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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Mass mail is not secure. Address that as it is what the DNC wants. Not some fantasy in your mind of a simple two way regigistered mail system that doesn't meet standard legal chain of custody requirements.

    It doesn't need to be two ways, and there are no "legal custody requirements" for voting, because it's not necessary. Large scale fraud on postal voting is almost impossible.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Like I said the mail in voting process does not meet chain of custody requirements even with the use of registered mail. Read up on it first.

    It doesn't need to. I just answered your shitty question: "mail-in evidence" is literally a thing.

    But than is immaterial as the dems just want to mass mail out ballots and wait for them to come back so they can count them.

    And that's perfectly fine, because mail in voting works: it has worked here in America, it has worked around the world.

    The only "problem" is that your throat is full from gargling Trump:s balls.
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam In any case, at no time should ballots ever be entrusted to a single person or people acting as a single entity.

    Never needs to happen with the USPS.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer.... (banned) irrelevant if what is in the envelope is already corrupted.

    the USPS would just assure that the corrupted mailing would be delivered to the address listed on the label.

    youre an idiot


    Voters can't "corrupt" their own ballot. If any tampering happens between the voter has submitting their envelope and it getting delivered, it would be immediately obvious.

    USPS registered mail is already used for its uninterrupted chain of custody in US legal proceedings. Anyone trying to dispute its integrity is mentally handicapped and arguing against reality. If it's good enough for a court, it's good enough for a vote.
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    except the US doesnt have as many trials a day as there are voters.

    the manpower required to facilitate that many uninterrupted chain of custody simply isnt there.

    its obvious to any non bangladeshi shítskin.

    1. Vote by mail happens for like a month in advance of an election rather than on one day. Capacity isn't a problem.

    2. You don't need any additional man power, as it is still just mail. The only difference being that it gets sent in a different container that is signed over and accounted for at every step of the transport process.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny that reason being because they live in real estates that are priced according to american standards while bangladeshis like you can pack dozens of yourselves and your uncles in a hut.

    That's just classic American greed, wanting a mansion and a limousine for doing low skill work that someone who is more disciplined and efficient can do better and for cheaper.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Then there's that clicking sound.

    That's the adjustment spring, if you pull on your balls you can adjust the angle.
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Once it's broke, it will never be straight again.

    That's just increased range of motion.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam Should make it unanonymous then. If you send in your ballot by mail, you should be able to login to an online service and see what you voted to ensure nobody tampered with your vote.

    Actually, it'd still be anonymous. Only you'd be able to see. Or is 256 bit encryption not secure enough? Other than that, no downsides to it. Actually, could use this system to vote through internet. Why not? Increase access? No lost mail?

    If you send a hundred million ballots in the mail, they'll still be discovering lost envelopes and counting them months later in significant enough numbers that it could reasonably be expected to change the election outcome.

    Maybe at some later juncture. At the moment, paper voting works. And other countries deal with it fine. Just regular mail in voting is fine.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam Your cherry picked data doesn't fit the real world. Try working in construction. Go get a few contracts and get back to me.

    Your anecdote is the literal definition of cherry picked data.

    The simplest solution here is the one they taught you in fourth grade: supply and demand. You increase supply of labour, price goes down. Is that so fucking hard to get? You probably also believe evolution stops at the neck.

    I've already addressed this. Real markets don't work like Econ 101 toymodels: they're used to introduce you to elemental concepts that are used later for actual market modeling. Spoiler alert, the labour market isn't that simple.

    I work piece work. Some days, I can make 500$. Other days, I make 100$. This is still not enough to buy a house where I live. I want back breaking work to result in ownership. As of right now, you break your back working and all you get is enough to make rent.

    Sucks for you. Either be more valuable or get another career. Either way, why should two consenting parties be prevented from making a contract just because someone can undercut you? They are willing to be more valuable than you.

