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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CASPER Thats retarded. Someone who curb stomps someone because he was black is no more dangerous than someone who curbed someone because he wanted an iphone.

    Yes he is. The guy who wants an iPhone has a problem that can be solved. Money. His motive is temporary and situational. A racists is not. Their motive is an ideology. It's like trying to reason with ISIS members. You just can't rehabilitate indoctrination. The only reason you're crying about this is because you're an admitted racist who thinks black people are literally coming to take your home. Look here! This youtube video proves it.

    Yeah, no thanks. Im glad federal law is what it is. Hate crimes are a thing in 47 state laws as well. This isn't going away and fuck anyone who wants it to.

    Your history makes it clear you don't care about others tho. I dont expect you to have sympathy unless you're paid to
  2. I'm not reading that post, rapist.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL The hospitals get $39,000 for every so-called COVID patient they put on a ventilator, but as usual, §m£ÂgØL will pop up with his two plus two equals five bullshit. Go ahead, §m£ÂgØL. We're all waiting for you to deny this established fact, too.

    I've literally linked the financial records of where all the CARES act money has gone.

    So would you go ahead and point out to me where this 39,000 they're getting is?

    I want to see it in the legislature. C'mon. You gave a very specific number. 39,000. Let's see it. Maybe a ventilator costs 200,000 for every use, and that's how you got the 39,000 for the 20% that the feds pay?

    Or maybe you're just fucking retarded.
  4. Originally posted by Kev Seems redundant as fuck. again, what difference does it make?

    Makes a pretty big difference. You are pretending like this isn't an established thing. It is. Go start a fight with a random black dude and call him a nigger, and that is a hate crime according to federal law. Use of racial slurs is explicitly stated.

    These guys used racial slurs on a Japanese guy before beating him up. This makes it a hate crime according to Federal law. It doesn't matter if you think it is or not, or if you think it's a 'bullshit charge'. This is the law and it is this way to keep the most detrimental of society away from hard working people, and forever labels them as the bigot they are.

    Would you want a child molester's criminal record to simply say 'sexual offender' or 'sexual assault'? I think it's pretty damn important that we know that they are worse than a regular rapist. Most rapists probably wouldn't rape kids. I guarantee you there have been prison fights over this, like "Yeah I rape, but at least I don't rape kids."

    You don't see people who will attack you for your skin color as the same thing? What if you had acid poured on you just because you were white? You would be pretty damn pissed, and not want that person to get some 'aggravated assault' bullshit.
  5. Originally posted by CASPER except in most cases there are hate crime “enhancements” or higher mandatory minimums. I cant find whether enhancements apply to murder too, but Essentially itd be stating that killing a person because theyre black/whatever is somehow worse than murdering someone just for shits and giggles.

    Thats weird.

    No it's not weird. People who commit violent hate crimes are more dangerous to society than those who just commit regular violent acts. I mean what are most violent acts? Aggravated assault? Some kind of mugging? The mentally ill?

    People who are mad can calm down. People who need money can find it elsewhere. People who are mentally ill can get medicine and treatment.

    But those who commit acts out of racism and bigotry have no cure. It's like trying to convert someone to a new religion by force. They might play through all the steps, but they won't change. Like a drug addict being court ordered to rehab.

    These people have shown a proclivity towards violence with an unchanging motive. The potential victims? Literally anyone who is born the wrong way.

    People like that need to be taken out of society. They need harsher punishments. All violence isn't equal. Motive matters.
  6. Originally posted by Grylls But he's never wheezed or hacked, theres nothing wrong with him and he gets the best quality, healthy food

    What if you had a kid with cystic fibrosis?

    Would you disown him/her?

    Good movie btw, 'Five Feet Apart'

    I shed a tear

    Yeah I would murder my kid if they even had a birth mark in the wrong spot
  7. Also seems like people in sweden did shut down schools and business and social distance and wear masks. They just didnt need the government to tell them. Most people anyways.

    Japan didn't enforce masks either. People just wore them because they're not idiots. You simply don't go without one there.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I dont feel the need to defend myself its not like im going to go to jail or anything, I just like running circles around these ass clowns that are petty. I still have idiots like master blaster / red accusing me of hacking his hulu acct.. its just is what it is.. just because I don't want to talk to someone or agree with them they get really upset.

    the only person in this thread that was positive and didn't deviate from the original topic is sudio

    People who don't try to steal accounts usually don't get blamed for it.

    Just like people who don't rape others don't usually get blamed for it.

    People who don't choke women don't usually get blamed for it.

