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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Grylls Hey im providing it with a good home

    It would have a good home without you. All you're doing is giving money to the continued suffering of the canine species you sick fuck.
  2. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I respect people that respect me, quit being such a shill, and ,slapping a woman isn't bad if they had it coming. You're such a pussy you'd put your ass up in the air and get raped just because you can't fight your way out of wet paper bag, you'd rather just blow them.

    if somenoe attacked you guy or girl or broke your shit wouldn't you attack them?

    You're conflating a whole lot of shit.

    1. I have never been raped in my life. I have been groped multiple times and I said something about it every single time. Funny thing is the women never stopped but the men did. 2:2 I've been groped 4 times. Never raped. I am the one who brought up getting fucked in the ass because I wanted to get fucked in the ass. I would never suck dick and have denied opportunities to suck dick/get my dick sucked by men.

    2. If someone attacked someone I cared about of course I would attack back, and I have before. What the fuck does that have to do with respect.

    3. The 'i respect people who respect me' thing is typically said by shitbags who use a lack of respect as an excuse for egregious behavior like hmmm I don't know, choking your girlfriend?

    One of the most important ways to judge someone's character is in how they treat others when they have been wronged. Self defense is one thing, but when you explode, send dick pics, rape women, etc as YOU have, you know that that person is not a good person, and they are ready to blow and give into animal instincts at the slightest inclination of 'disrespect' or whatever the fuck else they think is worthy of acting like the shitbags they look down upon.

    You are a piece of shit, Bill Krozby. Plain and simple. You know it, and I know it. Everybody who looks at you knows it. Now sit the fuck down and drink your warm piss beer.
  3. eggs
  4. Originally posted by Grylls Wow

    all animals need love

    Get one from a shelter if you want to help an animal instead of helping a breeder who contributes to the continued suffering of the canine species you sick fuck.
  5. Originally posted by ORACLE No retard, pay attention: your eardrum picks up one thing, change in pressure. Your brain integrates this over time to create sound.

    The actual QUALITY of the sound entering your ear is being fucked up due to destructive interference of their waveforms.

    You cannot "pick out" the sound of the movie. You are hearing distorted audio, distorted with the sound of disgusting nigger beaner mouths crunching and munching extruded pop fucking corn and chimp hollering over RoboCop.

    You can choose to pay attention more to what little of the movie you can hear. Sure. Settle, like a bitch.

  6. Originally posted by Erekshun Sounds like he is going camping to save black lives

    Right. His safe space in the woods. I get it. I've just never been so damned afraid that I would go hide in the woods to get away from people lol. I just put on a mask and get on with my day.
  7. I don't give a fuck you're a piece of shit for getting a dog like that. Get a real dog that doesn't have inherent health issues by design. All those short snouted breeds have a shit ton of issues and the short snout makes it difficult for them to communicate with other dogs.

    There are dogs that will attack pits/bulldogs/frenchies/etc for this reason. I have stopped multiple fights because of this when I worked with dogs. Cropped ears/tails and short snouts basically make your dog socially autistic. It's fucked up. You shouldn't be supporting breeders that encourage these attributes in dogs.
  8. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy If Escapists was any good then why did they have to remake it?

    It's a sequel, not a remake. The first one was good two. The second one improved on the mechanics of the first and added new tools and ways to escape. It's a puzzle game nigga. If you don't like puzzle games, that's on you. Some of us like to keep our minds challenged during recreational activities. It keeps you sharp and thinking and promotes neurogenesis.
  9. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Did Archer just say he was retreating to his safe space?

    I didn't read his post before but LOL. He did.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What's to's been rammed down our throats for 3 months lolol

    I'm more than aware of the "alleged" lasting damage…again it's a minuscule % of the people who had it…which in itself is a minuscule %.

    Knowing there is a TINY chance I might die or have lasting damage still doesn't concern me any more than the cold or flu…which both can result in lasting damage and death.

