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Posts by ORACLE

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I never said there was.

    I never said you did. I just said there wasn't. Triggered much?

    Which brings us back full circel to my original question that not one of you here who supports mail in voting can or will honest directly and honestly.

    Again your illiteracy doesn't equal nobody answering your question.

    Are you OK with ballots being mass mailed out to addresses and being returned by regular pre-paid postage?,

    I'm okay with them being mailed out to voters who request them, sure.

    If so would you be ok with that exact same chain of custody for evidence in a criminal trial with you as the defendant?

    No because a criminal trial and a vote aren't the same thing.

    Becasue that is what a ballot is, evidence of specific voters will not a piece of paper filled out by who knows who and handled by god only knows.

    No, no it's specifically not. They're anonymous specifically because you shouldn't be able to discern a particular voter's will. You just need to ensure one vote per voter, and that their vote is counted.

    Unless you can present evidence of the possibility of mass voter fraud on postal voting, it's just a stupid concern driven entirely by drowning in Trump semen. Because it's borderline impossible by all accounts.
  2. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny theres no proof that they will mark their ballot papers amd mail them back, and no evidences that ballot papers that ended up in the post offices really came from registered voters themself.

    So? You don't know how many people sent what from where. If you add fake ballots, you will exceed the voter roll and it will be obvious where tampering has occurred.

    thats just like saying USPS is on the same par as FBI and NSA because they're all federal agency.

    they're not staffed by the same tier of people and they dont have similar pay grade.

    The USPIS is literally on par with the FBI and NSA. It's a legit law enforcement agency.
  3. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i wasnt aware bangladeshis are capable of having delusions of grandeur.

    I always knew Taiwanese were bad at geography.
  4. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    He's not wrong. This stuff is decided by committee within the political parties. It's not like Mike Pence or Joe himself were picked personally either.
  5. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    It IS one person one vote like absentee ballots.

    US voters only receive mail in ballots by specifically requesting one from their local election office, be it from their county or their state, it comes from the same voter registration rolls.
  6. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Soygay has resolved to be the internet equivalent of a chihuahua trying to nip at my heels while getting repeatedly kicked in the ribs lol.
  7. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That doesn't mean the mail in system proposed by the dems meets simple chain of custody requirements. Until you understand what is required to establish that simple standard I may as well talk to a cat or a dog on this.

    There are no chain of custody requirements for mail in voting.

    We were only ever talking about chain of custody to answer your shitty question about trial using nailed evidence. Which they do. What does that have to do with voting?
  8. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your butt hurt is showing, pull up your pants or something.

    You couldn't hurt anyone's butt with your tiny peepee, buddy.
  9. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting "How can you think you are victimised"

    I'm pretty sure America is the last place I would move to.

    We wouldn't let you move here because you're gay.
  10. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting ^Feels entitled to move to someone elses country and share in their prosperity, which he had nothing at all to do with creating.

    I pay more federal taxes than anyone on this website.

    You on the other hand are a gay NEET who contributes nothing to Englistan
  11. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam Yes the west developed the highest standard of living the world ever saw, just to give it all away to immigrants and the rich.


    The great Western powers were literally built by immigration, mobility of labour and free trade. Italians and Irish were considered the dirty immigrant peasants before in America, but of course the objective of saying "DA WEST" is to act like these don't count and never have. Not to mention literally importing slave labour that was the lynchpin of the southern economies of the US... You know the reason for the civil war?

    The rich become rich because we make the bet use of our freedoms, against the poor use you make of your own.
  12. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You don't even know what a chain of custody requires. I have determined you lack the basic knowledge required to continue this .

    USPS registered mail is used for evidence in trials so deal with it loser.
  13. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Bradley Yep, having a cup of coffee right now while i fondle my flaccid weiner and smoke weed out of a metal straw I found in a starbucks.

