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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Bernie Sanders supports drug legalization
  2. Ill post pics in a bit
  3. Looks ghey my server betr
  4. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.-.-.---.-.---.-.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-...-.-..-.-..-..-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-..-...-.--.........----(b­anned) go back to mexico, fucking wetback faggot

    Go back to Europe, fucking semen skinned neanderthal
  5. is that why my cat keeps staring at my dick?
  6. Originally posted by Bugz Today is 10/10/2020

    I think you know what this means

    i see the pattern man i do
  7. Originally posted by WellHung get off ur soapbox, §m£ÂgØL. ur foolish if you think you're going to change people's minds.

    hey go fuck yourself kiddo, fucking weirdo.
  8. Originally posted by Meikai There are plenty of group with training. Radical militias, veterans, etc. Americans are better equipped than plenty of people who have picked up arms to fight the US military.

    I'll take some quotes out of order here, but you're under some misconceptions:

    Plenty of Americans have functioning rocket launchers. What most of them don't have is ammunition. Not an easy situation to remedy, granted, but easier than having neither. I'm like 98% sure functioning rocket launchers/RPGs are completely federally legal to own. The ammunition is considered a destructive device, which means also legal to own…. provided you have the right permits and pay tax stamps.

    Literally every American who's worked handling explosives in construction, mining, land management, EOD veterans… I mean the list goes on.

    Counter-SIGINT would definitely be an important thing to figure out, but again there are plenty of veterans out there (and let's be real: also active service members) who aren't going to fight on the side of the government during an actual rebellion. There will be people who can teach Americans how to not post about their on-going guerilla operations Twitter. The bolded part though? Yeah. That's a toughy. Form 4473. Congrats to every shitlicking gun control advocate who thought that was a good idea.

    This is an interesting point because it kind of just assumes that you would not be receiving similar support today. I was going to mention this earlier but yeah, you'd be getting a helping hand in the form of materiel from foreign powers eventually.

    Again, veterans. Plenty of people have these kinds of knowledge and skills and will pass that knowledge and those skills on. Also this would probably be the first kind of aid you got from foreign powers. It's hard to smuggle a tank into the country at the start of a war. It's pretty easy to smuggle in a person with the knowledge you'd need to train an effective fighting force.

    That hasn't stopped insurgents across the world, and Americans have the added benefit of being on the same continent and in the same country as the bases those drones are operated from.

    Good luck and god speed to any brave American patriot who decides to take up arms to water the tree of liberty once more when that day comes.

    big text no thank you
  9. Originally posted by ORACLE It's against the rules of war because in wartime you cannot just sniff the gas and say "yup that's just tear gas, not a deadly nerve gas that will kill me horribly if I take a whiff". You have no way to discriminate between lethal and non lethal chemical weaponry.

    It really has no bearing on its usefulness in policing. Same way the Geneva or Hague conventions banned hollow point bullets, but police forces around the world still use hollow points, because hollow points shatter, fragment and tumble after hitting a body or a wall or something and have less of a chance of causing collateral damage via missed shots or overpenetration than a solid core bullet

    Does it matter? The police are using several types of tear gas, and people are turning up with long term damage because of it. Clearly it's an issue.

    I'll never get why they don't just use water and get everyone's phones wet.
  10. Pisces dude's middle name is Jihad lol
  11. At some point I imagine Sudo's own mother abandoned him for having never played the real estate market.
  12. Originally posted by Sudo It does matter and dismissing them only furthers the divide. Like half the world has some prejudices whether or not they like to admit it, including some great people. Winston Churchill seems to me to be on the right side of history. Its true that progressive trends favor a more inclusive western society but these also cause a TON of strife as shown in almost literally every civilization in history

    Winston Churchill was not a great person. People hated him because they thought he would drag the country into war, which he did when Hitler attacked Poland. He was a good strategist and a good speaker, but he was not a good person. He's remembered fondly because he said shit like this that made for good quotes-

    “If the British Empire lives for a thousand years, a thousand years later, they will proclaim, this was their finest hour!”

    Like, damn. Even back then people didn't talk like that. He made himself out to be a hero, and to most people he certainly appears that way. But he was horrifically racist. The idea that he's a good dude is very much a western idea. Ask Indians or Bengalis.

    “The Bengalis are a beastly people with a beastly religion. They die of starvation because they breed like rabbits.”


    "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it"

    Don't even get me started on Gandhi...
  13. Originally posted by Technologist Well, they managed to prevent the governor of Michigan from being kidnapped. Many terror plots are foiled due to prevention. You can’t just sit back and watch it happen.

    Reminder that while the FBI has stopped many terrorist attacks, not a single terrorist attack has been stopped because of the NSA.
  14. Originally posted by Meikai I think this is probably the best trick a government has ever pulled off. They can't get rid of the legally enshrined right which gives you the power to fight back, so they managed to convince a plurality of you that you didn't actually have that power and that guns were only good for shooting at unarmed kids in schools. Drones and shit aside, Americans have *so* much firepower at their disposal if they actually wanted to fight back. You don't need to have tanks to put up a fight. Asymmetric warfare is a thing. Lord knows the American military have been getting asymmetrically plowed in the ass on the other side of the planet for almost 20 years now. The Vietnamese somehow managed to pull it off too.

