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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL People wrongly confuse success with intelligence.

    Funny that you have neither.
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Shovers and makers.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny 1 - ok, why dont you elu-the-fucking-cidate it for us.

    2 - refer to 1.

    No, why don't you actually tell me what the fuck you're insinuating rather than vaguely alluding to two financial bodies that are largely unrelated on the subject of the US govt taking on debt. And implying idk what, because it would be much more efficient to point out a specific fault in your view rather than explaining the US banking and debt system to you.

    thanks for reaffirming the notion that rating agencies' rating are mere opinions.

    correct. ratings are not a good indicator of investability. at best they are just as reliable as palm readings.

    No, you are just an idiot. Credit rating agencies are evaluators not investigators. They evaluated the figures and gave their outlook. Their outlook means a lot, creditors literally use credit ratings to determine whether or not they should give credit to an entity. Saying "they were wrong once" doesn't make any case except the case that you are retarded.

    And no, the US is not lying about its books.

    theoretical debt servicing. the fact that the US governmemt had to keep raising the debt ceiling each year every year for the past 10 years is sign enough that US is unable to service its own interest accrued, much less debt.

    HOLY LOL. Are you saying you think the Debt Ceiling, which gets raised, is the same thing as the US government's account payable? Please answer.

    which is also why they're also considering 30-50 year bonds. the only thing that keeps US from defaulting is the rest of the world because thanks to bretton woods, everyone else were trickked into using and holding US$ as their forex reserve currency, and it became too big to fail.

    Nobody tricked anybody into holding USD, accounts could be settled in both USD and gold but nobody wanted to break their gold reserves and preferred to pay in USD. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM. The USD was overvalued for foreign exchange meanwhile they had huge domestic inflation because of a liquid asset buildup due to a little goof called WORLD WAR 2 when other countries's industrial strength was utter dogshit and America had no one to trade with on even terms.

    Waaaaah the US stopped letting China off it's teat for free, how schemey.

    which is also why US can keep printing money despite being a deficit country. had it been germany or UK it would have already prolapsed a long time ago.

    The US can keep printing money because it keeps growing and it has the biggest economy that everybody wants to participate in.

    because their out capitalized by the multinationals.

    say it.

    No you fool. Multinationals love buying US debt instruments. Everybody does... Because they are...

    S T A B L E A N D R E L I A B L E.

    servicing foreign debt only cease to be a problem for the US after nixon had unpegged the value of dollar to gold. because the US can always print more money to pay foreign debtors, which was incurred by vietnam war in nixons days, but not mint the golds need to back it.

    hence the tactical devaluation.

    Dude, the debt that was a problem to service was actually exchanging dollars for gold. It was a problem in the first place because of a huge flood of liquid USD onto the market after WW2 but of course there was no extra gold to make up for it. The US was actively taking in financial harm when trading because they were putting out more unbackable dollars. Abandoning the gold exchange is the only thing that allowed the dollar value to even out. And it was categorically a good thing in the end because having a free floating fiat currency is inherently awesome, it's value is determined not by what it's pegged to but rather what you can buy with it, i.e. the strength of the USD's economic reach.

    just check your real estate adverts from those era.

    Property values didn't just increase because of inflation or devaluation lmao.


    Factual assessment.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    How big is her cock?
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut

    J O I N T H E N A V Y
    O\ O\
    I \ I \
    N \ N \
    T \ T \
    H J O I N T H E NHA V Y
    E O E O
    N I N I
    A N A N
    V T V T
    Y O IHN T H E N A V Y H
    \ E \ E
    \ N \ N
    \ A \ A
    \V \V
    Y O I N T H E N A V Y
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the actual method isn't that hard as far as I understand it, just takes a LOT of industrial capacity and raw materials

    chemical weapons are a much better option for the home doomsday enthusiast

    I know a compression nuke isn't super complex but it's the Uranium enrichment that gets em.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I think a Chinese or Korean (one of the smart ones) doomsday cult should just invest in figuring out the technology for building nukes and refining uranium, then open source it. It would set the world aflame.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Lanny. He is too cool for school these days.
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I'll kill you.
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Pretty sure touching someone else's mail is straight up a federal crime.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    You can use a local USPS station as an address and pick it up with ID, don't know how you feel about doing it with drugs but I figure that with stealth it won't matter.
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM Its the reddit

    Double fuck you nigga
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Oh come on dude

    Fuck you nigga
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny because you cant ?

