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Posts by Merlin
2015-07-06 at 12:17 AM UTC in MXE
No idea how long it actually lasts cos time disappears but when you come back for the first time its pretty bindmlowing
That's how I started feeling with nitrous. The comedown always got to me the most. A mirror image of the comeup, but you don't really know what happened during the comeup. -
2015-07-06 at 12:12 AM UTC in Ya'll niggers ever get ASMR?I've heard of this, but any sensations I experienced I just chalked up to being in a meditative state. I do think that sound is an underrated sense, people always talk about seeing this or seeing that. I've come to the conclusion that hearing something is just as or more powerful.
2015-07-04 at 5:43 PM UTC in Shell script threadHere is a shitty script I wrote to help automate my backup process. It's meant to be used in conjunction with rsync. Say you have a folder backup it will make a copy of it called backup_MM_YY for versioning. If it sees that there is no version for the current month one will be created. You specify how many versions and it will trim the old ones.
I did not realize bash functions couldn't handle named parameters and I can't bring myself to care enough to make the pieces more portable.
sortByTimeStampAndPurge () {
dir="/home/macfag/" # dir to work in
folder="gaypr0n" # file / folder base name to work with: baseName_mm_yy
curMonth=$(date +"%m")
curYear=$(date +"%y")
versions=3 # how many revisions to keep
cd $dir
# firsts make array of folder names
for f in ${folder}_*
# sort them by actual timestamp
for (( i = (${#files[@]}-1); i >= 0; i-- )); do
for (( j = 1; j <= $i; j++ )); do
if [ $(stat -c %Y ${files[$j-1]}) -gt $(stat -c %Y ${files[$j]}) ]
# check there is an old copy
if [ ${files[${#files[@]}-1]} != "${folder}_*" ]
# if the last copy is labelled more than a month old: copy it
if [ $curYear -gt $lastYear ]
cp -r $folder ${folder}_${curMonth}_${curYear}
elif [ $curMonth -gt $lastMonth ] && [ $curYear -eq $lastYear ]
cp -r $folder ${folder}_${curMonth}_${curYear}
# there only exists the main backup, no versioning yet, create one
cp -r $folder ${folder}_${curMonth}_${curYear}
# trim extra files that might exist
for (( i = ${#files[@]}-1; i >=0; i--)); do
if [ $versions -le 0 ]
rm -r ${files[$i]}
2015-07-03 at 1:36 PM UTC in Can someone give me the low down on VPNs?
seedb0x if you've got a bit more money to spend
I use one in europe… it seems very unlikely that your local government will petition a foreign government to investigate ownership of a VPN account for something as trivial as downloading movies.
Going to run my own local seedbox, if I can ever get the damned php code to work.
I suppose a seedbox still provides the advantage of direct downloading your content -
2015-07-02 at 12:43 PM UTC in More evidence the Charleston shooting is a fraud event *dashcam*
Icing in the cake is the gubmint is ginving "the church" 29 million.
The fuck. Since when does the government distribute money to victims of crime? Did this happen during the other false flags? I only see information about private donation funds. And lawsuits. -
2015-07-02 at 12:03 PM UTC in Using leap to move non computers?Never heard of it either. You'd have to use a computer and link a specific motion with something that controls a motor to slide the picture. Arduino comes to mind for this (the motor control), not sure if it's really the best tool for the job. I bet the leap device costs way more money than it's worth to utilize for this one specific task.
2015-07-02 at 11:57 AM UTC in This is pretty neat.Does this present a risk to the owner/maintainer of the site or just the end user?
2015-07-02 at 11:50 AM UTC in Can someone give me the low down on VPNs?
Yeah my ISP sent me a few copy copyright infringement letters cause I'm always downloading movies. For VPN i've used Cyber Ghost. It's free and it does the job.
That's one I was looking at, the paid version seems reasonably priced too. -
2015-07-02 at 11:49 AM UTC in Web developers whom piss me off, cause they''re noob fucks.Just use get.
$password = $_GET['password'];
2015-07-02 at 11:39 AM UTC in Can someone give me the low down on VPNs?Since torrenting will probably become the next witch hunt. Do you pay for them or try to avoid a paper trail? What countries to look for? Companies? Red flags?
2015-06-27 at 12:31 PM UTC in I guess I have gone into the Confederate flag tee-shirt business
What's with Americans and impeaching on their own freedoms?
My dad used to have a dixie plate from when he banger raced but he died so I couldn't tell you why or how he got it.
You misunderstand, it's our (or ebay's) freedom to not sell something as much as it is to sell it.
What's with Americans making trivial non issues into big issues? It's the you know who. -
2015-06-27 at 12:03 PM UTC in Where do you stand on the Palestinian Israeli confict?I'm an avid atheist who blindly supports the sovereignty of Israel.
Don't forget about the 6 billion. -
2015-06-26 at 11:04 PM UTC in Kitploit, tools for you security arsenal.Cool link.
Bookmarked. I see some useful simulation tools for malware analysis and some fun wireless stuff on there. I've been meaning to read up and simulate a wifi mitm for a while now.
It's almost trivial with ettercap.