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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal oracle is such a retarded nigger who traded in all his EBT for kfc vouchers

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal it's a joke

    pc gaymers are vapid and ignorant consumerists who waste their money on overpriced legos, they don't actually care about gaming and when they actually do end up playing a game (when they're not tweaking their OS or bragging about their recent hardware purchase on forums) it's some hollow garbage like warframe or an indie piece of horseshit no one gives a fuck about

    When is the last time a studio like Level5 or Team Silent made a pc exclusive … never.

    PC gaming is the small dicked autistic equivalent to ricing out your mom's hand-me-down honda, nothing more.

    ^ Poornigger can't afford a good PC.

    Hey gaiz my shitty 2013 laptop with a mobile chipset is so representative of PC gaming.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL ^ Translation: I can't be assed to look at any evidence (because I'd look like an ass, if I acknowledged its truthfulness), so I'd much rather just sit here flapping my partisan hack gums all day long. Understood. Now, step aside and let the grownups talk, kid.

    I looked at all the evidence years ago.
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country All white people are racist, singling out one for being so has no relevance.

    No, the specific fact that he was being assfucked in court for racial discrimination in office and magically reopened the probe after 5 years only to close it in one month when those proceedings ended literally citing this proceedings to try to spin hi conviction as persecution for his investigation, then reopened it in 2018 again when running for senator, then dropped it when he lost, pretty much speaks for itself.

    But of course you guys don't care for biased sources when it's literally a guy who was held in contempt of court FOR LITERALLY DISTEGARDING A COURT ORDER TO STOP RACIALLY PROFILING and was pardoned by his "good friend" Trump, who also tried to kill this very case beforehand and was the single biggest pusher of the Birther conspiracy, on the basis of a personal vendetta because Obama humiliated him publicly.

    Then Joe fucking Arpaio is the bastion of unbiased truth.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Pay attention..

    1. Arpaio is proven racist and right wing biased goon. He has been legally found guilty of racial discrimination in his function in public office, by a 9th circuit court judge

    This particular "bombshell" came conveniently as he was being prosecuted for the above

    2) Nobody is watching a 1 hour video of slow talking retards.

    3) obvious attention play anyway.

    There is not just one magic fake PDF sitting in the site. There's actually a paper trail of the acquisition and publishing of said document, alongside confirmation from the head records official of the state of Hawaii

    This is just another Arpaio roll with jack shit evidence. That's why he closed the probe after 1 month of this, then brought it back up in 2918 when he wanted attention again for his senatorial campaign.

    Zullo’s presentation did not clarify how the investigation led to Ah’Nee or how they came into possession of her birth certificate.

    Zullo and Arpaio declined to take questions after the press conference.

    Reached by The Arizona Republic shortly afterward, Zullo said he obtained Ah’Nee’s birth certificate from a man named Jerome Corsi, who had authored a book on the matter.

    Zullo said he was unclear what led Corsi to Ah’Nee in the first place.

    “I have to be honest with you, that’s a really good question,” he said. “Because either that’s an unbelievable coincidence, or there’s something else going on.”
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny im thankful to this impeachment process because before this i never knew whats a quid pro quo.

    It's like really high level calamari.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Firstly, even Shifty Schiff admitted the setting was not classified, so it didn't matter they had their phones and devices. Secondly, the Democrats had zero intentions of allowing the Republicans to be involved in the dungeon hearing. Proof of that was when the Republicans orderly entered the room, Shifty Schiff grabbed the witness and ran out the back door with him. Stop lying. Anybody who knows what they are talking about knows you are just making shit up as you go along.

    It's not a matter of it being "classified", phones are not allowed in that room during proceedings, period.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We now know for a confirmed fact his birth certificate is a forgery.

    [Citation needed]
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal also how did you get 760m out of gtx 780?

    So it's 780m? wow that typo makes a real difference faggot.

    You're a fucking retarded gorilla nigger pc peasant desperate to prove a point you can't stand to make

    go back to jerking off to your jewish masters in glorious 120hz with your multi-color glowing cuckmaster 90000 mouse you bought for $200 from jewegg while feeling you're somehow superior because you can play garbage indie games made by a transgendered mullato schizophrenic handicapped midget who just learned how to use RPG maker

    I'll be over here playing classics such as Dragon Quest VIII and Disaster Report while laughing at you in glorious 4:3

    I was right! Shitty poornigger playing on a dust choked laptop thinking his "i7" isn't dogshit.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal No you're just a retarded gorilla nigger

    the very language you use "virtually no glitches" proves my point


    If you want a genuine PS2 experience you have to run the game on PS2 hardware

    Crying won't change the facts.

    Of all the listed games, less than 1% have any emulation glitches noted whatsoever. Look at their pages. The ones that do are stuff like upscaling artifacts in UI because the native assets were only made for 480p. That needs a settings change to fix. Or you could play them at shitty 480p like a shitty eyesight retard that you are.

    And Inca play those games at 1440p@144Hz no problem. Man, God Hand plays so nice on PCSX2, I love it.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I can even see my own family dying out because this generation (mine) isn't having kids.

    I'm not even gonna start this one. I invite the reader to point out the error for themselves here, like a jumble or crossword puzzle. Answers will be supplied next circulation.

    There will be far less in the next generation than there is in the current one.

    Just wrong.

    Every single racist ass chart you have seen trying to spook you has been centered around either white birth rates declining (i.e. the population stabilizing to a steady level rather than continuously growing) or whites declining as a percentage of global or a national population (happening since the 20s due to Indians and Chinese having approximately a trillion kids).

