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Posts by ORACLE
2020-09-30 at 10:55 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2020-09-30 at 10:37 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
2020-09-30 at 5:48 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal Taxes
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Seriously do they think we're just pulling this out of our ass? Fucking look it up. It has been 35% for almost 30 years.
Now it's the lowest it's been since 1940… Remember the great economy of the 50's-80's pretty much? Economists call this the 'golden age of American capitalism', and it was quite possibly the best economy in the history of the world. Especially the 50's.
Taxes help, people. Look at those corporate tax rates. Biden wants to raise corporate taxes to 26%. This is better than 21%, but it's not enough. Bernie Sanders was going to raise it back to 35%. These are not made up numbers, these are the figures listed in their plans. Biden was in the Obama administration and spent 8 years NOT changing the corporate tax rate. Bush did the same. Fuck. How are you guys so stupid and uneducated. Just look it up.
There is a reason corporations flock here. It's because our taxes are low. It brings business but does not benefit the average American at all. Most Republicans are voting against their own interests. It's sad.
Make America great again. -
2020-09-30 at 5:47 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
Originally posted by WellHung Nice deflection… But women deserve a much (different type/greater amount) of respect than property… If one even allows the notion that property can be 'respected'.
I give my property far more respect than an average man (or woman). If you try to break into my house and steal my property, I will not think twice about shooting you.
If you tried to rape her, I would kill you immediately. I.e. I respect her far more than you, a man. I don't respect human beings by default that much at all. -
2020-09-30 at 2:14 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal Taxes
2020-09-30 at 2:12 PM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2020-09-30 at 1:30 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal Taxes
Originally posted by CASPER So he broke the law orrrrr,,,,,.?
I was under the impression that this was how companies like Amazon run, year after year.
The actual problem is not how much he's paying or even that he necessarily did something illegal. All this stuff about the fact that he doesn't contribute shit to America is just a side dish.
The real thing is his massive debts to unmentioned parties, specially after every legitimate American bank has refused to loan him money for decades.
The president of the US owing hundreds of millions of dollars to faceless entities puts him and by extension the whole country in a ridiculously compromising position and 100% ruins the integrity of the office. -
2020-09-30 at 1:05 PM UTC in What are you doing at the momentI did a debate drinking game with my gf last night and I am so hung over, god damn.
2020-09-30 at 10:16 AM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?They actually move faster
2020-09-30 at 4:13 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Get off that bus edition
2020-09-30 at 4:12 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Get off that bus edition
2020-09-29 at 9:35 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal Taxes40 and 2.5
2020-09-29 at 8:17 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal TaxesLet the Mexicans through, they shouldn't have to pay taxes
2020-09-29 at 8:14 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?Oh and also only for white rice.
2020-09-29 at 8:12 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?20 minutes is for like 2-3 cups of rice. Add or subtract a minute for each cup.
2020-09-29 at 8:07 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That's a pretty good recipe if you want to make rice like an amateur. Not bad.
Try it. Perfect every single time unless you have brain gay. Stupid easy, always perfect. I have an electric rice cooker and never use it.
The reason why people use liquid cups to measure the water is because they KEEP FUCKING WITH IT and opening the lid. All that steam coming out? Those are the most energetic molecules of water leaving the relatively closed system of the pot. You need more water because you keep releasing that shit. STOP FUCKING WITH IT.
It is the most brain dead simple thing to make perfectly. -
2020-09-29 at 8:01 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?Anyone telling you to stir rice is wrong, fuck off. Holy shit lol.
2020-09-29 at 7:57 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?No need for a rice cooker or different cups if you want to make rice.
I will teach you how to make perfect rice on the stove every single time. It is stupid easy once you just follow the steps.
- Wash the rice in a colander till the water runs clear. I actually do it a different, better way but it's not necessary.
- for every cup of dry rice, put 1.5x of the same cup (NOT liquid cup) of water into your pot, bring it to a boil, with the lid on. Put salt and whatever you want in there is while it is boiling, I like to put a few cardamom pods (crack them first so the water can get in), whole cloves, a stick of cinnamon, few peppercorns.
- put the lid on the pot, wait for it to be boiling again (like 30 seconds to a minute), then turn down the heat a lot, so on my stove it is like a 3/10.
- Set a timer for 20 minutes
- After 20 minutes, remove it from the heat.
That's it. If you fuck this up, you are gay. -
2020-09-29 at 7:48 PM UTC in Is it true Americans don’t have electric kettles?I have an electric kettle. It just seems thermally inefficient to boil water on the stove.
2020-09-29 at 7:47 PM UTC in Trump Pays Little To No Federal Taxes