    Hi Bradley did you convert to Islam like I suggested yet?
  14. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Americans are too fat to walk to the voting booth anymore they need mail in ballots LMAO

    Voting should be as painless and easy to access as possible, as it is one of our most important rights. In the US blocking access to voting is used as a tool of voter suppression. Election day isn't even a holiday. For example unlike Canada it's not required to have a polling booth in walking distance from you.
  15. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam Surely evidence has been lost I the mail too.

    Registered mail is meant to ensure delivery because every step of the process is accounted for.

    Almost impossible. It has to be 100% impossible for it to be accepted as a replacement for in person voting. Or at the very least not a downgrade. Not to say voting booths themselves likely deal with their own share of fraud. Minor exceptions can be made for people working or serving overseas.

    No, as regular walk in voting is also not 100% impossible to defraud. In fact it is much easier: most election fraud around the world has been on regular walk in voting, because it is as simple as compromising a particular location where the ballot box is being held.

    Large scale postal fraud itself is ridiculously difficult to coordinate and easy to detect, it is easily caught by looking for statistical outliers in vote totals, checking signatures and basic detective work. Colorado, Washington and Oregon primarily rely on postal voting and there has never been a statistically significant increase in voter fraud.

    You have to believe the entire USPS is conspiring to rig the election in some Qanon type mental retardation. And not care about the actual voter suppression that happens and is happening by reducing access to voting.

    This is a made up issue created and supported by retards who are too scared that increased access to voting will lead to Trump losing. That's the long and short of it.
  16. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Only if you have a tiny trunk.

    Speaking from experience ^
  17. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i agree to a certain extent with this point but theres also the point where these american blue collar workers have to send their kids to american priced colleges and they consume american priced fast foods whike bangladeshis illegals like you in the US and elsewhere need a fraction of that to send back to their wives and kids in bangladesh to enjoy the same thing because everything in bangladesh cost a fraction of what they cost in the US.

    the disparity of cost of subsistence between americans in america and migrants and their families in their native country is reason why disparity in wage between the two is possible.

    The reason the cost of living is high is because the cost of doing business is to high because lazy niggers want to be paid more for doing nothing more productive. QED.
  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Keep in mind, when you say "we", CF is not someone who counts himself as being part of your group.

    Identity matters when it comes to politics.

    Nope, that's just your own obsession with identity politics. I'm an American who pays taxes. Deal with it britcuck.
  19. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Splam Yes we do see free market at work when Mexicans move up here to work. I've never been a believer in the free market. They can go fix their own market instead of screwing up ours.
    We'll see real democracy at work when all the sitkskins are finally kicked out of western countries.
    The only argument you have ORACLE is "that's not how economies work you wouldn't understand it".

    It's the poor Mexicans coming over. Well doing Mexicans have no reason to emigrate if they can raise a family and feed them there. You can bet your ass off doctors would be pissed off at Mexicans if we accepted Mexican doctorates here for work. But is it worth it, when doctors start living out of their vans? That's just how the market works, should've chosen a different occupation. Is that your reply to a doctor who studied for a decade to make a wage? Do you not realize that carpenters practice for 10 - 15 - 20 years before becoming truly proficient? Will we say screw you and import cheap Mexican "strike breakers" when these carpenters demand a living wage during contract negotiation? IT IS NOT RIGHT! That's exactly how the current system is setup.

    It astonishes me that people firmly believe we should open our borders and bring our own nations down to the same standards as third world countries.
    Also trades are not low skilled work. Work a single day in it and you'll see. Mexicans can go fix labour standards in their own countries. There's plenty of mansions in Mexico. Instead of bringing our labour standards down to their level.

    All you're saying is that you feel entitled to more money for no reason. To which I say: maybe go live in communist Canada or something.
  20. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you need witnesses to prove the balllots collected at the mailboxes really came from genuine voters.

    No you don't. Registered voters who specifically request a ballot get ballots mailed to them. It's trivial to track postal voting statistically.

    all under the control and supervision of one entity, the post service. if the post service is corrupted then its really easy to cover up the rigging process.

    It's a federal agency, just like the Election Commission.
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