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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Fat Jerry is about to be removed as the House Intelligence Chairman, because he didn't get Nancy and Co.'s permission to launch any impeachment hoaxes.

    Shut the fuck up Canadian faggot
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He's just voicing what he thinks is right.

    And voicing what I think is right: this Canadian faggot can shut the fuck up.

    Anybody who isn't American and muddies American political discourse with conspiracy and partisanship, is an enemy of America.

    You particularly like conspiracy as a lolsoedgy meme, I know you don't believe in any of that shit. I get it, it's fun. But believe it or not, it provides cover for actual misinformers and disruptors.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Dude did you even read all of your link?
    .. On the other hand, the existence of very big oil and gas reserves in very deep depths of the earth's subsurface can be proved by the abiotic theory of hydrocarbon generation. According to the theory of abiotic (or abiogenic) origin of petroleum, the hydrocarbons have been formed in the depths of earth by reduction of CO2 and H2 gases in the presence of metal catalysts [3] [5]. So, the consequences of this theory, could be extraordinary, as earth's mantle becomes the inexhaustible provider of the cheapest energy source on earth, by today's standards, and shattering not only the oil-depletion myth but also pointing out to oil-rich regions in places devoid as prolific as before, because of belief of biogenic origin. …

    Are you mentally retarded? Thats from a different study. Actually click on it and read it: it's about evaluating a proposed extraction method that could be hypothetically used up to 20 miles deep. Thia could access for potential abiotic sources if they exist, which is not at all asserted

    If this is true then the proposed new method can be used for the exploration of petroleum reserves in very deep depths, like 20,000 to30,000 m.
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    The individual forums just look deader than disco because we have so many, even though there is a reasonable amount of activity. First time visitors should see the threads, not the forums. The forum list should be just be linked by a Forum Index button under Latest Threads. Move About to the bottom, below the page jump of possibly next to the ISS footer because nobody reads that shit, it 100% doesn't need a dedicated nav button.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Shut the fuck up pussy retard.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion LOL "TRIGGERED"

    I.e. your misinformation got shot down and you look like a fool.

    Let me post another nail in your coffin:

    However, formation of higher hydrocarbons in the upper layers of the Earth's crust occurs only as a result of Fischer-Tropsch-type reactions in the presence of hydrogen gas but is otherwise not possible on thermodynamic grounds. This theory is therefore invalid. Both theories have been overtaken by the increasingly sophisticated understanding of the modes of formation of hydrocarbon deposits in nature.
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Sure I definitely didnt quote it from the same source as spectral

    I didn't read the source and you know it.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Just to be clear, the scam isn't even whether or not abiotic oil could theoretically be formed. It's that no matter what, we are simply not going to be able to access the theoretical abiotic oil, not now and possibly not ever. Mostly the proposed abiotic processes would need to take place in the lower mantle. Just to be clear, the deepest hole we've ever dug is about 8 miles deep. The mantle starts[/] about 5-7 miles deep.
  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Ever hear of abiotic oil??
    We are never going to run out of oil.

    Abiotic oil is the biggest scam since waterfront real estate in Brooklyn. Oil companies spent $2.8 trillion drilling for abiotic oil sources over the past 4 decades and found literally ZERO evidence for abiotic oil in any significant tappable capacity, anywhere. The simple fact is that the abiotic oil is a fucking lie that is being sold to the same kind of people who buy plots of land on the moon.

    This is the classic in depth debunk article that's been bouncing around the internet for 14 years
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Boy you really gave that one the ol college try lol.

    Declaring the other person has lost is a nice way to admit defeat and disengage. I'll count that as a W.
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby well he's right you dumbass, funny how so many libtards are defending the little cunt saying its wrong to call her mentally ill even though her parents literally called her mentally ill. its such bullshit that they are using kids to push their propaganda but then create a false outrage using libtard trolls to defend her "daahuurrr I have ocd and I'm not mentally ill my life is put together and meticulous.." as if people like that don't have severe problems.. since when does have an anxiety disorder not make you mentally ill?

    thats like saying because jim morrison made millions of dollars he wasn't fucked in the head

    I'm not defending this bitch, SpectraL is just hilariously ashamed of being Canadian and cucked by turbolibs so he cosplays as an American Trumpist.
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Democrat hand puppets on the payroll. Nothing new.

    Shut up Canadian faggot
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala If you can’t deduce from my post that I’m laughing at him then I’m probably laughing at you.
    If you can't deduce from my post that I'm using a rhetorical "you" and not you in specific, then this post makes me laugh twice as hard at you.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Doesn't seem to be showing me much.

    Do you mean like EDF, etc? Cos I thought they were bleeding big cash due to so few new reactors being built right now.

    They aren't bleeding money as in operating at a loss but they're basically becoming not worthwhile at all. That's why they want the next generation energy investment focus to be on nuclear, with looser regulation on energy pricing. Currently nuclear operators make little money because governments control how much you can sell energy for on the high end and now they have to offer energy cheap or at cost (even loss) on the low end because of oversupply bidding.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Wrong. The discovery of the negro master race,the platonic nigger, is what this whole project has been leading to.

    Negroes are already the master race. They are the only race that is full human and doesn't have neanderthal DNA.
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Archer513 I still can’t believe that dude is president of the United States

    He use to go on Howard stern and just talk about nailing bitches

    He got body slammed in the wwf

    That comb over

    It’s insane.

    Literally-president snoop dog is not out of the question

    It really is. If you asked someone in 2012 what was gonna happen in the 2016 elections, you could bet a literal trillion dollars that they wouldn't guess right.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Google "nuclear cartels"
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    We absolutely need to change our energy policies, everybody in the universe already knows that who isn't a retarded member of the right wing public. Even sensible right wing people know it. Everyone in power in government or business knows it.

    The only question to be answered, and why there is faffing about rather than action, is which green investments get to make money off the transition. That's it. That's the reason. Nuclear is a great option but solar and wind lobbyists love the scaremongering about it because they want governments to buy and subsidize panels and turbines that anybody can manufacture rather than spending billions on highly regulated, highly restricted nuclear operations. And nuclear lobbyists want the opposite because there's only a handful who can do the job and they will make unreal amounts of money off further nuclear investments by 1st world countries with little to no competition.
  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala He’s definitely not the most respectable president, but even I catch myself reading his fucking Twitter and laughing.

    Are you laughing at him or with him though? Because we can laugh together either way. But if it's with him then you're definitely getting laughed at too.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ The term “high crimes and misdemeanors” came out of the British common law tradition: it was the sort of offense that Parliament cited in removing crown officials for centuries. Essentially, it means an abuse of power by a high-level public official. This does not necessarily have to be a violation of an ordinary criminal statute.

    I have a suspicion that you just made this up but I don't have the evidence to dispute it.
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