They are the ugliest, dumbest, most savage race on earth next to the aboriginals. They should have ceased to exist thousands of years ago and they would have if it were not for the white man. They are God's excrement, and the irony is they literally look and smell just like turds.
where did this cock sucking little pipsqueek get that kind of info? and how he just casually says it while standing there looking like a total jackass someone should take an axe and slam it in his face
I was watching a brexit video where all these jolly ole wankers will debating over ye or nay for leaving the EU they were talking about their troops in the middle east and I'm like "why are these toothless inbred bongs talking about their presence in the middle east in the same way we do here in the US" like really at this point the normie masses need to stop themselves and ask the big question "why are all these western nations in the middle east raping and pillaging these goatfucking sandniggers?".
There was predictive programming for 9/11 in the media for decades and people like Bill Cooper were warning people about it days/weeks before it took place. If anything the police will be in on it.