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Posts by Merlin
2017-01-23 at 1:01 AM UTC in how to have phun
Originally posted by SBTlauien Sell the drugs and go out and have some clean fun.
This is the best advice, either exercise or go make friends at school. -
2017-01-23 at 12:44 AM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by reject greenplastic is snab_snib.
I've really never understood why people bother making multiple accounts
If this is true then well memed.
Originally posted by greenplastic Just kill yourself plz. I'm not going to repeat my reasoning over and over because you're too dense to follow a conversation.
Damn for a second I thought I was talking with Socrates himself, then I realized you haven't presented any reasoning whatsoever. -
2017-01-23 at 12:39 AM UTC in Trump and health
Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher I hope him and/or Melania does something that substantially reduces obesity in America just to rub it in Michael Obama's face
Well the man himself is obese sooo...
Hopefully the whole thing makes me people improve and try to be the best they can be.
Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I just want Corporatism
Tha fuck, and this is already the case all around the world. -
2017-01-23 at 12:33 AM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic No, we weren't talking about illegal immigration, we were talking about how you're a little bitch, remember? You are a deceptive little cunt aren't you?
Oh really I thought this was about illegal immigration, I'd forgotten that every single post you've made to me has been nothing but a personal attack with zero substance.
Honestly what do you believe or what are you trying to say? Are you just arguing to argue? Several posts back you ceded that you didn't dispute anything I said. -
2017-01-23 at 12:21 AM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by reject That's a good point, unless you're a native indian you ARE an immigrant to America. White people didn't just magically appear there, it's where we sent our rejects.
I mean, before we found Australia
Funny how we killed all the Natives. But oh I don't want to be a hypocrite, we're all just habitants of the planet earth, now let us go sing kumbaya and the camp fire, brother. -
2017-01-23 at 12:19 AM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by infinityshock in all seriousness…anyone who is a proponent of immigration is mentally unfit to be a human and wholly guilty of high treason.
Immigration is fine provided it's skilled people who want to assimilate. We just don't want people who are going to detract from society and have a net loss.
People who base their decisions on emotion instead of logic are the problem here. I didn't fuck up the world and I'm not liable to fix it either. -
2017-01-23 at 12:06 AM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic But it's not relevant at all, so it's not meaningful. That's not how debate/logic/arguing works.
A specific downside of illegal immigration is somehow not relevant to the conversation about illegal immigration? Hmmm. -
2017-01-22 at 11:40 PM UTC in Live Laugh Lovefuck h8
2017-01-22 at 11:22 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic See, that's what I claimed from the very beginning, and now that you realize that you're full of shit and everyone can see it, you're trying to make it sound like you weren't arguing that whole time. Weak minded as fuck.
Yet my point is still entirely valid. And why does it matter what I think? If I cared that Mexicans were getting raped would it somehow be more meaningful? -
2017-01-22 at 10:51 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic No, and I never claimed to. I just think you're a bitch for trying to pass off your racism as caring for others and not being able to defend your beliefs for what they are.
Well it's not because I care about that particular issue or because it's the most important aspect to be considered, rather to show good intentions can have unintended consequences. And if caring about my culture, country, safety, and wellbeing makes me a racist, then I'm damn proud to be racist.That and I personally take issue with anyone who thinks people should go to jail for smoking weed. Although I can't remember now if it was you that said that or someone else.
This wasn't me, I don't believe in crime without a victim. Though I guess immigration is a trickier subject here, I don't support locking people up for breaking immigration law. -
2017-01-22 at 10:20 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic You don't know how to argue or use logic. Anyone can read through this thread and see right through you. I'm not wasting more time helping you try to defend your cognitive dissonance. That's your problem.
Do you factually dispute anything I said?
This would also appear to be your problem, the OP is about enforcing immigration law and I responded positively and stated one of many reasons it's a good thing. You disagree obviously although it's not clear why. -
2017-01-22 at 10 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic You haven't raised a single valid point to counter my arguments. The only thing you said was that because immigration is an illegal business, rape and murder occurs. Which as I showed you, is bullshit. You are literally the weakest minded person here.
That's because you haven't made any arguments hombre.If it weren't illegal that wouldn't happen
So you propose we make all immigration completely unrestricted, or just immigration through the Mexican border?
