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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. If you start a server post here and I'll join
  2. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood He even sucks at that

    Literal welfare queen
  3. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny §m£ÂgØL readed one outdated russian geopolitical playbook from the 90s and now thinks hes expert geopolitical anal-lyst.

    what book are you gonna pull out of your ass now §m£ÂgØL ?

    Yeah because Russia is involved here. Good work vinny
  4. The thing most people don't realize about this is that it isn't just some respiratory disease. It isn't like kennel cough or other corona viruses. This effects the blood vessels.

    They're actually finding that asthma+corona combo is not as big of a risk as previously thought. You're worse off being obese or having a heart condition or high blood pressure. It's crazy. It causes clotting and kidney damage and coronary inflammation and a bunch of other shit.

    It's nothing like the flu. We probably won't know how much damage this has really caused for another 10-20 years. This is why the deaths from it are so shakey. You can choose what to include or what not to include.

    Literally this weekend my grandfather's brother died from Corona. He was 85. Technically he died from a heart attack. But he was also diagnosed with COVID and suffering heavily from symptoms up until the moment of his death.

    Plus unlike the flu, the viral load from this can be pretty severe. This is how perfectly healthy 30yr old doctors are dying. They actually have a higher rate of death than any other group because of the viral load. When infected, they're more likely to die. Obviously you expect a higher rate of infection, but the viral load is really what's killing them.

    Hence, if you take your precautions you might just get mildly sick. If you go out partying every weekend, you'll expose yourself to more of the virus, and suffer from more severe symptoms. This has been known since SARS1 and before. But people don't think about this shit. Their only concern is infected/not infected like its some kind of binary thing. Dead/not dead as if it doesn't cause lasting damage.

    It's not just about not getting sick. Most people WILL get infected and this virus will probably be around for many years to come, even after a vaccine is made and distributed.

    It's about preventing damage, and keeping our society running. Quarantines work. Fuck the economy. The government has the money to take care of us during this time. It's literally their sole function, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its citizens.

    You only really see this kind of attitude in the west where people haven't had to deal with deadly diseases like this, and thus don't take them seriously. Asians haven't just been wearing masks for the fashion. They wear them because they've had to deal with many diseases like this, and they know that it works.

    Absolutely nobody should 'want' to get Corona. It's not just a 'get it once and get over it' thing. It's not the chicken pox. You can get infected multiple times, and the damage can build and build. You should be avoiding as much exposure as possible. We don't have to shut down society. Just wear fucking masks and don't go in large crowds. It's not even that hard or different, and you could potentially save lives by doing it.
  5. Vinny wrong in almost every aspect again
  6. Ok Boomer
  7. Lol
  8. Originally posted by ORACLE Shut the fuck up bitch
  9. Originally posted by D4NG0 Embracing your perversion only makes you more degenerate.


    Come back to me when you don't seek moral guidance from a fiction novel
  10. Originally posted by Grylls How about I wipe your HDD?

    That scared him.
  11. Originally posted by aldra so… everyone needs potable water?

    I dont wear kashmir so this doesn't apply to me
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood lol I have started feeling progressively shittier all night, can't eat and i have no energy and a fever.

    I think i got the rona. gonna go lay down some more my head hurts

    Thats what you get for licking doorknobs in public
  13. Originally posted by aldra it's a matter of general border control, they've been slowly trying to force it closed and fortify alternative routes for a while now.

    apparently Tibet specifically is a massive source of freshwater for the region though which makes sense - it's one of the major reasons Kashmir is contested.

  14. "Yes, I named the chicken after you but dont worry. It's not a voodoo chicken or anything. Haha. That would be ridiculous"
  15. Originally posted by aldra bolton is objectively a much larger and much more rancid piece of shit than trump ever could be

    Well yeah Trump is just the puppet. This nigga wrote a book instead of testifying in court lol
  16. Reminder that Fox regularly hires rapists
  17. Him?
  18. Originally posted by Sophie Wedlock means the father and mother are married. If they're married and then have a child it's more likely that the father is in the child's life in a normal manner.

  19. Originally posted by D4NG0 Coming from the spic who literally turned out gay.

    Not an insult.
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood june 23rd

    June 24th
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