    Because talking you through the concept of "financial leverage" is a journey I'm not willing to make.

    treasury doesnt print new notes, but it was the one who gave the fed the power to print monies on 1 hand, and the banks to distribute the printed and non-printed monies, ie - credits.

    ie debts

    1. You do not know what the US debt ceiling is or how it works. You literally do not have the foggiest, remotest clue.

    2. You also don't understand how the Fed works.

    yes, lying for 9 quaters and still got a AAA rating. their ratings are just that, ratings. opinions. which was why they cant be sued or held accountable for misleading investors with their ratings during the subprime prolapse.

    No shit retard. They are ratings, they parse the data that's already out there, they are not fraud investigators who dig into their books and see if they are insolvent. They see if payments are being made, and by their financials, are payments likely to be made?

    Someone committing literal federal crimes to fudge their financials isn't on the credit agencies, unless you suggest the entire US economy is committing fraud and lying about the biggest most openly catalogued exchequer in the world.

    The US's credit rating means the US is servicing its debt and capable of continuing to service it. That's what it's doing. You are wrong and cannot do dick about it unless you prove that the US is either not servicing it's debt or won't be able to in the future.

    Ball's in your court and probably my balls are in your mouth at this point.

    depends on how you see things. investors are just another way of saying money lenders. when investors invest, they're actually lending money to the bussinesses they 'invest', or another way to see it would be capital renters, renting their capitals out and interests are what their capital tenants pay back.

    Let me ask you a question, why do you think "investors" in the US economy are so content to invest at such low rates?

    The answer will chop the dick off your argument so say it or I will.

    i did not say thay, show me where i did.

    Ok sorry I misunderstood.

    i was saying US$ has been tactically devalued [ie depreciated] since nixon era.

    Nixon didn't drop the gold exchange standard to "tactically devalue" the dollar in response to foreign debt lmao, how the fuck are you the nigga who argued against the sovereignty loss of being in the EU but think America was secretly trying to jedi the world like China does by abandoning a fucking fixed exchange rate system? Monetary policy was fucking impossible because EVERYBODY was buying dollars and printing money to do it. Servicing foreign debt has NEVER been a problem for the US.

    then you have no idea how US$ came into being.

    Alright Vinny, tell me your version of events.

    i expect your granddad to be alot older.

    I don't know when he bought his house so I'm just guessing.

    like 30-40s.

    2000%? Show receipts.

    and still cant be paid back.

  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by G4LM You can make one

  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice I am not asking this for attention seeking or advice persay, mainly want opinions on possibly more experiencerd users on this. If you are able, I respectfully ask that you please refrain from passing judgement on me for this.

    On to the subject: It is well known Pentobarbital is a prime choice in both self and assisted euthanasia for its effectiveness and peaceful method. The price, however, can be high. We know that Fentanyl, and its more potent analogues, are equally lethal, and for a much lower price for the amount required.

    I have come to hear mixed opinions on opiate OD experiences (where they live) like some saying it just went black and peaceful/empty and others saying it was brutal and painful. If someone were to use a sure-fire lethal dose intentionally, would it theoretically be so strong it would just put you down quick without much time for suffering or anything? Especially if you do it with benzodiazepines on board?

    I dont mind having to man up and experience a few more moments of misery before the drug kills me if I went the opiate route but I want to be sure it will work which is the benefit of Pentobarbital.

    Any input? Please, I ask you kindly, do not try to lecture me against these considerations. I am solely seeking scientific opinions. Thank you.

    Originally posted by Solstice Also, to add, my other reasoning for hoping fentanyl etc/ benzos would be sufficient is solely because I figure the less I have to spend then the more cash I can leave for my family. Sure, I can afford the Pentobarbital but its like $600 and I can probably accomplish the same with like $80 of fentanyl, $20 of benzos and $10 of alcohol.

