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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. So uh, were the fried maters good?
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Hope in one hand shit in the other…as me old mum used to say.

    Wow your mom sounds retarded.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Oracle called op fatt this morning right after op said something jazzy to me..I don’t think the observation was connected but this upset op..

    So this thread was made right after to anger §m£ÂgØL…

    That is all ..lmao

    You are fundamentally retarded
  4. Originally posted by itybit I don't put much stock in polls given 2016

    Hilary won popular vote by 2.1% in the election. Trump won because of the electoral college. The polls accurately predicted who would win popular vote and was only off by 1.7%. That's pretty damn accurate.

    That's why I've been saying that Biden polling at these numbers is a sure win. Trump can't win the electoral college within the margin of error of the polls now. Even if it's off by 5% it means he'll lose.

    And hey, maybe it's off in the other direction? Maybe Biden's real lead is more like 13%?

    Probably won't be. Will probably be around an 8% lead, as the polls predict.
  5. Originally posted by Bugz the poll and outcome that Al Gore won suddenly with a huge gain over the entire time it was neck to neck with Bush.

    and all the news carrying it. WOOOOPSIES

    Bush had the lead in the national average. Also Bush stole the election. If you'll recall, the Supreme court STOPPED Florida from doing a recount while they were in the middle of doing one. 5 to 4.

    That's what Trump wants to happen for him.

    Not very democratic to stop people from counting the votes
  6. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Polls are never biased xd lmao

    What about the fox poll that one says he's winning?!?

    Actually Biden is winning on Fox polls this time around

    And again, this is the average of all polls. The cumulation of all bias. It's an unprecedented win for Biden and people don't even like him. They just hate trump. He's that fucking awful.
  7. Originally posted by Bugz He can however just readjust his positioning a bit. it might take 2-3 years. he already knows the basic fundamentals of Jazz Style (Which is the most complex of all music genres) hell it might even give him an edge of being slightly off kiltered. he might get hooked on heroin and start looking more OG with a tall enhancemented tip stogie and some ray bans for the light that bothers his heroin induced eyes and a cool Barett style cap. Ahhh Chiggidy Cha Cah Scooobly Scoo Scoo.. I am the KATMAN

    Yeah I've seen pianists who have fucked up their collar bone. they adopt that same standing ratatat style of playing that people with back problems do. It's doable but you'll never be as good with the limitation than without.
  8. Oct 2004- Bush had a 1.8%

    Oct 2008- Obama had a 5.9% lead

    Oct 2012- Obama had a 3.1% lead

    Oct 2016- Hilary had a 3.8% lead

    Now where are we at in 2020? Right now, Biden has a 8% lead over Trump.

    You have to remember too that many of these polls have adjusted their formula since 2018, as they do constantly. There was a 'secret trump vote' they didn't expect. People were ashamed to admit they were voting for him, and rightfully so. But now that they know to adjust for SHAME in a preferred presidential candidate, they can gear their polls to account for it.

    8% lead, folks. NBC just did an approval poll for Trump. He has a 50% disapproval rating, which is the highest it has been through the last four years. This means that Trump is more disliked right now than ever.

    He's so fucked November 3rd lol
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein I’m delusional and unemployed

  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson WRONG.

    Epstein? Trump? Prince Andrew??
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I've had a broken collar bone…it healed fine and didn't affect my ability to play the skin flute or rusty trombone in any way whatsoever.

    You aren't a musician, athlete, or skilled in any way. So you probably wouldn't notice the loss in range of motion
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Regardless of whether the 7yr old wants to marry you or not huh.

    That's more of a white people thing.
  13. Originally posted by Bugz someone one day will probably come across this website. who just happens to live in OPs home town area. and recognize him. and also is black. and doesn't like what OP is saying. and starts reading the history of this site related to all of OPs posts or even the threads he started with titles like this.

    OP. With the exception of Archive scrubbing shit. "The Internet is a time machine" be warned and drink it in lke a Dos XXs Beer

    Yep. Hikki forgets we all know his face, name, and address.

    Matter of time.

    Can't say I'd be upset about it
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sounds like a drama queen…

    "A renowned Japanese jazz pianist has been robbed of his ability to play his instrument after he was attacked by eight teenagers at a train station in New York City.

    Tadataka Unno, 40, who may never be able to play the piano again, was exiting the West 135th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue subway station in Harlem on September 27 when the suspects blocked the turnstiles and confronted him.

    The musician attempted to walk around the group, but was yelled at and pushed from behind. He was eventually punched in the face and body. "

    …not sure how being punched in the face and body prevents you from ever playing the Piano again.

    The article literally has a picture of his arm in a sling. He broke his collar bone. If you don't understand how that effects arm movement, you've never taken basic anatomy. A broken collar bone will fuck up your arm for life. This dude would've been better off breaking his actual arm if he wanted to play piano
  15. Originally posted by Bugz Oh, I was going to agree with you but then I realized you didn't mean Hikki but the thugs in the park.

    Well the guys yelled racial slurs and beat him up so yeah, they're scum. Op is also scum, he's just too weak to beat anyone up. He's more of a shooter type.
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yes…Mexico is very anarchic.

    Not really. There is order and government. Nobody messes with you if you aren't cartel. The government certainly doesn't bother you. You can grow weed legally and marry anyone you want
  17. Originally posted by The Earl of Sandwich Hmmmm Cock nose.

    You're not funny Luigi
  18. Biden isnt holding rallies you absolute fucking moron. They are just filming. People aren't being invited because we are in the middle of a pandemic.

    This is to distract from Trump actually holding rallies and actually inviting people, and hardly anyone showing up because people don't want to get sick. And this is in republican cities too since such gatherings are still illegal in the half of the country with common sense
  19. Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao , you’re absolutely right..and that’s exactly why you’re at your moms and Matt’s in a motel…

    Get a job .. get a life .. 😂


    Says the nurse's assistant LOL
  20. Sounds like a hate crime to me. Lock them the fuck up just like chauvin
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