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Posts That Were Thanked by Number13

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    remember, this is for your own good, and you're a coward if you don't fight for us
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    fight Russia for us, goy, to the last Ukrainian

    don't worry, your women can come live in our countries while you die in trenches until there's nothing left
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So weak countries should just capitulate whenever a strong country says roll over?

    just throw hundreds of thousands of your peoples' lives away for foreign interests, goy
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    he can't flee to israel now LOL
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  5. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Apparently CokeJoosky has a messianic belief in final victory.

    Dunno if it's true. He may even just be at the "lets see how far I can push this joke" stage.
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  6. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Putin's died again.

    Was just chatting with him a few minutes ago. He's fine.
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  7. Donald Trump Black Hole

    Putin's died again.
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  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    There's going to be one hell of a national headache in Ukraine when the war ends and they figure out they have been left with hundreds of thousands of dead, maybe a million cripples, a female population fled, infrastructure ruined, no industrial base to speak of, debts no honest man could pay, and no allies worth a damn.

    I honestly think they could flip back to being a Russia satellite again.

    Fucking idiots going off and dying in trenches for a gang of treacherous jedis.
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    looks like the media astroturf money is drying up

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  10. I just read an article the other day detailing some operation where they used like a 9-year old girl to smuggle a bomb into Russia and the whole thing was planned by the CIA… I don’t know if the thing you’re talking about is related but I was just reading it like ok what the fuck is the point of this now? We’re now doxxing our own intelligence operations?

    It was written like a puff piece for the murderers at the CIA. The operation they were talking about probably never even happened, but what struck me was how the whole article was just a completely uncritical explanation of how we’re now using children as mules to blow shit up in moscow.

    Is this what they meant by hypernormalization? We don’t even question this anymore like should we be doing this, or did this even really happen? None of that, just yep the CIA is training Ukrainian intelligence and running ops with them. What the fuck is even happening anymore lol
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    WaPo admits CIA effectively created and retooled Ukrainian intelligence services for assassinations and attacks against civilians, as well as 'supporting' them.

    starts with:

    The extent of the CIA’s involvement with Ukraine’s security services has not previously been disclosed. U.S. intelligence officials stressed that the agency has had no involvement in targeted killing operations by Ukrainian agencies, and that its work has focused on bolstering those services’ abilities to gather intelligence on a dangerous adversary.

    leads on to:

    To manage that security risk, the CIA worked with the SBU to create an entirely new directorate, officials said, one that would focus on so-called “active measures” operations against Russia and be insulated from other SBU departments.
    The new unit was prosaically dubbed the “Fifth Directorate” to distinguish it from the four long-standing units of the SBU. A sixth directorate has since been added, officials said, to work with Britain’s MI6 spy agency.

    “We calculated that GUR was a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact,” said a former U.S. intelligence official who worked in Ukraine. “GUR was our little baby. We gave them all new equipment and training.” GUR officers “were young guys not Soviet-era KGB generals,” the official said, “while the SBU was too big to reform.”

    "we didn't know these assassination units we created would go on and do assassinations! promise!"
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra yeah I've seen a few of those in the last few weeks, they seem to have come up with a cheaper version of the LANCET and have been using it against all sorts of light vehicles

    I thought I saved a cool video of tanks rolling on Avdeevka the other day but I can't find it now

    might be this, was just put into serial production, is a standard fpv kamikaze drone but also has the capability for remote mining.

    looks like Russian weapon designers have been watching Battlestar
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  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Ukraine best start learning to kiss Russian ass real good. There is another game in town and sorry but our bestest buddies needs our help, maybe Europe will gibs you enough shekels and shells to get ya by for now. Yeah right lol.

    You get some old shells probably been sitting in a warehouse 40 years and our buddy gets 2 carrier task forces and a Marine reaction force.

    Retarded sandniggers thought our attention on Ukraine, lol they get crappy drones make with parts probably ordered off TEMU while our subs in the Med and Gulf putting in probable targets for Tomahawks.

    Russia probably laughing their ass off how the US will drop Ukraine off on the corner like a cheap crackwhore.
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    people still unironically think Russia did Bucha?

    a town where the mayor was doing daily livestreams and only reported a 'massacre' four days after the Russians moved out

    and almost everyone killed was wearing a white armband
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  15. We’re not “wasting” any money. It’s doing exactly what it’s intended to do. When you read that we’ve sent Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars what that actually means is we’ve bought weapons and equipment and sent it over there. Who actually gets that money? Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman… in other words we take taxpayer dollars and give it to US military contractors, which is ALWAYS the point - taking public money and putting it in private hands.

    There might be some geopolitical positioning going on in the decision-making process, like we’re indirectly draining Russia’s military resources or whatever. But make no mistake that’s just a side effect not the goal.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    Ben Wallace is a sick man

    from wishful thinking:

    Ukraine’s counteroffensive is succeeding. Slowly but surely, the Ukrainian armed forces are breaking through the Russian lines. Sometimes yard by yard, sometimes village by village, Ukraine has the momentum and is pressing forward.

    We have a chance to help finish this. The Russian army is cracking. Ukraine has learnt new tactics to overcome horrendous minefields, and the Storm Shadow strikes are devastating Russian HQs. We are witnessing the beginnings of the battle for Crimea.

    This war can be won. Vladimir Putin is failing. Just as the human emotion drives Ukraine to success, it is also the inescapable flaw in Putin and his criminal regime. Romance, ego and revenge drove Putin to cross into Ukraine and it will be his undoing. His army has lost more than 2,500 tanks, 6,500 armoured vehicles and nearly 300,000 dead or injured. Not a single commander who led the major Russian units into Ukraine is still in place.


    Ukraine can also play its part. The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40. I understand President Zelensky’s desire to preserve the young for the future, but the fact is that Russia is mobilising the whole country by stealth. Putin knows a pause will hand him time to build a new army. So just as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukraine’s mobilisation.

    they're already mobilising everyone from 16-60 (and skewing to 40+ implies extreme losses in the combat units which typically take on younger men) and have even banned women with any kind of medical training from leaving the country, but the machine needs even younger kids to keep crawling along.
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it means one tom cruise making 20 million for a movie in a sea of people making less than 20 an hour, averaged out.

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  18. It’s funny because most polish people I know always hated Ukrainians. They call them dirty and shifty and stuff. This was before the war
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  19. Donald Trump Black Hole

    I'm coming to the conclusion Ukraine is losing so badly just cos all the money they were given was stolen.

    Apparently Ukrainian soldiers at the front are eating crackers cos the jedi Defence Minister stole all the money that was supposed to buy them real food and MREs.
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  20. Donald Trump Black Hole

    “A repetition of the situation with German Leopard tanks, when they were hunted, is unacceptable, I saw these calls on the Internet. Play by the rules,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
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