Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
your lying thru your teeths,
win xp32 wont work with anything larger than 2tb natively.
Want me to take a screenshot? It's not powered on though I'll do that later. The hard drive is literally a 6tb western digital red drive that came with my NAS.
I know it's NIS and you're all trolls but you would do good to not immediately jump to accusations about somebody in my situation possibly having the most obvious go-to mental illness when there is bizarre out-of-this-world shit involved.
Would you say the Navy guys who saw UFOs (which is really just black budget tech) are schizo? Or the survivors of the USS Liberty Attack who were sent to a psychiatric facility and threatened with electroshock therapy to keep them silent. When people come out with stories that seem too good to be true, you should approach them with an open mind because sometimes it's not delusion.
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
I find the opposite, I have an XP system that is slow as fuck, my Win10 system boots up in like 10 seconds with my SATAIII SSD in it.
maybe it's your computer architecture. The desktop I'm running XP on is 32bit, it's an intel core duo 2 from an HP pc I had in 2007.
Tell that to the people who have actually had legit bizarre experiences in conscious waking life. To just reduce things to "lol u have schizophrenia" is destructive and harmful.
I just had the most frightening dream in a very long time, I might say since 2006 when I had this one in particular where I was running away from this smoke being and trapped in a room so I doused myself with gasoline and set myself on fire to get away from it. The dream I just had ... well I need to get back to sleep and I really don't feel like going into detail on what happened but it seemed too elaborate and specific to be random. I have heard that there is technology that can create dreams now, which, I heard about that through researching targeted individuals ... so ... I know something is following me because I saw an alchemic symbol in the sky made of clouds, which could have been project blue beam or weather modification technology idk ... Whoever did that that day could have made me have this dream just now. If all the above is just delusion, then MAN my subconscious mind has a way of conjuring up some very detailed and vivid dreams ... most of the time they're pleasant though ... What made this dream so awful is that I was trying to escape but I kept finding myself back in the same place ... I had a dream with that similar experience a week or so ago, but at least that one was pleasant, this was a nightmare.
Anyways, I am definitely awake right now seeing as I'm on the couch posting to this shitheap of a forum (I guess this could be considered to be a nightmare as well ...)
As awful as that dream may have seemed, I am here and safe. There are children in the world locked in sex slavery or being cannibalized by cults in caves, or politicians awaiting execution, or people strapped to a bed undergoing electroshock therapy, or people dying of AIDS from the homosexual lifestyle, or people born black, or people who just have a really shitty real-life situation ... I am safe and in a peaceful place so that is all that matters.
Originally posted by Technologist
Says the child who never leaves his house and has no idea what really goes on in this world. Your only world view is what you read on the internet. You are nuts!
You probably think it's the muslims and democrats that are a threat
I have been planning on going full hikikomori mode for a decade, meaning no exposure whatsoever to the outside world. Now with all of this censorship and jewry going on full force, now is the best time ever to go through with it.
If google went on to create BCI technology the masses would be linked to on a daily basis, and the infrastructure was policed by the ADL ...
Back when I was living at my grandparents I started having premonitions of this. I was thinking of some "offensive" things in my mind and I was so high at the time I would get these brain farts where I would be unable to think of certain things, well I tried saying the word "nigger" in my head and I had to focus really intensely on it and at the moment I thought my mind was already under control by some satellite powered A.I. that was policing my thoughts ... that's exactly what their world would be like though. If you started thinking of things deemed inappropriate the A.I. would block them out and if you forced yourself to break through the A.I. barrier then that would go against your social credit score.
It's scary to think what the world could look like if we reach the technological age before the public rise up against this tyranny.