent?

    60% still waiting on a check

    Also lol @ republicans suddenly being okay with welfare.
  12. They really think cbd is 'drugs'? Thats insane.

    Where's your balance, Casper?
  13. Give up and do the drugs

    Its not worth fighting

    You'll fall back into the same habits anyway why worry about it

    You deserve it, you've done so much
  14. ok
  15. Originally posted by Zanick just returned from the dispensary

    I've been checking by me and the selection and prices seem especially fucking shit during this COVIDstuff. One near me only has 2 or 3 strains and they're all 65/8th before tax. I bought one of these strains about 2 months ago for 55/8th so I know they're jacking up prices.

    Mr. Clean by Matter, btw.
  16. Again, this is a small tabloid paper and the image is generally regarded as a fake.
  17. Originally posted by Cathay Coof You want someone else to decide your reality for you. Thujone is meth, Wormwood is cannabis. Done.

    Uh ok
  18. Originally posted by Cathay Coof You demand a lot of answers.

    I demand FACTS.
  19. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Tannic Acid/Tannin is available as a wine additive, I think I have some somewhere with my old homebrewing kit. It's what gives red wine its tart flavour.

    The big psychoactive in Absinthe is Wormwood, a herb, I coincidentally have a tray of it propagating in the next room. It's perfectly legal. The wormwood has been removed from the absinthe sold in some juristictions.

    Whiskey is just ethanol that is aged in oak, so has some of the alkaloids from oak in it. No one knows what it is about whiskey that is so psychoactive, including extreme anger inducing, but it's real whatever it is.

    OKAY where is the evidence? I want to know what exact compound is causing these effects.

    Wormwood is mildly psychoactive thanks to the thujone in it. Some mild dreamy feeling and relaxation. So there's something to be said for absinthe.

    What are you planning to do with the wormwood?
  20. Originally posted by Obbe If it's not the toxin, what is responsible?

    Placebo I think.

    I drink whiskey all the time and it doesn't make me angry. Alcohol has probably made me angry less than 5 times.

    Do you drink much obbe?
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