    Again if you guys wish to live your life in fear of tiny percentages then go ahead, I'll be more REAL MAN about the situation…now it's time for LUNCH and I'm going to Value village with all the filthy Mexicans, no mask and fingering all the used goods within.


    There we go. Flat out denial of science that we have known about SARS diseases for 20 years.

    Some 'tiny' lasting damage can be the difference between you living to 60 or 80. Or having a heart attack at 50. It is not minor, and it can effect the rest of your life. Again, the flu does not cause lasting damage because it does not attack the blood vessels.

    It's fine though. People who don't believe in science don't live as long or as healthy of a life as those that do. I'll continue to listen to the experts who study and learn about this stuff over some uneducated immigrant.
  11. Originally posted by Archer513 You have zero freedom

    Mob rules now bitches. The power of Twitter and gangs have done the mighty ole country in.

    The nigs and the cuck honkys are in charge. Let’s see how that goes. I’m headed to the county with a shit ton of guns,ammo and my Rambo learned booby trap knowledge


    Yeah. I'm terrified of the massive mob outside my house. Society has broken down because of black people. Woe is poor old white me.
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    "Freedom" doesn't even exist in any form, there are consequences for everything…and no, not just legal ones.

    If I shoot you dead for calling me a "bit of a bad lad", you have lost your perceived "freedom" of speech, I have taken it from you…now there were no legal ramifications involved from your perspective, and yet your freedom of speech was removed.

    The same principle applies to your perceived "right" to freedom of speech on MY platform or MY land…you don't have a right to voice it without MY permission…sure you can go on public land and say what the fuck you want…but you can't on MY property without ME allowing it. If you do you will face consequences and ramifications, those could be as minimal as a finger shaken at you, a finger rammed up your eager butthole or a finger pulling the trigger that results in removal of your "right" to life.

    Now the scenario I was discussing was an old dear on MY property spouting her mouth…she had no right to do so and she did face the consequences of her actions (not legal consequences).

    Shooting someone dead does not remove freedom of speech. It is a legal term, and not whatever the fuck you are trying to assume it is.

    Watch this:

    Heil Hitler.

    In Germany you get fined for that.

    Teach your dog to heil hitler?

    In the UK you get prison time for that.

    Xi is a traitor and Taiwan is the real China.

    In Zhonguo you get sent to the gulag for that.

    In America you can say absolutely anything you want. You will never be arrested for it. You will never be imprisoned for it. That is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn't mean "I can say whatever I want without consequences". It's purely legal. You'll still get your racist ass punched in the face.
  13. Notice how jigs has never once talked about lasting damage or viral load, and is doing exactly as I described here. You can tell the dude hasn't done his research.
  14. Originally posted by CASPER the flu doesnt fucking wreck your lung tissue dude.

    Yeah. The thing most people don't realize about this is that it isn't just some respiratory disease. It isn't like kennel cough or other corona viruses. This effects the blood vessels.

    They're actually finding that asthma+corona combo is not as big of a risk as previously thought. You're worse off being obese or having a heart condition or high blood pressure. It's crazy. It causes clotting and kidney damage and coronary inflammation and a bunch of other shit.

    It's nothing like the flu. We probably won't know how much damage this has really caused for another 10-20 years. This is why the deaths from it are so shakey. You can choose what to include or what not to include.

    Literally this weekend my grandfather's brother died from Corona. He was 85. Technically he died from a heart attack. But he was also diagnosed with COVID and suffering heavily from symptoms up until the moment of his death.

    Plus unlike the flu, the viral load from this can be pretty severe. This is how perfectly healthy 30yr old doctors are dying. They actually have a higher rate of death than any other group because of the viral load. When infected, they're more likely to die. Obviously you expect a higher rate of infection, but the viral load is really what's killing them.

    Hence, if you take your precautions you might just get mildly sick. If you go out partying every weekend, you'll expose yourself to more of the virus, and suffer from more severe symptoms. This has been known since SARS1 and before. But people don't think about this shit. Their only concern is infected/not infected like its some kind of binary thing. Dead/not dead as if it doesn't cause lasting damage.