    When you've seen a national one, you've probably never stopped to question whether a demographic shift actually signals some kind of doom or not. The classic tactic is to show decline in white percentage in a population and then say the whites will be outvoted by "the coloureds", as if brownies are all one monolithic group with contiguous beliefs that stand together to fuck over "white interests", which are somehow also always framed as the conservative position (voting for liberal policies = only for lazy colored I guess).

    In reality for example in the USA, there is no reason why say Mexicans have to vote against Republicans. Shitloads of them are conservative Catholics who prioritize family values etc. It's just that the GOP strategy to galvanized their base is a Baby's First White Supremacy cosplay where you don't say nigger any more but sure do think it. If the GOP leadership was not fucking retarded old politicians and they allowed actual young conservative figures from nonwhite communities into their strategy, they would fucking crush Democrats for 20+ years no problem. See, politics aren't split along racial lines. You can try really hard to look at it that way. But they ain't.

    Of course you will say this is why we need immigration.

    But that's not replacement?

    So don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

    ??? You will need immigration to stave off economic inviability dumbass. Not to buoy your population. The population is stabilizing because people are getting better standards of living and money etc. Imagine if the population stabilized entirely and every young person's work had to support one OAP. You and your elderly would be fucked. You in the future too. That's why you need immigration, not because "whites are dying out".

  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Oh yeah, right. The reason you hate anything at all implicitly white is some sort of MOON PERSON post ironic coolness.

    You see everything through a lens of race.

    Denial is the first stage of grief. Yes you've been a very stupid little boy. And now you are getting embarrassed and petulant. Don't worry. In due time you will accept your grief and come out stronger.

    Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit.

  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Just FYI: there is zero evidence of any replacement or dying out of whites anywhere.

    Please, Jesus Christ, don't just watch the first sensationalised and heavily edited video of refugees rattling fences and white women crying and immediately get conned. You're smarter than that.

    Or maybe not
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country How fucking dishonest are you, you and §m£ÂgØL are constantly on about how white people are being replaced as the dominant ethnic group in America and other places, and how that is a good thing.


    You understand that literally the ONLY reason we do that is to mock the fucking absurd fears and fearmongering of racialists, right? Right?



    Yeah no, I see this is coming as news to you.
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Technologist Well, I sat back and watched this play out last night, but I did not get involved, since I like both G and Skull.

    But Skull, you are wrong about the transparency. These republicans were allowed in the room, they chose not to attend. Kinda like a little kid plugging his ears and saying “nanananananana”! They didn’t want to hear it. If they were members of the appropriate committees doing the questioning, they were allowed in.

    They stormed that room illegally with their phones and media devices on them. This was a show for one and only one man.

    I really don’t know how to put an impeachment “on the back burner”. Facts are it’s gonna be front and center stage, not much can be done to change that. But, the process can be done as quickly as possible, without leaving out facts.

    Congress has worked on many bills that Mith McConnell will not touch, because he knows trump won’t agree with them. That’s not how it works, they need to be open for discussion on the senate floor.

    I don’t know what else to say, but I wish you 2 would come to some sort of consensus.

    Fuck you fence sitting, pandering cunt. You didn't say shit cuz you can't say shit and only about sucking up to the maximum number of people. You aren't adding shit now bitch. He deserves to be vilified for his massive stupidity.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal The fact that PCSX2 can run the game doesn't mean anything

    with 6th gen emulation you will always run into bugs such as audio glitches, texture issues, random weird glitches.
    I have been at this since 2008 and have played around with PS2 emulation every year since, it's still garbage.
    Even the GTA emulation on PS4 is garbage.
    You're just a clueless plebe who is either really stupid or too naive and looks past the major issues.

    No, these are games with virtually no glitches.

    And I was right. You're probably running a shitty 6 year old piss weak i7 4600m and gtx 760m. No wonder your performance is shit. You probably can't even set up the performance options
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal 1 - you're an idiot

    Yeah but you're a bigger idiot.

    2 - I have a pc with an i7 and gtx 780

    The fact that you literally said "an i7" as if that means anything to anyone already displays what an absolute moron pleb you are.

    The fact that you didn't mention the model number on either means you're probably on a shitty 2013 Laptop running a mobile chipset.

    3 - PS2 emulation is still garbage


    No significant bugs, most are flawless now and vastly improve the experience by allowing higher resolution, texture enhancementing and packs, and frame rate boosts.

    4 - you're a huge moron

    I know you are but what am I?

    5 - who cares about the gamecube and its emulation is garbage too

    Not just GameCube but also the Wii, one of the highest selling consoles of all time, right up there with the best at ~100m units.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal correct

    I have 10+ years experience with PCSX2

    you will never get a genuine experience unless you run the game on an actual PS2

    Incorrect. 1) You have a shit PC because you are console shit so you can't run it ofc. 2) PCSX2 works great, I run my games at natively 144 FPS and it's buttery smooth, even lower response time than on a TV, in fact it actually enhances games over playing them on blurry shitty 480p that looks like dried asshole on any modern screen.

    Also PS2 isn't the only console to exist. Dolphin is a shining exemplar of emulator development and it runs much more powerful games, and better.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal emulation for anything post SNES is garbage
    You will never get a genuine PS2 experience unless you run the game natively ie on the original hardware

  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood How was sleeping alone last night

    Insomnia so it wasn't like much
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    You haven't backed up shit faggot. Which bill are you talking about? Link and I'll shit on your face cunt.
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