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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Meikai This bad boy right here (and its multitudinous variants) has worked reliably for the purposes of "fighting back" for the better part of a century now.

    I mean, the US government can and does use chemical weapons and drones against it's civilians. Plus there are a lot of ex-military in US LE who have had training in actual combat scenarios.

    Americans are less armed than a poor ISIS scrub, who at least has a grenade to kill himself with.

    The right to bear arms was cool 300 years ago but it's pretty obsolete now unless your government is some weak 3rd world nation that doesn't have an army of drones, or the ability to use chemical weapons on it's civilians.

    Like it's funny how America was all wawawa about Assad using chemical weapons, but it was exactly as legal as what US police are doing to protesters. Both are sovereign states with no laws about using chemical weapons on (their own) civilians.
  2. If you honestly play PS2 this much and after this long I feel quite sorry for you. I'll buy you Minecraft.
  3. Originally posted by G

    Lol old people shit. Have to take fucking sea plants because your body is falling apart at the seams. So sad.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Clearly the answer is making people into criminals because they spoke too much about something they care about

    I get the feeling you haven't read many books. Did you drop out of highschool?
  5. Originally posted by rabbitweed I assume he automates it

    I know he does because that's what I did for vinny. Pretty sure he's using the script I wrote and was sharing.
  6. It's fucking amazing how nobody cares about this. These are against the Geneva convention. Civilians can't even get these in most (any?) states. How are you supposed to fight back when it's legal for the police to use fucking chemical weapons.

    Not to mention the sonar guns.
  7. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
    It's censorship. If someone was gonna do some violent shit or hurt people it's not because someone used strong words or "incited violence"
    clearly those people are criminals and could have been triggered by anything, like a breakup or having a bad day. Should we also make it illegal to cheat on your partner so the other person doesn't get upset and kill a bunch of people? Like you can't just make everything illegal because it has the potential to cause violence, because that potential was always there.

    It's more of a bandaid solution and ignoring the root causes of the problem. It's already illegal and plenty of violent hate fueled things happen all the time so clearly it isn't doing much to stop anyone that wants to harm other people.

    I think these issues could be solved more openly and quickly with less censorship but society censors itself so I am the minority in that belief which I accept will never be a popular one

    You should look at authoritarians through history who have incited mob violence, and look at the kind of language they used. Nobody says "Yes, go out and burn buildings. Go out and kill these people." Those kinds of leaders are seen of as ruthless and don't last long. Nobody wants a ruthless authoritarian leader, they want one who is on their side and will get shit done.

    Ever hear of Mao's cultural revolution in China? He got young people out onto the streets. Religious people and intellectuals were murdered. Temples, universities, libraries were burnt down or smashed to bits with hammers.

    There was 1,800 year old saying Mao used in his propaganda that is translated to, "Let a hundred flowers bloom, and let a hundred ideas contend." It's supposed to mean basically that everything should be good, and people should come together and discuss their ideas. Mao was implying that people would have freedom of speech. This was the first year of his rule. Then there were a ton of protests against him so he changed the law and had them arrested. What did his supporters start using the phrase for? Well they started going after the same people he was going after. They started killing journalists and burning down news stations that disagreed with the government party.

    Then there's 破四旧, which gets translated to 'destroy the four olds, which were the four things the country needed to overcome. Old habits, old ideas, old culture, old customs. Where it gets tricky is the translation, because it can just as easily be translated to 'win against the four olds' or 'beat the four olds' just as well as it can 'assault the four olds.' If you watch Mao's speeches it's clear that he was talking in terms of ideas and not actual violence. He never tells people to go out and do stuff.

    Then there is another term which translates to 'Dare to think, dare to speak, dare to act.' But what kind of action was Mao talking about? Well, he wanted people to leave the cities and go work on communal farms for the good of society. Don't just think about it or talk about it, do it. Of course, this one got misconstrued by his supporters too, as he knew they would, as well as the other sayings here.

    You're never going to hear a political leader tell people to commit violence. It just doesn't happen. Hitler didn't even do that. Kim Jong Un doesn't do that. They're much smarter than that, and much more discrete. They use words. Maybe someone like you or me won't commit an act of violence just because of what some dude says, but there are many people on the edge who very well might. PEople who are just looking for a reason to go out and hurt people and destroy things.

