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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    It's like a dweeb version of The Gang from Always Sunny. From the right: fag but not gay Mac, gay Dennis, Muslim Charlie
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Cly just use discord

  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Hey goy, wanna pay $500 for a gimped PC that can't do shit except play games and Chinese cartoons? Oh yeah the only choice is to spend $4000 goy, it's not like you can mix and match parts as much as you like and get whatever level of performance you want.

    Welcome to a platform where you have no autonomy goy. Forget about piracy: we own you now. @ant to play with another controller? TOO FUCKING BAD GOY, NO MOUSE AND KEYBOARD FOR YOU.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Cly Shit looks so gay.

    What's wrong with being a fag?
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Boy that aloof fagade sure lasted a while huh?

  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I was going to post this put I figured it went with out saying

    Sucks to be you. But that also goes without saying.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby §m£ÂgØL has a very biased and twisted view because he watches a lot a news and it literally shapes his world view

    You sound pretty mad lil bromo
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Bill Krozby is the kinda dude who gets his ass kicked then talks mad shit when the guy walks away.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Skulltag Ad-hominems, yada-yada-yada. Here, let's get it out of the system. You're a shit-piss-cunt, a multi-size reusable condom used by a niggerdog to fuck Lanny's liserd asshole until his smegma penetrates and impregnates your nutsack. Here, are we done with the kindergarten shit now? Can we move on?

    Shut your cock holster bitch faggot. If you don't want to be insulted stop saying retarded shit you fucking moron.

    My main point still stands though. You haven't heard a peep about the push for this bill, because impeachment is on your mind 100% of the time. And for the record,

    Not a bill. I knew about the executive order and that Impeachment was being done about it, which apparently you don't even understand.

    So the whole shebang about me claiming that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted or investigated? Yeah, that's a load of hysteria.

    Hey retard, quit dodging the question and answer, I'll spell it out real clear for you: what about the present handling of the situation would you change and how?

    And my point about AOC blocking border security because "Hurrumph says I, Orange man can never have good ideas!" also still stands. Y'all obsession with Trump is what directly led to an increase in deaths at the deportation facilities.

    What is increasing deaths at deportation facilities is the executive order that immediately escalates illegal immigration to a criminal issues. This cause the population of those camps to QUADRUPLE in the first quarter. No, it's not someone else's fault for not conceding to retarded demands to mitigate the effects of even more retarded actions. What can be done about it is to remove him. Simple..

    Also, about bills. Quoting:

    Oh so you were just pretending you knew what the fuck you were talking about: that bill never made it to the floor. LMFAO:

    You want to bitch and moan at someone about semantics, bitch at the White House for calling it a bill and bitch at the media for doing the same.

    One link was a bill that never made it to the floor, the other was am executive proclamation. Not the same things.

    Basically, you googled some shit you didn't know about and didn't know how to check, conflated them and now you look like an idiot.

    Now if you're done with ad-hominems, can we go back to debate or you still need to relieve your frustrations some more?

    Kill yourself stupid faggot. This is not a debate in any way shape or form. You are literally the Wimp Lo of arguing

  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by 6011UM "collaborate"

    You mean stole his work and didn't give him any credit?

    They both corresponded while Darwin was in South America and Wallace was in SEA. Then they published together at the Royal Society.
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Natural Selection Comes to Edinburgh — Before Darwin

    Long before Darwin (or Alfred Russel Wallace), James Hutton, the father of modern geology, propounded the idea of evolution by natural selection. And at least two other men followed on his heels, doing the same well before Darwin articulated the idea.

    Darwin is a FAKE!!

    James Hutton contributed to geology and the development of the principle of uniformitarianism, he didn't have natural selection.

    Everybody already knew about hereditary change, they even had breeder's equations for heritability and had been inducing change through breeding for millennia, for example in dogs and plants.

    Choosing the best traits to make an organism's lineage change in a desirable direction had been a thing for millennia.

    Even Darwin's grandfather knew about heredity

    What was unknown, and put together by Darwin and Wallace, was the mechanism for evolution as it occured in nature, without a selector such as a breeder, that picked the best genes. Wallace and Darwin actually did the legwork and put together a coherent theory that could be used to make predictions.

    They also didn't know the genetic basis of it till Mendel's work was rediscovered from obscurity, published in some weird mountain village paper in the middle of nowhere.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I just said no…

    anyways posting in a krolo thread

    "I wasn't looking for attention by posting in this thread where nobody gave a shit about me. BTW someone gave me attention by calling me out on being pathetic for seeking attention, that's exactly what I wanted! Success!"

  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Documentary for skullfag explaining what a bill is

  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Skulltag That is EXACTLY what I've been saying. Put on the back burner. The attention should be taken away from it and put into more important problems. You'll notice that I didn't say "It must be completely and firmly stopped and must not be investigated". You can't quote me saying that, because I didn't.

    But hey, with all the ad-hominem attacks, somehow, I'm not surprised that you can't actually counter my argument with anything but semantics.