    It's not just about not getting sick. Most people WILL get infected and this virus will probably be around for many years to come, even after a vaccine is made and distributed.

    It's about preventing damage, and keeping our society running. Quarantines work. Fuck the economy. The government has the money to take care of us during this time. It's literally their sole function, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its citizens.

    You only really see this kind of attitude in the west where people haven't had to deal with deadly diseases like this, and thus don't take them seriously. Asians haven't just been wearing masks for the fashion. They wear them because they've had to deal with many diseases like this, and they know that it works.

    Absolutely nobody should 'want' to get Corona. It's not just a 'get it once and get over it' thing. It's not the chicken pox. You can get infected multiple times, and the damage can build and build. You should be avoiding as much exposure as possible. We don't have to shut down society. Just wear fucking masks and don't go in large crowds. It's not even that hard or different, and you could potentially save lives by doing it.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Not applicable on private platforms (or property)…that's why Twitter can ban you for whatever they want…you have no right to freedom of speech on someone elses platform…it's at THEIR discretion as to what they allow. Same on private property…as the property owner she had no rights to freedom of speech without my permission.

    Teaching Americans about how their country works since 1997.

    I don't think you actually know what freedom of speech is. It's not another citizen or company telling you you can't say something. Freedom of speech means having no legal ramifications for what you say. The fact that Twitter or Walmart can kick you out for saying certain things is an example of THEM exercising their free speech.

    Reminder that Trump tried to undo this by undoing telecommunications Act of 1996 that would hold sites like Twitter or Facebook legally responsible for the posts of their users, which would TREMENDOUSLY lessen our ability to say whatever we want online within the boundaries of these private entities.

    Imagine if Lanny were legally responsible for every post here lol.
  16. Originally posted by Bill Krozby not believing god automatically makes you not a christian.. soo.. you're not a better christian than me guy who takes it up the shit pussy

    Unlike you, I respect other people. I don't send dick pics to random people when I get upset. I don't choke women. When it came down to it I was there for a kid that wasn't even mine, because that's the kind of good person I am.

    You are an actual immoral piece of shit and if hell was real, you would surely end up there when you died.
  17. Originally posted by stl1 Trump has lied over 15,000 documented times, spends more time golfing than Obama ever thought about after bitching about how much time Obama spent golfing, has cost taxpayers millions upon millions of dollars going back and forth to Mar-A-Largo, was impeached, only credential was having been a game show host, divides the country rather than trying to bring it together, ignores his advisors and gets his input from Fox News, buddies up to dictators…

    Hillary was First lady for eight years, the Secretary of State and a Senator. Nuff said.

    Trump was a joke even before he ran for president too.

    Reminder that Republicans have elected the only two celebrity presidents in American history lmao.
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby oh yeah and another thing butt boy doesn't realize is you can be a christian and believe in god and not go to church. a lot of church people suck and do it for merely and appearance. God comes from with in you, not bake sells and putting 20 dollars in a basket to sit around on a sunday with people you don't like.

    I used to go to church and was baptized when I was 13 years old and I was kinda like wtf? why are we ruining my sunday before I have to go back to school? I would ask my dad what he thought about the sermon and he didn't understand any of it because he would tune out because he knew it was boring but yet now is a minister..

    Trump has been to tons of churches, §m£ÂgØL just likes to make shit up. Trump has actually asked to open up churches again.
    Its all about what you make it. I pray to god every day for helping me.

    I'm sure God was with you when you strangled that woman. I'm a better Christian than you and I don't even believe in a fake man in the sky.
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lied many many times, stole whitehouse property, tried to cover her tracks, got people killed, Complicit with her husbands evil deeds, had some fucked up policies/ideas, was sexist and racist etc etc


    No charges from her investigation.

    Meanwhile Trump actually does have charges.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol §m£ÂgØL sounds frothy, I wonder how he will act when trump wins again. Every president does all those things and sometimes more.

    That's a very imaginative fantasy at this point.
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