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Posts by ORACLE
2019-11-14 at 5:06 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 5:05 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 5:02 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 5:01 AM UTC in I am not following the impeachment hearingsHow the fuck can one person be so wrong about so much?
2019-11-14 at 5 AM UTC in I am not following the impeachment hearings
Originally posted by iam_asiam68 Darwin never backed his Theory, he just let it play out because time was literally on his side in this matter:
Darwin quite literally took a shotgun and collected thousands of specimens such as finches and collaborated with Alfred Russel Wallace to back up his theory, as well as heavily relying on the work of Malthus's demography and Lyell's geology to prove two fundamental parts of his hypothesis (Malthus = struggle for existence due to exponential population growth be arithmetic resource growth, Lyell for uniformitarianism to provide fossil hypotheses that can be tested geologically). -
2019-11-14 at 4:54 AM UTC in I am not following the impeachment hearings
Originally posted by iam_asiam68 we are talking about someone being gay, is a therapist of the mental state of being, proposing his own theory, backing his own theory, and the world is supposed to agree to it…that is not how a theory is proposed and then backed. who self backs their own theory but a complete imbecile!!
That's not how science works retard. You make a hypothesis and you test it to a particular statistical degree of certainty, then release your study for review and replication/falsification.
Do you think they just randomly add shit to the DSM or what? -
2019-11-14 at 4:51 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by Skulltag It means literally what it says. Queen's English, you mongrel. Stop making impeachment 99% of what the media and the democratic party does. Work on policy, solve problems bigger than Trump. Right now, all focus is on Trump, to the point where nothing else gets done. That has literally been my point since the very start:
Do the investigations and continue the impeachment query, but concentrate on fixing fundamental problem this country faces. Right now, nobody but Gabbard, Yang and occasionally Sanders ever talk about policy. It's always impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. It's been stagnating for three years. And then you get the likes of AOC who block funding to our border security, just because Trump also supported funding border security. As a result, deaths in deportation facilities have increased.
All because impeachment is more important to you than the welfare of those same people you claim to stand for. THAT is what I've been saying since the very start.
And you can think that I'm a Republican if you want to. I'm actually voting Democrat, Tulsi. But of course, y'all commie fuckwits claim that Gabbard is alt-right Republican and groomed by the Russians. You're not a Democrat. You're a religious Zealot.
It doesn't mean shit faggot. You haven't said shit about what such a change actually entail as opposed to the current situation, or that prosecuting Trump is detractimg in any significant capacity from any other important government efforts.
This is 100% you being a pussy faggot with no actual argument, just your emotions. -
2019-11-14 at 4:45 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't care I haven't gone there except once a few months ago nigger. Are you going to ban me here? No that's what I thought bitch nigga. you should probably try banning someone that gives a shit
I don't want you in the group. I didn't invite you to the group. Someone else invited you to the group that had nothing to do with me and hasn't posted in this thread.
Yet you felt the need to refuse to join the group as if anyone in this thread offered. Which they didn't.
Feeling a little lonely lil bromo? Really need so attention? -
2019-11-14 at 4:36 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by Skulltag Retard, learn to read, I have never said that Trump shouldn't be prosecuted, I said it should be on the backburner and not our primary concern.
Again, I never said that he shouldn't be impeached. I said that resources that are wasted on impeachment (media and our attention essentially) should be turned over to much more critical problems. To put it in simple terms:
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically stabilize California housing prices. Or clean up San Francisco.
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically slash the prices of healthcare.
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically solve unemployment.
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically teleport US servicemen and military equipment out of Afghanistan.
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically get rid of private prisons.
- Impeaching Trump will NOT magically break up Google's hold on that very electoral process.
All of these issues should have priority over impeachment. But they don't. Because retards like §m£ÂgØL can't get their head out of Trump's ass and actually get some work done instead of bitching and moaning.
Are you mentally defective? You don't prosecute anyone on the basis of whether or not it tackles the California housing prices you fucking retard. You prosecute someone because they broke the law. There are lots of things that don't solve those problems that we still do because the whole universe doesn't stop due to other problems existing.
And you specially prosecute the president when he is selling out the nation's sovereignty. Are you genuinely mentally subnormal? National sovereignty is literally THE paramount priority for a country. You might as well let other countries run ours. Holy shit you guys are unAmerican as FUCK. Kill yourselves traitors. You would sell out every single American principle to suck your gaylord king's orange phallus.
Ok so he should be prosecuted but it should be "put on the back burner"... Again, what the shit are you even talking about retard?
What the fuck is "putting impeachment on the back burner"? The only hold hearings on the weekends? Do you think the government only handles shit one at a time or the whole government is tied up trying to impeach this one nigga or what? Or do you want all of America's problems to be solved before anyone who isnt a serial killer is to be prosecuted?
Seriously what are you even babbling you fucking halfwit.I was right there, calling it out, because funding our border security would've prevented quite a few deaths in deportation camps. I was also right there, calling out private prisons because those are a sham.
