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Posts by toz

  1. toz African Astronaut
    Doing now-- Listening to DM
    Great song.

    I used to hate Depeche Mode when they first came out with their synth pop crap. though still heavy in synth.. the music has matured into something much more instant classic.

    one of my favorite songs.
  2. toz African Astronaut
    yeah sorry.. topic derailed.

    Infinityshock take it from here
  3. toz African Astronaut
    Got damn it.. I didn't realize the trailers were shit back then. it really did an unjustice for the films that were much better quality of editing.

    Trailers today are decent. Even the trailers for grindhouse in the 1960s were better than the 1980s ones. biker film trailers and Russ Myer film trailers are hilarious.

    I vaguely remember the guy with the deep voice who did just about every film trailer from the 80s into the 90s. Wonder if he died and they just changed out the film trailer styles because of it.
    Hal Douglas
    Don LaFontain (Hal may have borrowed Don's style)
  4. toz African Astronaut
    Once little boys grew up to be reliable and hard working.."

    LOL like a Made for TV film (which it's not)
    Saw this at the drive in with friends. Says 1983 but I'm pretty sure it was 82. could be wrong. Maybe it did come out after Fast Times because I recall talking about how Specoli was all serious and us laughing.. maybe that was years later when we rented it on VHS

    Drive in as teens before I owned a car. hopping the fence or coming in through the back lot and sitting by the projector shack like broke ass boys we were. course we had broke ass girls with us too. (calling me a liar? dem fighten words)

  5. toz African Astronaut
    Though this is my favorite Sean Penn film (serious role though Fast Times at Ridgemont High with a small scene with Nicholas Cage (casted as Nick Coppola)

    His brother Chris is in it as well; as is Christopher Walkins

  6. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think you'll find just about everyones seen it. his pal goes to jail for killing the cop, then he gets out when they're grown up again. but he's a bit nutty and resentful about it tho. its a bit silly really coz he definitely would have got hanged for that in those days.


    Also "Racing the Moon"

    Nicholas Cage and Sean Penn with Elizabeth McGovern-- Probably one of their best rolls ever. Nicholas can actually act and not put on his normal silly Mono-Tone that everyone loves him for. He was really good in this as was Sean and Elizabeth. But he still is fun to watch. Mr Nicholas Cage and Sean Penn and Elizabeth and James Wood should all be NIS members secretly.

    A must see as OUTiA is

    DeNiro would probably think this was a White Nationalist Site.. oh wait.. still most of us are not.

    Peci.. I'm not so sure. first day in and people start showing up MIA from being trollatude
  7. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i think you'll find just about everyones seen it. his pal goes to jail for killing the cop, then he gets out when they're grown up again. but he's a bit nutty and resentful about it tho. its a bit silly really coz he definitely would have got hanged for that in those days.


    I wasn't sure how old everyone was. I say thing I feel are obvious/must see (because they're classics) to guys like ACP and he just deer eyes in the headlights at me about not knowing what the movie was. Not all MOON PERSONs have seen these films.
  8. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS It's the slogan for Kraft Dinner here. It still fucks me up that people just call Kraft Dinner "Kraft Mac and Cheese" in the US. Like… it's so backwards. America - the home of corporate capitalism - doesn't use the Kraft Dinner brand name, yet they call acetaminophen "Tylenol" and adhesive bandages "Band-Aids". smh

    it's the go-to so even the "mongoloids" get it.

    inb4 "That's not very tolerable of you"
  9. toz African Astronaut
    Robert De Niro as Noodles
    Scott Tiler as Young Noodles
    James Woods as Max
    Rusty Jacobs as Young Max/David Bailey
    Elizabeth McGovern as Deborah
    Jennifer Connelly as Young Deborah
    Treat Williams as Jimmy O'Donnell
    Tuesday Weld as Carol
    Burt Young as Joe
    Joe Pesci as Frankie
    Danny Aiello as Police Chief Aiello
    William Forsythe as Cockeye
    Adrian Curran as Young Cockeye
    James Hayden as Patsy
    Brian Bloom as Young Patsy
    Darlanne Fluegel as Eve
    Larry Rapp as Fat Moe
    Mike Monetti as Young Fat Moe
    Richard Bright as Chicken Joe
    Amy Ryder as Peggy
    Julie Cohen as Young Peggy
    Olga Karlatos as Woman in the Puppet Theatre
    Noah Moazezi as Dominic
    James Russo as Bugsy
  10. toz African Astronaut
    DeNiro, Pecsi, James Wood, Danny Aliao, William Forthyser
  11. toz African Astronaut
    Correction..Elizabeth McGovern.. my bad

    Jennifer Connelly plays the girl part that Elizabeth later plays as an older version of the character.
  12. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i meant natural born killers wasn't the movie i was trying to think of, it was god bless america.


    what movie was that and when was it made?

    you guys want to see a kick ass movie? Watch Robert DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America

    it's about the 1920s NYC and these teens form their own jedi Mafia to compete with the Italians and Irish Mafia and they take over the neighborhood. then the movie Jumps to their Mid 30-40s age and it's played by Robert DiNero and a bunch of other famous actors. Including Elizabeth Montgomery (Very cute lady in the 80s-90s)

    The thing is it's one of the longest films made. Like 4 hours and some change. the first 2 hours is them as kids and then the last 2 hours is them as adults. it's like watching a 2 parter in one sitting.
  13. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Gotta be KD.

    You think this person is Kevin Durante?

    or is that a play on the word kidding
  14. toz African Astronaut
    And San Francisco isn't New York. It's totally different with the steep hills and cable cars and such.. but it's starting to look like it more in the sense it's really dense and no parking and bumper to bumper. it's LA mixed with NYC.

    yet it is its own place.

    Plus I represent Oakland (The other side of the bay)

    funny thing is it used to be called Brooklyn before they called it Oakland.
  15. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung San Fran is cool, no?

    It's nice. So I must be bias for saying so. except I traveled a road trip in my teens across and back in a big circle going to about 30-40 states maybe? ok maybe 30.

    and I thought.. OK I'm just bias.. I mean it's my home area. but then people rushed here for the tech-gold rush and said "OMG I'm never going back to my home state again" and they stay. The Bay Area is about 2 1/2 times what it was when I was a teen some 3.5 decades ago. that's a huge jump for an area with little land to build on with the majority of space being filled in with a bay.

    Yeah. It's nice. not for people who like 4 seasons but it's nice.
  16. toz African Astronaut
    umm there prolly isn't anything wrong with ^ statement as long as ^ is not 50-60 and the teens aren't like mid teens
  17. toz African Astronaut
    Smoking pot is a bit too much at once. but munching on pot brownies is always a nice thing.. just don't do it all the time. maybe a few times a year.

    plus it's fun to have friends over, feed them and have beer and take turns stirring the cannibutter in a self made double boiler to then bake brownies and have at the end of the night.. or an hour before watching a movie with them.. then 30 minutes into the film you start peeking
  18. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Waiting on my GF, who is always late, to get here so we can go in and stuff our faces at Five Guys. 🍔

    Waiting for everyone in the room to reciprocate this

    You set this up for the punchline.. didn't you.
  19. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its actually late 1930s.

    Kill Hitler now. save millions of families the misery of WWII
  20. toz African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost and dog walking civilians keeping the area safe.

    I was working with this lady delivering and we had a breakdown and had to wait for service.. about 20 people kept driving past us, one parked across the street. it was clearly neighbourhood watch of elderly people over 65 keeping their glammer-hood safe from suspicious suspects like us. we just chuckled a bit.
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