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Posts by park police

  1. park police Tuskegee Airman
    unfortunately there's the "one drop rule" and CandyRein's IQ is likely to be around 90, despite being part asian. She could be 50% asian and that would make no real difference.

    Nothing against her, but that is a well known scientific fact, that whatever you mix with black, the intelligence doesn't increase all that much.

    Not that IQ tests are that important anyway.
  2. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I could do this but I'd rig the shit up to incinerate if they tried to break in and find it. This is about one of the dumbest ways I've ever heard of to make extra money though. Canadians
  3. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I'm just going to leave this here (Airlift of Evil).

    Al Qaeda and the Taliban glow in the dark something fierce.

    Well yeah, the US has a history of creating enemies and foreign boogeymen as an excuse to dick around and steal resources from other countries and rob the american people of more freedoms.
  4. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I rant about this exact same stuff all the time.

    We need to kill these motherfuckers one by one.
  5. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country If you guys genuinely believe the cops just went up to and started beating an innocent man for no reason you're dumb as shit.

    That has never happened in the history of the world. There is always a reason.

    This is literally "he a gud boy he dindu nuffin", but you suckers all fall for it because it's an hispanic dude holding a cross.

    The main problem is that they didn't escort the guy out themselves. That and religion is gay
  6. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Some people suggest dropping the temp a few days before harvest since terpenes are volatile and the higher the temp, the faster they bleed out. So for maximum flavor, get the temp right. The temp shouldn't fluctuate either, and lower temperature will slow the drying process somewhat, but lower humidity will counteract that. It's best to get the temp and humidity perfect.

    Some people suggest 65F to 75F and 45 to 50% humidity. I'd go with the lower numbers, even if it takes a bit longer. I've met a lot of good growers that weren't very patient, didn't have a hygrometer, and didn't pay much attention to the temp of the room their plants dried in, and while they had high THC, the flavor was lacking somewhat.

    If you screw up the drying part, the curing part is not going to be as good. Curing will make it smoother even if the drying part is screwed up, but you'll lose flavor.
  7. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by WellHung Ur a pussy. How boring..

    I didn't use any of his meth either. I enjoy being sober. I just need some weed.

    I wouldn't say living under a bridge makes you disciplined, either.
  8. park police Tuskegee Airman
    So many cops are ex military, you get them used to killing people first, and then beating and tasering people is a piece of cake.

    Militarization of the police forces. The only way this kind of thing would ever stop is enough people start sniping out police and politicians. The only thing these people understand is fear. No respect, just fear.

    Now, whether or not the guy with the cross was being a disruptive jackass isn't the issue. This sort of thing happens to innocent people all the time, people that aren't being disruptive. People that are just going about their daily lives. It enrages me that we have a class of people that is supposed to have the right to put their fingers in people's pockets, search them, threaten them with violence for not obeying stupid laws.
  9. park police Tuskegee Airman

    So much for the peace talks
  10. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I was hanging out with a gay meth head last night so I didn't drink any alcohol. It was fun.
  11. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DietPiano Stunners are dumb, you gotta hold it on them for a long time while they can still move and beat you up, a taser is better cause it paralyses the muscles but even that only last for a few seconds.

    I think pepper spray is way better, they can't keep their eyes open for a long time which gives you a huge advantages to get away. I wonder what bear spray would do to them, it's like twice as strong.

    Salvinorin A darts are where it's at. Extremely potent, active in microgram quantities. Just dart them and send them into the black hole.

    EDIT: also very non-lethal for the most part
  12. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by G4LM Ok.

    Well your vape sounds like shit anyway.

    For weed i have a vapcap. You heat it with a torch until it clicks. Works perfectly every single time because it is beautifully engineered. No waiting or messing with temps.

  13. park police Tuskegee Airman
    "Hydroxylamine was first prepared as hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 1865 by the German chemist Wilhelm Clemens Lossen (1838-1906); he reacted tin and hydrochloric acid in the presence of ethyl nitrate."

    "Ethyl nitrate can be prepared by nitrating ethanol with fuming nitric acid or a mixture of concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids. Further purifying by distillation carries a risk of explosion."

    Sounds familiar.

    so easy

    "The reaction is pretty much:
    Heat toluene to 90'C. Slowly add equal amount (weight)
    of Ca(OCl)2 (pool shock), and raise temperature to
    100'-105'C, leaving it there 1 hour or until reaction
    complete. Settle. Decant of oil.

    This oil contains 30-35% benzyl chloride and 65-70%
    However, We don't want benzyl chloride, do we? We want
    BENZAL chloride. The patent goes on to describe that if
    sufficient amount of Ca(OCl)2 is added, the toluene is
    completely converted to Benzal Chloride and
    Benzo Trichloride. Upon boiling in alkaline water, we
    get Benzaldehyde and Benzoic acid. Voila."

    EDIT: starting to look like reductive amination of LPAC would be the easiest route

    If any of you would like to explain how I'm wrong rather than hurling insults the way a monkey flings poo, feel free.
  14. park police Tuskegee Airman
  15. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Not exactly' what, Sir
    The j/ews were white (mostly european dna) and the slavs were white. But some people consider neither group to actually be white. It was more of a political thing than racial, but it was both.
  16. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by G4LM Not the kind of vaporizer we're talking about.

    you'll niggas see the new study about lipid buildup?

    I already posted a thread about that in The Compton Gazette
  17. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Silence is golden
    Ingorance bliss
    Better off not asking
    What you'd rather forget
    And as the vice grip choke holds
    All of our freedoms are meeting their end
    And for the wars they wage
    Numberless troops lie wounded or dead
    The beatings will continue
    Until morale improves
    Free your hate
    Crusade in the days of rage
    Perilous folly
    Rise up against your fate
    Free your hate
    Crusade in the days of rage
    Tireless cunning
    Stampede and break your chains
    Terror at gunpoint
    Torture at large
    Enemy combatant
    Labeled a threat
    Without trial or charge
    Repetition of history
    Messenger, prophet, martyr for god
    All for once and for all
    Reclaim your power
    The tyrant must fall
    The beatings will continue
    Until morale improves
  18. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I made a ghetto vaporizer once. I took a jar full of pot leaves, put it in the oven around 200 something F, until the vapor cloud formed, then took it out and poked a straw through the foil covering the top, and inhaled.

    Just like any expensive vaporizer I've ever used. Actually I think it may have been better.
  19. park police Tuskegee Airman

    Since you mentioned you can't seem to get their attention
  20. park police Tuskegee Airman
    And if you wanted to know how to end up on a watchlist,

    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania Is it about how whites despise one another? .. I have trust issues with white folks because white people twist shit and white women complain and over compensate to PoC regarding "White privs"
    I never experienced white privs.. I have seen white groups or families get special privs.. some kind of Father' s or Mother's connections in upper or upper-middle class fraternity of power holders. Money talks a lot under the table

    Not exactly.
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