    I mean, we didn't have right wing violence like this under Bush. And that was just after 9/11 when racial tensions were a lot crazier than they are now. What's happening now is honestly pussy shit. I haven't heard about a courthouse being burned in months.
  8. Originally posted by Alfredo Sinterosa huh?!?!?!

    This one isn't even PI but nice try. It's just a pasta joke
  9. Originally posted by RIPtotse its all related to the set up for ww 3 albert pikes manifesto…2022 aliens will b fully announced and the steps to create a 1 world government will be nearing completion. 5/6 to 7/8 of humanity will be terminated in order to create a much more maintainable population by our overseers. mark my words. all you fools caught up in this dumbass Democrat republican bickering are playing directly into their agenda. democrats and Republicans have the same goal the division is fabricated in order to give the illusion of choice

    you're oddly close to the plot of star trek lol.
  10. Inspect element

    Show element


    Prnt scrn
  11. Obama handled the fly with class. Pence let it lay eggs.

    You know flies spit digestive juices everywhere they land? Its essentially tasting vomit. If they like you they spit more vomit and eat more of you.

    That fly ate pence. It tasted good. It tasted like shit.

    The fly on Obama knew he wasn't to be trifled with. He flew off and fucked off, never to be seen again
  12. Originally posted by Garret Christie tech's a mentally unstable mudshark.

    And you're a piece of shit spreading personal information to masquerade as someone else. Kill yourself.
  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Well maybe if they try to do it for real but the first amendment grants the right to be a racist piece of shit and make holocaust jokes which I think is the most beautiful thing about America except for the part where they get all triggered when you "incite violence"

    Freedom of speech is a right.

    Forcing the ultimate conclusion of your speech onto others is not.
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I will do that and show those women that you don't need to wear a burka to be a proud independent woman. Just like how the muslim women in my country turned their back on their faith to the disgust of their parents, family and friends and have been "corrupted" by western culture.. that is a racist old world way of thinking and it needs to be changed. I don't believe there is a superior culture. Global culture is whats most important, no nations, no borders.

    There would be no immigrants if there were no borders

    This is literally what the conservatives in their countries bitch about as well.

    Conservatives everywhere cry about it.

    You don't have a right to an ethnically homogenous society. People do have a right to freedom.

    Kill yourself leather face. Idk how HTS puts up with that
  15. Originally posted by rabbitweed You don't understand American history at all.

    Okay kiwi.
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Well italians and irish aren't really white

    I don't think I've ever heard a white person here tell me they are something other than Irish or Italian if they weren't like a second generation eastern european immigrant or something.

    My ancestors came to Mexico from France, and the Zapotec/Aztec region of Mexico. I'm more white than most white people, according to you.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I just want to move to Morocco and culturally enrich their closed minded nation to the glorious ways of globalism and anti racism. A MUSLIM COUNTRY??!?! what about the jedi? Every country needs more jedis! especially the muslim ones.

    I thought America was for all people, no matter their color, creed, religion or IDEOLOGY

    You've clearly never left Canada or you wouldn't be talking like this. Try actually going to another country and talking to people there.
  18. Originally posted by Technologist Well that’s not American ideology. We are a multicultural country; and will remain so. These people that are only concerned about race need to find them another country to live in.

    America and Canada have been a nation of immigrants since day one when white people decided to rape and kill the natives and invite the rest of the world over.

    Its funny. In the 1800s, "white people" were trying to kick the Irish and Italians out.
  19. Originally posted by rabbitweed Technologists only friend here is someone called 'MexicanMasterRace'. Let's just let that sink in.

    Yeah just let it sink in that someone made a parody account to make fun of how ridiculous all the racists on here are.

    Oh no wait don't think that. It might require a brain and you don't have one of those.
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood That's probably because real woke racists aren't idiots that fall for obvious FBI honey pots like atomwaffen. They just want to live in a country without mass immigration and the erosion of white culture.

    That has nothing to do with kidnapping politicians. Yeah there are the people that just wish the KIKE LOVING police would just step aside so we can KILL ALL NIGGERS AND KIKES but most racially conscious people simply want to preserve their heritage and nation.

    Like if we all moved to some city in China and acted like typical immigrants and broke the law a lot the local people would probably not be too happy with us either. The only difference is people move to white countries and not the other way around

    Israel for jedis
    Mexico for Mexicans
    China for Chinese
    White countries for… Everyone??? Did we lose a war or something???

    What makes you think North America is 'white country'

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