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Posts by AngryIVer

  1. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    This is why thread start dates should be on the list of threads.
  2. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    You can't afford your bills but you can run out and buy a new TV.
  3. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I dunno I just feel like it would suck to want to open a restaurant in the early 2000s and have it be really popular and hire people and be busy and then 20 years later all you do is bag takeout orders and sit there on your phone checking Facebook or whatever

    I imagine I would get amazing service if i went there to eat but since it's next door I don't see the point unless they wanna give me a good deal on drinks or something

    See, I think that's the dream. You go from having to bust ass and please people to getting paid simply because your food is the best. No more bussing tables, no more fake smiling at the Karen on table 3, et cetera. Like the good Chinese place in Red Wing is ran by a husband and wife, that's it. No additional staff. I've done work on their house, and it's not a cracker-box by any means, and is in a better part of town, plus they take month long trips every year, so I know they gotta be doing okay basically selling nothing but takeout.
  4. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by HTS *laughs in free healthcare*

    I like how you guys spout off about free healthcare when the healthcare you receive is garbage and takes forever so the more well off people end up going to private clinics anyway.
  5. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by DietPiano What is wrong with chinatown wars? I liked that game.

    Seems to have did exactly what you asked for.

    That's what's wrong with it. It's like making a thread asking for a sequel to Super Mario Bros BUT NOT LOST LEVELS.

    Anyway, on topic, we could always revisit the Totse RPG concept....?
  6. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Just get rid of all of them because it's childish as fuck. There's no reason we can't even say another user's name without it f i l t e r i n g .

    I can't even talk about aquarium f i l t e r s or furnace f i l t e r s because the site is run my a fucking 6th grader.
  7. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Server is down D:
  8. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    This thread reminds me of how pissed I am I can't get Cities to work right.
  9. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You must be in that jungle next to the sky highway

    Yeah kind of. Deep enough into it that I can't see the highway from the jungle even with max chunks.

    Originally posted by Ghost I will advertise the server more once I fix up spawn and make it cool. The stats look nice, good work everyone.

    If you have something specific in mind I'm game to help out with it.
  10. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Forgot to get pics, but the first floor of the observation tower is complete, and the frame of the storage room is complete. Found a couple good iron deposits so debating on iron bars vs glass windows, and trying to decide what to do for the roofs since flat roofs are boring. Considered using the roofs for farming crops. Probably will have the whole thing finished this weekend, then maybe I'll just drop the coordinates here and move on to a new project.
  11. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Obbe No, just write them down in a text file or something. For yourself. And all other interesting locations you find.

    Ohhhh yeah that makes more sense. Yeah, that's a good tip for real.
  12. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Cats gonna cat I suppose:

    Built an oven house:

    Started building a path to these trees:

    Finished path leading to a tree I'm going to use as a storage facility and the tallest tree in the area which will house a watch tower

  13. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I think I found it did you have emerald

    No, that would be cool though.

    Originally posted by Obbe You should mark the coordinates

    If I think about it next time I'm on I could. Idk though, it is an anarchy server and that does seem like a good way to get griefed
  14. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I guess next time I got to make sure the registers are not just for show.

    It is so cold in here that walking barefoot on my floor causes my feet to lose circulation.

    That's not a register, idiot. Back when the house was heated with a wood stove (or similar) that would have been the vent that allowed the lower level heat to travel up.

    Also, you aren't "losing circulation", nor is mid 60's cold enough to complain. Come to WI and watch the college kids fuck around in sandals all year rain snow or shine.
  15. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Hello-

    I will have someone assigned to do an inspection. They will be contacting you within the next few days. If you haven't heard from them by Friday please let me know. Thank you.

    I compensate for my small penis with my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device

    That isn't proof, dumb ass. An actual screenshot.
  16. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    So I ended up getting killed by a phantom and didn't have a bed yet, so I lost everything. I spent like half an hour trying to find the place again, but had zero luck, so I introduce you to Hella's Treetop Village:

    Beginning stages of my treehouse:

    A view from the ground before I got the balcony on (Yeah I know I missed a block.):

    Basic structure completed:

    My plan is to build different parts on different trees (one for storage, a couple with various farmed goods, etc) with bridges between them all after the main house is done. I passed a decimated village on the way to this spot and swiped a bed from one of the houses, so this time I won't get fucked out of my spot. The jungle biome is one of my favorites simply because you can do so much without ever going underground.

    If anyone happens to stumble upon it build something cool near-by. It would be fun to see the kind of treehouses you can come up with :)
  17. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by That's not gonna be a useful way to get traffic if it only appears when you google the name of it including incorrect spelling.

    Yeah I've been saying that since the site launched, but what can you really do?
  18. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Originally posted by Wariat if business profits are so high why does apple refuse to cave in and at lewst manufacturing some parts again in the usa without raising costs for goods?

    Profits are high BECAUSE they don't make them in America.

    As for why would a business need them, the article literally says who it's marketed towards.
  19. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Yeah that's what I thought. No proof what-so-ever that you sent anything or got a response.
  20. AngryIVer African Astronaut [my jade controlled morrigan]
    Finished my little hole in the wall. Nothing fancy, just a stone structure with a small rooftop farm.

    As you can see there's a leak in the roof:

    Next time I'm on if it hasn't been fucked with I'll get a picture of the boathouse I'm working on and remember to turn off the HUD first. Not used to playing online/with people who are into it that aren't losers.
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