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Posts by Merlin

  1. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny Are you retarded? No one here has claimed biological sex is a social construct, no one has argued you can change your chromosomal sex. You open as if you acknowledge a sex/gender distinction but the screed that follows is just "herp derp attack helicopter".

    You're picking one singular and somewhat valid albeit silly remark and using it to discredit all arguments. And the reason is because normalizing it does open Pandora's box. Don't get me wrong "your body your rules", people should be allowed to take whatever drugs and perform whatever modifications they want, that doesn't mean I'm going to encourage it or pretend it's not ridiculous. Another real example is people that want to be trans-disabled. If I purposely and without reason have my legs amputated should I expect people to pander to me to accomodate my new lifestyle? After all "I didn't identify as an able bodied person". People would think I was a lunatic and rightfully so.

    Not to mention that these people cant make babies and their procedure is purely to fulfill a sexual fetish. And then they wonder why they can't have normal relationships? Maybe a bit of self reflection would have done them better than the snip snip.

    Post last edited by Merlin at 2016-12-23T21:14:01.234319+00:00
  2. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Discount Whore Christianity is the construct of man.

    And man is a contstruct of man, therefore we are God.
  3. Merlin Houston
    My desire to find a girl comes and goes, without a doubt I do want kids. Humanity is a scourge that's destroying the planet and I'd feel like shit if I didn't do my part to contribute the destruction. There's no real end game so who cares. There is nothing noble about having a vasectomy, it is as virtuous as driving a Tesla to and from your corporate job.
  4. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Discount Whore

    Too big for lanny's taut hole, just click on it.

    Scratch that. New policy is scorched earth.
  5. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Discount Whore If you're converting to Islam at least try to be a little more creative than a truck.

    Socio-forumus-micro-aggressions like this shouldn't be tolerated here. Maybe us privileged westerners could learn a thing or two from a culture that normalizes raping boys and running people over, after we're all just humans on this planet earth. I know you didn't mean to offend, so I forgive you this time.

    Peace and jah love and Happy Hanukkah goy!
  6. Merlin Houston
    Also mmQ you should invent pizza roll extract.
  7. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Discount Whore And hey, I'm sorry if I offended you, but you really should try to eat healthier than pizza rolls. Especially if you're special snowflake level depressed. A better diet helped my depression tons. It'll help you too because I say so.

    You are what you eat. I only eat Comet Pizza with (((mystery meat))) topping. This is why despite being a 140 year old wizard I am as supple as a newborn.

    For real though eat some vegetables nigga. If you don't shit twice a day you're doing it wrong.
  8. Merlin Houston
    I too do not live in Germany and so do not fear Muslims either.
  9. Merlin Houston
    People are morons. Not us, of course, everyone else. Somehow they are incapable of being in the moment and also incapable of planning ahead. It's like they live in a manufactured world that they didn't even create. They would even benefit from an imaginary fantasy.

    Just don't get caught up in hate. Or at least channel it if you do. Actually hate and fear are pretty good, maybe that's what everyones problem is, not accepting those emotions.
  10. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Zanick It makes me want second-guess the human tendency to think twice about certain things

    So you're going to second guess second guessing?

    You, "you're" life is just small pattern repeating over and over. That's why things are predictable.

  11. Merlin Houston
    Hold it out in front of you and spin in circles.

    I actually used to do some exercises where I'd half squat and grab the plate then stand up and swing it above my head. Maybe that could apply to the kettlebell. More likely you'll get hurt following my advice.
  12. Merlin Houston
    For real though I just want social interaction to improve myself. Even at work I can go the whole day without speaking if I wanted to / tried, it just doesn't seem healthy.
  13. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by reject We're all in the same boat. Tbh I have about 5 people I consider to be real friends, altho I don't speak to 2 of them that much anymore. So I guess 3 active friends. That's more than enough. I know they have my back and I have theirs. Everyone else I used to know and used to be friends with can go fuck themselves, fake motherfuckers

    Yeah the friends you make when you are young are the only ones I could ever fully trust, the only ones who I know there back story, who I've met their mother. Fuck that's depressing, I guess I shouldn't write those people off even if I don't hanging out with them most of the time. They are still the realest fuckers I know.
  14. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger Join a club.

    Even then how do you go from being, "just that guy who showed up and left", to the person who treats the club as an extension of his already existing relationships? Yeah yeah, I guess it just naturally happens? What clubs are there for adults? Meet-up?

    I suppose I could always move to Texas and have sex parties in the desert with Bill Krozby.
  15. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by reject Don't bother, friends are overrated

    I agree, I've had shitty friends and been a shitty friend. I don't care what I call them though, I'm really after social influence, people with connections, people that look like me. I've long come to terms that you fuckers are the only people I can enjoy interacting with, which is funny because I'm a nobody, but that's ok.
  16. Merlin Houston
    For various reasons I've drifted away from my old friends and now find myself with nobody but family. I could still ring them up, all they do is get high and play video games which isn't fun or productive, I'd rather be here. The thing is I've never tried to make friends which was fine at school, now that I work with a bunch of middle aged people there is not really any meaningful relationship I can have there. There's enough social interaction that it's not a negative impact on my mental health, but I'm stagnating. Anything outside of that clearly defined work interaction, (How's it going? Can you help me with xyz? Wow the sun came out again, global warming is a hoax y'know) and I get really flustered.

    Reading a few of those books like the 48 Laws of Power and I know I could do all that pretty easily if I put myself in the situation. Going to a bar for example would be hell. Fuck I actually think I'm starting to develop agrophobia.

    edit: Hard Mode - Can't involve a drug subculture.
  17. Merlin Houston
    Only for highly specialized applications like crypto coin mining and data processing like tensor flow, rendering fractals, etc. You can write computer programs that specifically use GPU, but I imagine the learning curve is very steep and with not much value without a specific goal.

    Tensor flow is a machine learning python library made by Google which will automatically take advantage of the GPU if you have one. It's a lot easier to get started than you think:
    You can basically ignore the math and just know you are shaping a function/line (or many functions/lines) to represent data points.
  18. Merlin Houston
    Also consider the offspring of holocaust survivors who suffer from the genetic imprint of the tragedy. Unbelievable! But real. Simply amazing, race has no genetic factor and yet PTSD can be passed through generations. It is a scientific fact.,8599,2016824,00.html

    Originally posted by reject Interesting places tho. Very good pizza restaurant nearby, highly recommend

    Is it brick oven pizza?
  19. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock if 6 million juden were splashed, how the fuck were their numbers increasing?

    Same reason rats are able to thrive in NYC.
  20. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by reject Trans are the fucking worst.

    If you were born with a dick you are MALE. If you were born with a vagoo you are FEMALE.

    I can dress up like a dog, walk around on all 4s and bark like a dog, but it doesn't make me a dog. It makes me a mentally ill human who thinks he's a dog.

    Actually species is a social constuct.

    Yiff yiff.
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