    Bringing in Mexicans like this up north, is akin to bringing in strike breakers on the rail road. The white folks aren't willing to work for too little. Our palaces will go over budget. Bring in the Mexicans! This is what makes the liberals the real racists. If Mexicans didn't work for cheap, they wouldn't be here.

    That's the free market at play, pal. And I don't need big government telling me who I can hire, or that I need to play ball with, i.e. you people who want more money for doing something someone else would do for cheaper, for no damn reason.

    In terms of buying housing, or cars, my purchasing power is close to that of a 1970's minimum wage.

    Sucks to be you. He more valuable.

    Are you retarded? That's the entire point of being ILLEGAL. The minimum wage doesn't apply to illegals.

    We were never talking about illegal immigrants, just immigrants. And even if we were, all you're doing is either advocating for A) just ENFORCING THE LAW and prosecuting the ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS, or B) Giving them green cards and making sure they take the same employment protections.

    If we didn't have people willing to work for peanuts, we wouldn't need to enforce a minimum wage. Unfortunately, some people are stupid enough to work for a fraction of their worth. Minimum wage laws are put in place to protect others from those willing to work for less than their value.

    Minimum wage laws are communist price controls that interfere with a smoothly functioning free market. The government has no business telling 2 free adults what agreement they can come to between themselves.

    Be less of a lazy nigger and stop getting mad that you are a loser in the competitive market: you are getting out-competed. BOO HOO, faggot.
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Taken from Reddit

    Comparison of job losses during this recession to others since WWII

  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam You'd need two mail men going to every door. Same as at the voting booths. There's never to be one person, or a partisan group, who handles the ballots.

    You have to go to the post office to send registered mail. You can just station poll agents at USPS offices and it would already massively increase access to voting.

    But it's unnecessary anyway. Regular mail in ballots work fine around the world.
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Read up on chain of custody and get back to me.

    Facts don't care about your feelings.

    USPS Registered mail establishes uninterrupted chain of custody from both ends and is used for transport of evidence in trials so... deal with being wrong.
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby wow you really sound like a piece of shit

    U mad bro? You can kiss my wasabi stained asshole
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Reverse Cowgirl is doggy style for people with dicks so small they need assistance from gravity.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by TJ i have pills though.. and a womans butt is cute when its doing all that jack work

    Not like you've ever experienced it.
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Taking a fat night shit. I woke up ruined by 4loko Gold and the sushi I ate for dinner and it's jetstreaming out my asshole.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sudo On a scale of 1-SO how would you rate the "cash" content of this scenario?

    I'd give it a solid Money/Cash
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Just to continue the discussion from before the nuke, so you chicken shits can't back out:

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The ballots would have to mailed by registered mail with a return receipt, and then monitored until they were filled out by a registered voter and returend to postal custody via regigired mail return reciept to an election official

    No they wouldn't. They would only need to be sent in via registered mail, after which they already establish an unbroken chain of custody.

    to even come close to establsihinh a chain of custody that would hold up at trial.

    USPS registered mail is regularly used for evidence in trials.

    The key here is that it would only come close. As voting is confidential the monintor would not be able to account for who had the "evidence" or the circumstances for the evicdence bined handled. But the truth is none of that would be affordable or logistically possible for each and every ballot that is simply mass mailed as the DNC currently wished to do. Which means no chain of custody can possibly be established for mail in ballots.

    We're not conducting a trial, we are conducting a vote. And USPS registered mail already establishes an unbroken chain of custody. And a chain of custody doesn't require someone to have eyeballs on it at all times, just to account for who had possession at every step of the process.

    So again would you be fine with that type of chain of custody for evidence if you were on trial?

    It's literally already accepted in trials, so yes.

    As I have already stated, not one single person who argues in favor of mail in voting can or is willing to directly and honsely answer that simple question with a simple yes or no.

    Your illiteracy and failure to read doesn't constitute no one answering. I've answered you already: yes, it's literally already accepted in trials.

    But it's irrelevant: we aren't conducting a trial, we are conducting a vote.
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    "leaving in droves" = Joe Rogan is going to Texas
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