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Posts by Fuck Your World

  1. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    i only thanked vin because I was gonna say the same thing. only mine would of been a Joke while vinnie was from experience. that's how he got the aids
  2. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    how come Kobe got hella light skin in his last years? what happen there?
  3. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    and for the record. if you think "Why the fuck would I eat seeds"

    Rice is a seed more or less

    wheat are seeds. rye are seeds. if you blended that bowl of "seeds" really fine into powder you would have really pretty colored flour and then you could make bread.

    just create starter yeast (allowing the flour to mold with potato's in a wet Jar making yeast) and then go from there.

    you can make noodles too from it
  4. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Bird food is good it's just millet and milo. It's what the Asians eat. It's kind of like what T2k1 stated

  5. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Quake was born out of Doom from the original 1 gen 3D engine that made Wolfenstein or some shit like that

    the game engines have advanced so much since then.

    -A Doyle Moment
  6. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    shwigity shwag
  7. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Corona-chan Or affect the cost at all?

    Buy a N45 mask and shut the fuck up and go sleep in your attic you whiney faggot with cheese
  8. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Seems Corona Virus may have been lab created by Havard Professor for Wuhan Bio Chemical weapons factory, 12 Monkeys bout to happen.

    News just released

    Prosecutors said Lieber had a contract with Wuhan Institute of Technology.
  9. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Sour patch kids are worth more in nine than a chinese label maker.

    a Chinese character label maker or a Chinese made label maker ?
  10. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    um wut?
  11. Fuck Your World African Astronaut

    Prosecutors said Lieber had a contract with Wuhan Institute of Technology.

    He was getting kickbacks and 50k a month by a bio-chemical weapons labs in Wuhan and 2 Chinese students under his teachings at Harvard were arrested. One a Lt in Chinese Army and the other on the run arrested in Logan Airport with vials of virus containers.

    Sound like 12 monkey shit to you?
  12. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala You really should not have eaten that turkey.

    Now why did you say that.

    there is some audio leak (neighbor no doubt) and as I mentioned the sprinkler "Watch someone change it out" it got changed out.
  13. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    High Demand in Housing will do that

    Originally posted by Fox Lol I used to work on Minna St. Back then it was crackhead central. I would regularly see people get shot in broad daylight, not just at night. Now it’s considered “trendy” lol? Fucking gentrification
  14. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    He's only dead to us. He's moved on to a high paying Job probably
  15. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I know.


    Originally posted by Speedy Parker shutup mental boy

    Coming from someone young enough to be my son from a second marriage.
  16. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I'm very calm. Ease up on that space bar, cowboy

  17. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fuck Your World The Deep South. Why is it broken?

    No one got it
  18. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    PS I'm such a hippy
  19. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by López Obrador Joto haiti. india. harlem.

    where the denizens literally dont have civilized plumbing, or are mentally incapable of using it, and instead of using a proper means of waste removal like a civilized white human would they submit to their base wild instincts of an animal that has failed to be housebroken and squeeze out whatever bodily products wherever they get the urge.

    pretty much anywhere a s­hitskin would infest

    You never had to shit so bad you went behind a tree to do so?

    fuck man. They don't have proper plumbing in many of these places is true.. yet they do build cesspool wells next to their homes or tents. they don't like Toilets in India I'm told because it's the improper way to shit.. they have these mounts on seats that allow you to stand and hover.. they have less colon cancer as well.

    but Yeah, it's nice to have proper plumbing. it takes an effort. a lot of these people are decent yet if they hate on Americans it's because Americans or British or Westerners come off crass.

    Much of America doesn't have city sewers and they themselves have waste tanks they have to have people come out and suck the shit out of them.

    indoor outhouses is basically what a septic tank is.
  20. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I would party on that pussy.. can we share holes?

    I would tie him down with your arms then ravage both of you, tough guy
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