    The investigations, hearings and proceedings in general, and the process of governance, are being carried out as it always is and has no relation to how many articles the media is writing about the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES.

    Holy shit you are brain dead.

    And there you have it. Somehow I'm not surprised you've never heard of it. That's EXACTLY what I've been pointing out. You've never heard of this shit, because you're all about impeachment, 100% of the time.

    Do you have a mental disability?

    This was not a "bill". This was an executive directive.

    All Congress can do is try to overturn it, which the president can veto (Trump vetoed the previous attempt to repeal his state of Emergency), defund it (you can't defund a quota) or ultimately impeach him and remove him from office if the president is abusing these powers.

    They had to move to step 3 as step 1 is invalidated by the fact that Truno has zero restrain or decorum with the powers of president and 2 is inapplicable. So yes, this is actually exactly the action you are asking for.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Skulltag Murdering US citizens. Extremely harsh deportation camps (which are still blamed on Trump). And let's not forget how they "found bin laden but decided to just dump the body in the water before actually showing solid evidence of it".

    These are controversial policy decisions, not any more a "scandal" than any other. And shit I even disagree with them.

    As for Russiagate … The Mueller report proved you wrong. Trump didn't ask Russia to interfere. Deal with it.

    "We have plenty of indications of collusion but not enough to convict" = TOTAL VINDICATION of course.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra "Aid" withdrawal was a completely separate matter.

    Lol. Shut the fuck up Australasian faggot.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Skulltag No, the media isn't, but what the media does, is making sure that other, more important issues, are never talked about or noticed by the people, which is the problem I'm pointing out with it.

    No you weren't you lying cunt faggot.

    You were saying that Trump's prosecution should be "put on the back burner" and that it's taking away from solving other problems. You are moving goalposts.

    Le librul medya biazz has nothing to do with anything being discussed. The people who are prosecuting Trump are also continuing to perform their duties, of which that is one, and are not writing these srticles. The media and how many articles they write about Trump is a total non
    n sequitur.

    I've just backed it up, right there! Impeachment IS cutting into other shit. How else do you suppose Trump managed to pass that nonsense bill about immigration? Because all y'all dumbfucks were so concentrated on impeachment that nobody actually paused for a moment and thought "Hey, a new bill is going to make it impossible for war and political refugees to safely and legally come to America, we need to do something about this."

    Instead, the media and the Democratic candidates glanced over it, asked themselves "will it help impeach Trump?", came to a conclusion that no, it won't, and the bill got ignored! It's right fucking there you blind goatfucker. I'm the one drinking gin and you're the one drunk or something?

    You haven't backed up shit faggot. Which bill are you talking about? Link and I'll shit on your face cunt.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra LOL

    What scandals did he personally have actually have that were remotely anything but standard political retardation? Birther shit? Barack HUSSEIN Obama the Muslim? You can disagree with his policies all you want, that's not the same as someone asking foreign nations to interfere with US elections.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Skulltag Lol, go to any major media outlet. Literally any single one. Here, I'll even show you on your favorite fake news outlet, CNN:

    Now, count how many of those articles are Trump, and how many are literally anything else. That's right, Trump is taking an overwhelming amount of attention. And I have made a very, very specific example about why impeachment detracts us from everything else. Several, in fact. Here's one:

    AOC literally just denies border security financing because Trump supports it. Which, unsurprisingly, results in deaths in deportation camps. There's literally infighting in the Democratic house right now, because some people dare to worry about something else than Trump. We're infighting, while we need to stand united against Trump if 2020 Democratic victory is going to be a reality.

    And second: Remember when Trump passed bill on immigration? Specifically that you can't use a middle-man country to immigrate in the US anymore? At that time, 99% of media covered Trump's plastic straws and sharpies, while the bill went mostly ignored and, in fact, passed.

    Do you think the newspapers are the ones prosecuting Trump and passing laws and shit?

    Each post you make gets progressively more retarded bud.

    I'm not saying that absolutely everyone is entranced by Trump, but the majority certainly are. Refer to the examples above. "Orange man bad" resulted into the new Democratic party actively trying to dismantle border security. And when Trump passes a bill which makes it nearly impossible for immigrants from the most torn apart countries to come to the US legally, the bill is completely ignored by the media and the democratic side, to the point where it passes!

    How is that not the world stopping? The democrats have been on and on about Trump since 2016. It literally feels like we have frozen in purgatory, and nothing but Trump exists.

    You're the one saying it's somehow cutting into other shit, while being completely incapable of backing it up on any level. Not my fault you're utterly lacking in facts and are arguing from emotion.

    Democrats having different policy positions than what you think should happen isn't "the world stopping" you moron. You're literally saying they are doing the governance you're demanding, just not the way you want it.
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby thats big bromo to you chicken fucker. but to be honest im pretty chill right now, i'm smoking a blue berry blunt right now.

    Sounds like what an upset person would say, tiny bromo
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