    I have many top grade prescription antiemetics like Zofran and know how to preload it days ahead of the event, so failure via loss of product by vomiting won't be a concern.

    Yo imma start by ignoring your wishes and telling you, I'm not going to enable this urge because I care about you. Please reach out for assistance.

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Everything you've posted in this thread is incoherent belligerent incoherent ramblings of a sad sad man who no longer even realizes that no one listens to or believes his nonsense

    Is that Panny?
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nein. if american tax payers are paying 1 trillion in taxes and the military is spending 1 trillion a year, then where did the money for other governmemt services such as prison came from ?

    I'm not going to explain how debt works to you again.

    not directly but they're related. debt ceiling is how much the government is allowed to spend beyond the amount of monies paid by tax payers.

    State it clearly for the record: do you or do you not believe the deficit is bridged by the Treasury printing new notes?


    Lehman Brothers was one of the largest, oldest financial institutions in the world, and they publically collapsed in the span of ~2 weeks after lying about their financials for literally 9 quarters in a row. Yeah no shit they fudges their credit rating by looking more financially sound than they were, and they were making payments commensurate to what they were projecting. Their credit ratings began being questioned as soon as concrete financial data was available but they utterly tanked in less then 2 weeks. Less than 1 if you consider what was available to the public at the time. There was straight up no time to junk their credit, all the major agencies were already getting ready to review their rating, they just folded before anybody had time to bring down the hammer.

    then you have no idea what the big 4 rating agencies do, or what they are.

    irrelevant / bad analogy.


    lehman bros was rated as great investment until the day it finally prolapsed. but the reason lehman prolapsed was not because it ran into am unforseeable accident like your analogy suggests, but rather because it was investing heavily in toxic subprime mortgages.

    Credit rating isn't an "investment rating". Lehman Brothers lied on their financials for 9bwuarters straight.

    ok, tell me why did nixon unpeged the value of US$ to the prices of gold ?

    You were saying that USD hasn't been the world's reserve since Bretton Woods. Stick to the subject. What on Earth were you trying to say?

    which is why US is the only country that can keep lending itself the money it doesnt have, unable to pay, and too lazy to work for, despite of having subprime credit ratting.

    It doesn't "lend money to itself" lmao what the fuck are you talking about.

    you'd have known how much US$ has depreciated if you arent some shítskin shítskinian from shítskinned country because the house that your granddad bought for 50k is worth millions now.

    Lol so you're telling me the USD has inflated 2000% since the 50s and 60s or???

    ditto you.


    yes but do you ? cutting interest rate is just another type of stimulus.

    That's literally my point.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and hence like i said, "paid with tax payer money" is an american superstition.

    It's all paid with American money, me taking a loan doesn't mean it's not my money, it's literally me taking responsibility for that money on atypical terms.

    1 - tell me how american money come into being.

    If you believe the debt ceiling has anything to do with the Treasury printing notes, this conversation is over because you are retarded.

    2 - ratings by rating agencies are nothing but 'personal opinions'. dont forget thet lehman bros was rated AAA+++ right till the very day it prolapsed.

    Factually incorrect.

    their meaningless.


    Credit ratings are not fortune tellers, they just look at your ability to service your debt given the facts. They are just data parsers.

    I tell you "Usain Bolt has the best biomechanics and fast twitch fibers and he has the best times, he's the best runner in this competition and likely to win", that doesn't retroactively become inaccurate and discredit my assessment even if Usain lost his legs in a car accident the next day. Of course Usain Bolt has the tools to win the competition, circumstances changed.

    not since bretton woods.

    I'm going to go ahead and assume you don't know what that is or how that relates to this discussion.

    The USD is 74% of the world's FOREX reserves.

    youd have known this if you arent some shítskin skinian from shítskinned country because the house your granddad bought for 50k is worth millions now.

    Please speak englando.

    no, this another one of those economic superstitions instilled by the capital renters and their capital jediries.

    If you don't understand economics just ask questions rather than pretending you do.

    the almost decade long of near 0 interest rates.

    Do you not understand how stimulus works or???
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