  9. Originally posted by Bill Krozby oh it was tl dr i guess, my bad fool..

    Jesus you're dumb as fuck.
  10. Women who are half black are more attractive in the same way that chocolate cake with mud in it is better than a plate of just mud. You still know better than to eat it, but you can at least agree it's better than plain mud.
  11. Originally posted by Obbe We have never talked about it before. Still waiting on those links and data. You didn't back up anything you said in this post. Then MMR responded with this:

    And you left the thread.

    How do you expect me to walk your path when you won't even show me where to start?

    Originally posted by aldra I'm not going to bother with §m£ÂgØL's nonsense.

    Aldra simply can't compete with hard numbers, objective facts, and actual links to data and legislature. I'm literally showing him where the money given to hospitals for COVID went. The specific hospitals and specific amounts. It's public data. There is nowhere in the legislature or in the numbers where it states that it was given on a 'per death basis' and everything that says it was given out as a 20% coverage for patients with Medicaid and Medicare. That is where the bulk of the money allocated in the CARES act has gone.

    Like seriously, WHAT money are they talking about? Where? Who signed it? It's absolutely baffling that none of these people can provide a direct answer.

    Oh wait, no it's not baffling. They've just been eating propaganda.
  12. Originally posted by Sophie Knowingly hurting people in what sense?

    Also as a side note. I always thought coke was overrated, that is until recently. I met a guy through a mutual friend who has this fire coke that's amazing. It doesn't even come as a powder it comes in tiny crystals that stick to each other and make little rocks. It's expensive more so than coke usually is but it's absolutely worth it. In case you are wondering i am coked up as fuck right now.

    I find that people who randomly start talking about cocaine are usually on cocaine
  13. Originally posted by Kev Sweden never did a lockdown, never wore masks and didnt hide in their basements like retard lunatics, they are doing far better than everyone else and their rate of infection is slightly lower.

    destroying the entire economy, thrusting millions into poverty in the name of not catching a cold was an idiotic move from the start, but it did make all the billionaires way richer!

    Sweden is largely isolated and very big for a country that only has 10 million people. Stockholm, their biggest city, does not even have a million people. It is the size of California with 1/4th the population density.

    And lol @ 'doing better than everyone else.' 0.1% of their population is infected. If you want a country to compare it to, compare it to neighboring Norway or Finland, who DID recommend masks, DID lock down, and have significantly less cases and deaths due to it. When they re-opened their borders after lock down, they BOTH specifically did not re-open borders with Sweden because Sweden did not lock down or take precautions.

    If you want an example to follow, look at Vietnam. It literally borders China, but with contact tracing, lockdown, masks, and proper government support, they managed to have only 35 deaths and 1,124 cases. Compare that to your precious Sweden who has 102,000 cases and almost 6,000 deaths. We already affirmed that Sweden has a population of 10 million. So what's Vietnam's population? 97 million. I'm not even going to bother calculating the population density but Sweden is about 170,000 sq miles and Vietnam is about 130,000 sq miles. Doesn't take a genius to see how much better they did than Sweden, who you say is 'doing better than everyone else'.
  14. Originally posted by Grylls Debatable, but we both know who we're talking about

    Lol yep
  15. Originally posted by G Bicep Curl 85# : 5x10 = 50
    Overhead Press 120# : 10x1,4x10 = 50
    Incline Bench Press 120# : 20x1,10x8 = 100

    Spring Twister 30kg :
    Behind The Head Tricep Squeeze 25x2 = 50
    Chest Expander 25x2 = 50

    Thanks for even more PI.
  16. Originally posted by Grylls Hey bro

    Yeah nigger girls (sheboons, monkeys, gorillas) are so damn disgusting

    Beyonce and Alica Keys are kinda hot for example but not the little fat midgets ones

    What do you consider a midget? Around 4ft?
  17. Oops lol
  18. Originally posted by Grylls Hey bro

    Yeah nigger girls (sheboons, monkeys, gorillas) are so damn disgusting

    Beyonce and Alica Keys are kinda hot for example but not the little fat midgets ones
  19. Originally posted by Grylls So what do you want to do about it? Incinerate them all you sick fuck??

    Yep. Make it illegal and close down all breeders of these breeds. Jail time for any offenders. Let the breed die out, or be genetically engineered to be healthy. People will get healthier dogs either way

    You're gonna see when your dog starts wheezing and hacking 24/7.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby There was this one dude that was creeping outside of this girls room i was with just listening to is and he started giggling and putting slices of avacado underneath the door. Sick freak

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