I didn't propose either of those
You've carefully positioned yourself so that nobody can you out for being wrong, but you can sling shit from some moral high ground.The only thing you said was that because immigration is an illegal business, rape and murder occurs. Which as I showed you, is bullshit.
Oh I must have missed this, where exactly did you prove it's bullshit? I always suspected PBS was lying to me, but I can finally know for sure, those bastards! -
2017-01-22 at 9:13 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic I didn't propose either of those, I simply noticed that the rapes and murders you are pretending to care so much about are a product of the fact that it's an illegal business. Is anti-fa an organization? I am part of no such organization if it exists, but if you are asking me if I am against fascism, the answer is yes.
If you are sincerely under the delusion that kicking Mexicans out of the US is the best thing to do in order to protect them from rape and murder, you have issues. I mean we all have issues here, but jesus christ dude, really? Sploo has a stronger grasp on reality than you do.
It is a real problem, whether I care or not is irrelevant and doesn't detract from my points. Though I imagine quite a few people do care. And I'm sure others will jump through hoops to justify it as a necessary evil. -
2017-01-22 at 8:55 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by greenplastic If it weren't illegal that wouldn't happen (even though I never stated my opinion on immigration, just that you guys are cunts for reporting them). What a shit argument. Fittingly for this discussion so far in this thread, it's analagous to the argument that if you smoke weed then you obviously support human trafficking since some groups that smuggle weed also engage in human trafficking.
And it's fucking stupid you're sitting here trying to accuse me of mental gymnastics when you're the one trying to cover up your racism against Mexicans by pretending like it's just because you care so much about women and children. Lol get the fuck out of here with that shit, you're not fooling anyone.
At least be like Number13 and admit that you're just a piece of shit racist. At least then I can't argue. But no one buys the fact that you're just looking out for the women and children.
So you propose we make all immigration completely unrestricted, or just immigration through the Mexican border? Seems like a raw deal given that absolutely nobody would reciprocate.
Just admit that you are anti-fa scum who can't conceptualize that not supporting illegal immigration may actually be better for all parties involved. -
2017-01-22 at 8:25 PM UTC in Help Deport MexicansAh speaking of mental gymnastics, do you support rape and murder? Seems a fair price to pay for entry to the US, the coyotes obviously don't work for free...
2017-01-22 at 7:57 PM UTC in Help Deport MexicansAnti-Fa/illegal immigrants in full assblasted mode. It's my tax money that props them up, so damn right I'm going to have an opinion. And who said anything about smoking weed, that's some divide and conquer shit that the (((media))) uses to play people against each other.
2017-01-22 at 7:23 PM UTC in Help Deport MexicansCondoning illegal immigration also does a disservice to the immigrants themselves who are likely to be raped, robbed and sometimes murdered by coyotes on the journey to the US. It's not like they just hop onto a school bus and driver over.
I don't support rape and murder, do you? -
2017-01-22 at 6:40 PM UTC in Open Ports ChangingI'm not sure what you mean, can you give an example? Are you using nmap?.
So you scan and see say 1022, 1023, and 1024. Then on the subsequnt scan you see 52, 53, and 54 open?
I haven't seen this before, it's possible servers have a nmap honey pot or something, but not your phone. Open and closed states may change depending on the applications running, but that should be relatively consistent. -
2017-01-22 at 6:16 PM UTC in Assigning C structs into array?I'm looking at this bit of code and from what I gather, we create an array, and cast/assign a portion to one struct and a portion to another. It took me a minute to understand what it's doing (originally was going to ask wtf is going on but I think I've got it correct).
It's clever now that I think about it, but seems kind of hacky at the same time, is this an accepted thing? I could tack on any amount protocols to create a raw packet like this. Does this practice have a name?
#define PKTLEN sizeof(struct ether_header) + sizeof(struct ether_arp)
char packet[PKTLEN];
struct ether_header * eth = (struct ether_header *) packet;
struct ether_arp * arp = (struct ether_arp *) (packet + sizeof(struct ether_header));
2017-01-22 at 5:46 PM UTC in Help Deport Mexicans
Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump They are refugees fleeing a conflict zone too.
So they are more deserving only because of their geographic location? That sounds suspiciously like racism.