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Posts by Rear Naked Joke

  1. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Squid Pro Quo
  2. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Roger Plant more like Robert animal.
  3. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Roger Plant more like Roger Fungus
  4. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny also i just want to add that al-gays and phytoplanktons have less energy density per kg than meats.


    meats, that we have moral obligations to not eat.

    That's why 100m years of pressure is required.
  5. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    that proved nothing other than scientists failed to produce oil in energy worthwhile manner from the material and method they *think and believe* are how natural oils were produced.

    it doesnt prove that al-gay is the only material that can be made into oil, or that they have conclusively determined how oils were formed and are forming.

    Okay go find some new oil source and make billions. Till then, you are retarded.
  6. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    "Centrist" = coward
  7. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Nobody plays on it anymore i saw esplender but its always 0 players now wtf cmon bithces

    Honestly I'm kind of over Minecraft for the moment but I'll keep the server running as long as someone is interested. I'll try to play tomorrow.
  8. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ?

  9. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    I miss toothless Joe
  10. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano How many chickens from 1900 have you eaten, sir? I'm sure the chickens in 3rd world countries haven't been bred differently, so go over there and tell me how much better they taste, sir. They didn't spice them because they didn't have spices on hand that we use for chickens and it wasn't the norm yet sir.

    My dad is a farmer, all the meat in my freezer is his butchered beef ma'am. I've eaten 2 of the best steakhouses in the country, sir.

    Why do you make so many assumptions, does that really help you in life to be so close minded?

    Actually, there rest is a huge difference in taste between broiler chicken and country chicken is MASSIVE. Broiler chicken is really easy to cut cleanly at the joints, not sinewy or tough at all. Country chickens are sinewy, have twisted and knotted muscles near their joints and are tougher, making them harder to cook down.

    However IMO it tastes incomparably more delicious than broiler chicken.
  11. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood pretty much, I just ignored this as more mindless barking but it's looking like he fucked up

    But I don't care because i'm burnt out from when I was supposed to hate him for calling all mexicans rapists

    ^ Canadian
  12. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny their biological and genetical proximity to apes.

    look closely at an apes nose.

    Whites are more negroidal than blacks by this measure.
  13. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Nignogs live in mud huts and posses sub-human IQs in Mudderland Afrika. Dumb bastards can't figure out how to drill a well on their own.

    For many decades, the average IQ for American Blacks was said to be 85. The average IQ of Blacks in Africa however is about 70 with several African nations averaging in the 60s.

    While it’s true that the American Black population is actually white sperm injected racially-mixed or “colored,” the percentage of White genes in the Black population is only about 25 percent. In order to raise the Blacks up from an average IQ of 70 for pure Africans to 85 points, given that the White average is 100 and assuming the average IQ of a group is linearly related to their racial make up, the percent of racial admixture would have to be 50 percent for the colored population to have an 85 point IQ, which is not the case.

    Didn't read.
  14. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Calm down dude none of this shit matters anyway,most of us will be dead soon enough, go take a walk I hear the suns out today.
    And as far as me being retarded well thats just a matter of opinion and I could care nothing about your opinion of me.

    It is a fact that you are Incorrect and retarded.
  15. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rear Naked Joke No. Most dead shit turns into coal. Only dead phytoplankton turn into oil, and that takes 100m years. 80% of our oil today was formed in the palaeozoic and early to mid Mesozoic era, i.e. 150-500m years ago, because the Earth was warm and there were a shitload of phytoplankton that died and got buried. Cretaceous period (~100m) onwards there haven't been many conditions for large phytoplankton deposits so the Earth isn't making much oil nowadays.

    I wanted to say, the youngest FORMED oil is about 65m years old, meaning it's from material about 165m years old.
  16. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny innocent of the claim until proven to be otherwise.

    True, for this:

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ not an american.
  17. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny "theory", ie - hypothesises, ie - educated guesses, ie - scientific superstition.

    "I am gonna say some bullshit with no evidence or support as if it's scientific. Then the stuff with evidence that contradicts me is bullshit jedi science"

    Ok buddy retard.

    scientists have yet to figure out how oils are formed because if they do, there'll be factories producing it,

    like meffs.

    Holy shit. You denser than oil mother fucker.

    We literally could produce it in factories, but we don't because that would be retarded since it would take more energy to produce the oil than you could get out of the oil, and THE WHOLE REASON WE WANT OIL IS TO GET MORE ENERGY OUT THAN WE PUT INTO GETTING IT

    We don't want to put energy into oil form. You god damn retard.

    We want to extract the chemical energy that had already been stored by the sun, phytoplankton and geology, millions of years ago. The energy source is already there and we just want to tap into it. We don't want to put energy we already have into it like a battery. We want energy we don't already have.
  18. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ not an american.

  19. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    My ideal solution would be to just make one big Latest Threads page with a drop-down box at the top thqt can fĂ­lter for individual forum topic. When you hit "create a thread", you select a forum topic to categorize it to from a similar drop-down box.

    Functionally very little would change, it would just streamline everything down to one page, retaining the existing forum sorting while condensing it down to one drop-down box.

    DDBs are already part of ISS design, I think it would look rather nice to just zap About, keep Latest Threads and then have the DDB at the top of Latest Threads, under create a new thread.
  20. Rear Naked Joke African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You mean the way Hillary used FusionGPS and Christopher Steel to collude with the Russians and the UK and get phony dirt on Trump to then leak and use to obtain a bogus FISA application to spy on Trump's campaign and attempt to interfere in the 2016 election with the help of the Russians and the UK?

    Shut the fuck up Canadian faggot
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