Ah yes the classic Republican "no no I was totally against Trump forever, in fact Invited for Hillary and I'm a communist and I love Obama and Inwear a blue tie, except now I'm performing Olympic gymnastics level backwards-bending to suck his dick on this particular occasion only, pinky swear". -
2019-11-14 at 4:23 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 4:19 AM UTC in I am not following the impeachment hearings
Originally posted by iam_asiam68 how can a psych determine if his desire to suck every dude's cock is natural or mental when it is him doing the choosing?
that's literally a dog chasing its own tail.
talk about circular logic…
How can you determine it when you have jack shit to back it up, as opposed to a medical doctor or scientist? -
2019-11-14 at 4:16 AM UTC in The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕
Originally posted by Rrr what do you think this means
Yeah what could it possibly be
A) anything from buffering results to deliberate obfuscation.
B) Google's nefarious plan to cover up for Clinton by... removing a search suggestion but still serving up the results?
What? Why? It would literally make more sense to do it the other way around. To allow the suggestion but manipulate the results towards left wing sites. -
2019-11-14 at 3:37 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 3:36 AM UTC in NIS private Kik group
2019-11-14 at 3:35 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by 6011UM It would be nice if we had more than two of them though. But the American FPTP voting system is designed to not allow this to happen. Which is why we need a representative democracy like Germany or NZ or Sweden.
Just make a preferential vote. Yeah sometimes there can be weird results but it's better than FPTP. -
2019-11-14 at 3:33 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by Skulltag When have I said that it's legal? That's right, I didn't. When have I said that Trump must face no consequences for his actions? That's right, I didn't.
Retard, learn to read.
I didn't say you said it wasn't illegal. I'm saying none of this bullshit justifies saying "well it's illegal but we shouldn't prosecute him because it's a waste of time!"The thing that I AM saying is that impeaching Trump is a waste of time, because we have much, much bigger problems. It should NOT be the centerpiece. It should NOT be our priority. That's what I'm saying.
No you said he shouldn't be impeached because he isn't worse than other presidents... Bill Clinton got impeached for getting his dick sucked and fags literally still won't stop talking about Billary years later when they are irrelevant. A president colluding with foreign nations for aid in an election absolutely deserves impeachment. Are you fucking retarded? The sanctity of our electoral system is literally a highest level matter of our national sovereignty.Right now, you and §m£ÂgØL are like children who just have had their leg blow off. And you also have a small cut on your pinkie finger. And when people are telling you, "hey, you need a tourniquet on that stump, you're gonna bleed out and die …" you respond with "yeah, let me just stitch that small cut on my finger first".
Where were you fags when the Federal government was shut down over throwing $6b into a hole for a shitty fence and hundreds of thousands of federal workers either couldn't work or were made to work without pay? No, that bullshit was a waste of time. A president actively asking russkis for help in an election = get the fuck out fag. -
2019-11-14 at 3:14 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by Solstice Democrats and Republicans are equally retarded just in different ways. Organized political parties are retarded. Allows the ignorant masses to not have to think and just vote for their color like it's a sports team they're blindly supporting despite an 0-100 record.
That's stupid as fuck.
You don't inspect your own pipes for lead nor check your food for E. coli, it's because you have not the time nor energy nor will to handle all this shit.
Political parties are just like that, but one step prior.
Parties also allow people to support a larger political plan than just whatever is happening in the areas I'm allowed to vote in. Maybe I don't like X candidate so much but I know he won't do some shit that is misaligned with my views due to his party affiliation. If your voting for John the independent, you're voting for John's views. If you vote for Bob the democrat, you're flying for the views of the democratic party. If it was all individuals, it would be fucking mad. Parties actually let people have national goals. -
2019-11-14 at 3:01 AM UTC in Actual quote from the impeachment trial
Originally posted by Skulltag Are you fucking stupid? My claim all along has been that impeachment is a WASTE OF TIME because Trump isn't any worse than any of the presidents. My claim ALL ALONG has been that you're wasting your time, and my money, for Trump drama while it should be used to improve our communities and drive a liberal push to get Trump removed from office with POLICY. Check my fucking post history to several months back, I've ALWAYS held the same position.
You're the retard who can't see anything beyond a three years old impeachment meme.
EDIT: When did I say that I will vote republican? Oh, that's right, I didn't. And NOW you're making sense. Votes, that's already a bit better than "Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!". Now, second step, how do you get votes on the Democrat side? That's right, by actually doing good towards your community and ignoring the Trump drama queens. You win by being BETTER than Trump, not stooping down to his level, you fucking mongrel.
Honestly, I feel like I'm debating a pre-schooler. Are you not capable of basic logic?
(Nice of you to back off from your ignorant "But Obama didn't have a scandal!" claims btw. Nice of you to try and dodge your ignorance. Not going to fly by me buddy.)
Reaching out to a foreign government for aid in connection to an election is illegal, period. "B-b-b-but someone else was bad and didn't get impeached!" isn't a defence of anything faggot. Even if you established them as equal, any sensible, patriotic American would say that they both deserve to be punished, even if one of them gets away with it. -
2019-11-14 at 2:55 AM UTC in The R'tarded thread: The Shitfucking Edidtion 💩🖕
2019-11-14 at 2:51 AM UTC in NIS private Kik groupThere is a public chat on #forumboyz for anyone who wants in immediately, but it is OVERRUN with bots.
Apparently the homos at Kik thought it would be a great idea to not let you convert a public group into a private one.
So I made a new one, which is a group chat. You need to be added to the group manually, this is how the bots are kept out.
If you want to be added, either PM me your username or go to #forumboyz and DM my Kik from there telling me who you are on NIS, I will add you.