    The right to bear arms isn't obsolete. What you've got is good enough to put up a decent fight. Shit, Afghanis bring the heat with 150 year old Martini Henrys. The American spirit of rebellion is the only thing that's obsolete apparently.

    Also: repealing the NFA and GCA 1968 would fix some of that "obsolescence" issue.

    You tell me how Americans stand a chance when we are less trained, less equipped, and less armed than ISIS? If there was an actual civil war going on where the US government was straight up killing civilians, the civilians would stand no chance. A successful civil war would need a military coup.

    With the NSA and social media it would be trivial to start tracking moves before people could make them. It's tough when you don't know who you're fighting. It's not so tough when Jimmy Henderson has 12 years of social media to look through, records for his gun purchases, and GPS tracking on his phone.

    No American is going to have a functional rocket launcher. Maybe a few people will have the knowledge and resources to take some decommissioned one back into service, but not many people, and they'd probably have a hard time finding ammunition. Militants in the middle east have had a long time to build supply chains from all over the world. Where would Americans get their guns? Would any nation actually support the rebels in a civil war, like the French did in the American revolutionary war? The Vietnamese had the Russians.

    How many Americans do you think know how to set up IEDs? I mean the list goes on. To get to the level of knowledge and sophistication that other groups have, would take decades. Insurgency doesn't just spring up overnight. It's usually some overgrown splinter of another group, who splintered off from another group, and so and and so forth. They have training camps and education centers.

    Realistically, Americans arm up against the feds and we'll kill a good number of them. But in the end, they can use drone strikes and we can't. America doesn't care about breaking the law or about the safety of it's own civilians. It's happened many many times through history and I don't think we're beyond seeing the military just get unleashed on a rebellious America. Tanks, helicopters, drones, etc. Full war.

    I always think of that one Roman emperor (i forget his name) who had a play written about him that he didn't like, so he gathered the military and had them attack the people in the town it was written in for no reason, then let his soldiers stay there for 3 days and 3 nights, telling them to do whatever they wanted. They killed and raped, all in the name of vanity. People completely unconnected to the play died for absolutely no reason. That's the kind of shit humans do with absolute power, when they're the strongest game in town.

    Good luck with your AK-47 though.
  15. Biden denounced violence at the debates.

    Why didn't Trump?
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood There are already laws that exist to deal with anyone that wants to be violent. It's illegal to assault or murder someone, everyone in society accepts this so I don't see why we also have to make it illegal to have too colorful of speech, Like there is not going to be an armed militia because Alex Jones or Trump talks mad shit. Also isn't it the job of the NSA and FBI to catch these people before they can group up and commit acts of domestic terrorism or are they too busy sending muslim johnny $10,000 to buy some guns so they can arrest him for plotting a mass shootie.

    Maybe I wouldn't feel the same way if the laws were being used responsibly, but they only seem to get used against anyone with a non mainstream opinion. But when Obama jokes about predator droning innocent people and he literally bombed an American citizen on purpose without trial or detention people don't care because the guy was a muslim.

    The inciting violence laws are being used against people on youtube for bullshit reasons like having "rap lyrics that incite violence", by that logic all of that music should be illegal criminal content

    And there are laws that exist to deal with people inciting violence... have been for a long time. This is nothing new. It's also why people like Trump, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, etc, all use language to hide their real intent

    If you can't see this and understand how it drives people to commit acts of violence, then you probably just aren't very smart.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I tried to buy a copy of hitchiked into conception but the author is a bitch that believes inciting violence should be illegal and I agree because just reading the opening chapter made me want to kill myself and others.
  18. Originally posted by Sudo you are very sad, very awkward, very stupid and very broke

    You understand you are repeatedly biting the bait right?

    Like I've seen some slow fish but...
  19. Originally posted by G Gnome, iodine supplements are for optimum thyroid performance/ hormonal health @ any age. I have the testosterone of a 28 year old lol. You wear RX glasses son, eyes failing.

    Sure, sure, whatever you say.

    But I'm not the one needing to take supplements. My thyroid and hormonal health are already at optimum level. Also lol @ the testosterone of a 28 year old. I'd fuck your bitch all day and only take a break for lunch. get out of here with that limp dick 'testosterone of a 28 year old' lmao. Stop trying to be younger and just accept you'll die within the next decade.
  20. Originally posted by Meikai >calling Mao evil

    Have you? I bet you think Stalin was a monster too. Sounds like you've been reading western capitalist propaganda, not literature. smh

    I mean, Nixon was shit too. And Reagan. They were all shit. But the propaganda was a little stronger across the Pacific back then. You didn't see Reagan supporters driving into crowds of peaceful protesters. You do see Trump protesters doing that. America is just learning the lessons that China and Russia learned 60 years ago.
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