After seeing the alchemy symbol made of clouds in the sky it's apparent that someone or some group is following me, either as part of some sort of psychological operation, to troll me or I was selected at random.
That wasn't the first time either that I have encountered strange happenings, my voice recordings on my phone would end up having voices show up in them and no matter how many times I formatted my phone they would keep appearing, also in 2009 I was at taco bell and some guy who was acting like a gangstalker/crisis actor walked straight in and sat in my booth and talked to me for an hour about conspiracies.
Idk what I did to draw this kind of attention to myself other than that I am a prolific poster on 4chan.
What is interesting is when I look up this stuff and check out the parts of electronic harassment I experience a lot of the symptoms such as:
- feeling static prickles on my hands and the back of my head, sometimes I'll even feel bits of my hair start to move (in a room without fans on or windows open)
- ringing in my ears when I start watching conspiracy videos - I shit you not sometimes when I'm watching a particular video from people who are legit real world T.I.s (Blackstone Intelligence Network) my left ear will start to ring and I'll feel a sensation inside of it and as soon as I take the headphones off it stops but immediately upon watching the video again the ringing returns (it doesn't do this for anything other than truther videos)
Yesterday I tried imagining what it must feel like to have a dick inserted into your anus ...
Why would anyone do that?
I'm not even talking about the first time where it's likely to be extremely painful but afterwards.
It's like taking a shit inverted ...
and guys aren't even attractive ... seriously what the fuck is wrong with gays?
2019-06-19 at 11:59 PM UTC
Kali Linux
just install ubuntu and use xfce or lxde
2019-06-19 at 11:15 PM UTC
It's pride month everybody!
pride is a sin and the rainbow is the symbol of noahidism
the jews are setting mentally ill sexual deviants up for their own destruction
2019-06-19 at 11:14 PM UTC
It's me
Just noticed the masonic flag
OP should definitely kill himself
I was just reading an article and it mentioned anxiety and essential tremors, both of which I have and it also mentioned hyperthyroidism.
At some point I would like to visit a specialist and get fully examined and hopefully they can tell me what is exactly going on.
People think that I starve myself or something, when I was at a psychiatric ward they treated me as though I didn't eat, when I would eat my meals they congratulated me ...
anyways I'm on a quest to finally fix this issue and improve my health ... I'm gonna buy some exercise equipment soon and get back into that.
2019-06-19 at 10:57 PM UTC
It's me
you all look like a bunch of fags