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Posts by Lavender Squad

  1. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    tell me more about the ghost
  2. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so now you do drugs


    I do them , I don't do them. am I on drugs am I off drugs?

    what does "do drugs" even mean. YOu don't even know what a "drug" is. Or medicine, can you identify food ?

  3. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    smoking the earl
  4. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
  5. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I got a giant thing of maxewells house on sale for 40% off

    thank you child slave labor

  6. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by POLECAT I'm anti M R N A n F! U! L!



  7. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I don't care weather I have drugs or not, and I bought weed today with my cocaine profits so i'm happy

    you lose again that's 3 in a row now
  8. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat all i have is my ahnd and dick on mefodrone and a ghost inside my place i fantasize into being.

    if this forum had signatures this would be my new one for life

    Originally posted by scuffed jim carrey "Hewfil1: Are we insane?
    Schplew: No son. It is the world around us that is insane.
    FatMax: Did I ever tell you about that one time I was in Juvie? "
  9. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat and a ghost inside my place i fantasize into being.


  10. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    he gets more 12 year old pussssaay than you looking like that
  11. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat thst shim tho scorn. thats him and her what does thst fucking have to do with me or u?


    Originally posted by Wariat i dont look anywhere as ugly or weird as thst freak dont compare me to him please. id just bang her anally or do facial abuse and shed feel alive or her sick kinks would be satisfied throuh the sex like all those sick in the heads tramps on fscial abuse who yesrn for thst shit.

  12. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Catholic priests used to be allowed to marry. The current pope is not a virgin
  13. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat dude you need to try mefodrone. it is like surreal. ive done like coke and other drugs in the states before but this shit reslly feels hells good like its full on adrenaline or serotin releae plus you fele tingles allmover your body and even touching your dick to pee feels good. dont know meth never tried it.

    It's on my list, I would probably have to make it or import it from somewhere if I ever want to try it. I've done methcathinone, adderall, 3fpm, meth, methiopropamine and probably some other random stims and they more or less all do the same thing to me, cocaine hits different, I have a weird reaction to cocaine where I basically instantly get hard

    the only stim that doesn't make me horny is adderall, I don't like snorting those pills, I haven't tried AMPHETAMINE powder like pure mixed isomer amphetamine or whatever they do in Europe, I think it would be better than dexedrine but what do I know, that stuff just makes me jitttery and feel like shit.

    I get more eurphoria drinking coffee than snorting adderall pills.

    I also wanna try this but its "banned" in my country

    ive been trying to make it for years, it can be made from meth but I need platinum doxide aka adams catalyst to make it and that just can't be ordered online easily , and you need actual platinum to make it yourself like a $200 platinum coin and you would only make enough for one batch so it's quite expensive
  14. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat see scron you just proved some young girls as long as theyre not polish are ingo age play or age differences or oldje veen so why not in poland or at least outisde small towns in poland?

    it lead to a family being murdered and her life ruined and that guy spending the rest of his life in prison
  15. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    "Likewise, on Vampirefreaks, The Richardson’s daughter described herself in her profile as: bisexual, Wiccan, nocturnal, awkward, a deep thinker and insane. Interests include: dark poetry, criminal psychology, blood, human anatomy and “kinky shit”. Apparently photographs she uploaded were deceptive in that the clothing and makeup she used made her look much older than 12. This is a fairly common thing in todays society with girls wanting to grow up faster than time allows.
    Richardson. Images courtesy of Encyclopedia Dramatica.

    Richardson. Images courtesy of Encyclopedia Dramatica.

    Again, perceivably, these traits coupled with photographs seem to be weird and freakish. But in a more literal and realistic view, what person reaching puberty is entirely sure about who they are? The Wiccan interest might be a little bizarre to most, but even so, there is a lot of history and artwork dedicated to it, so maybe that was her interest in it? Maybe her interest in blood was the interest that blood flows through our veins and without it we are alive, which is anatomically (in reference to her human anatomy interest) interesting. Lots of people probably became Doctors based on their interest in human anatomy.

    A lot of people seem to think that people must not have a had a good upbringing if they do something so tragic and hateful; however, it is often told in newspapers and interviews that both Steinke and Richardson came from well-off and loving families. As stated previously, Steinke’s Mother said he was a well-mannered young man, that he would never hurt anyone. Richardson’s parents would say how they wanted the best for her, but would not let her see Steinke. Was this for the best? What is the social perception behind why a 23 year old man would want to date a 12 year old… child? Sexual affiliation seems to be the main theory behind such a union. Whether it was true or not, we may never know, though the two often used the term “soul mate” in regard to each other. The point is, a person may lash out and act irrationally even if they have had a great life up till that point. Just look at the Greyhound Bus attacks. I would get into that, but that is a whole other rant."
  16. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat lol ibet you every guy on this site would try to do her.
    you're right
    I bet they did

    nexopia was FUCKED I had lots of gal pals and they would show me their inbox , it was literally 100 30+ year old dudes hitting on 15 year olds
  17. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    she got her name changed and is still in the justice system basically a lifelong mental patient , but not in any facility. She probably gets watched like a hawk by parole officers or whatever and I bet anything shes still not allowed to use the internet, it's a very common court restriction for fucking anything especially sexual, if you get any charge related to sex and computers you get banned from using internet for life basically

    she is a ghost now and the media only knows her initials "J.R"
  18. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat show me a pic of how she looked when she was 12 tho thwt pic is of her now at 20 right?

    no thats a pic of her at 12 im pretty sure

    search on google "alberta nexopia girl kills family"

    if you don't believe me. lawl I used to use this site it's how i met my first GF. lots of pedos were on there creeping on young girls it was honestly fucked up

    Originally posted by Ghost It's true, I have ruined many relationships, sometimes multiple ones at the same time.

    Online dating for teens in Canada in the early/mid 2000's was the fucking golden age.

    We didn't use MySpace so every single female in 1000 miles under 18 years old with an internet connection had a Nexopia profile or 'nex' as the cool girls called it.

    I would still be a kissless virgin if not for that stupid website. It was also very popular for pedophiles and I even sold nude selfies to dirty old men to pay my phone bill so I could text more cuties.

    The website got shut down after some pedo satanic dude lured a 12 year old girl and convinced her to kill her family.
  19. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I fucking warned you about the porn and you didn't listen

    its your own damn fault. read a fucking boook nigger

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal we crack out on TEK stuff more than sit there having mindless sex I guess we are both just boring but Idk I can cum maybe twice and usually it's not after eating for a few days so I can't just go forever unless I do a fuck ton of drugs and if I do that then the time just flies by

    we mostly just chill and hang out and do cool stuff like make a website together. I'm very "anti horny loop" but also if someone wants to be horny for days on end I'M GLAD TO HELP OUT but like I just can't do it myself, it's boring to me. Maybe because I don't like shoving things up my ass

    she gets caught in the horny loops sometimes and i'm like HOLD ON BABE I JUST DISCOVERED A VINTAGE VIDEO GAMES CALLED TEK-WARS CLEARLY THIS IS A SIGN

    Originally posted by Stupid noob opened the secret cow portal ONE SEC WHORE, I'M BUSY

  20. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat I should stop doing mefodrome. Yesterday it was literally half the day masturbating and being closed off at my pad not even going outside in like four hours and I could have probably scored a chick or offered one money as i have balls on that shit and am a good talker. but instead i just porn binge or walk around my place with literlally a fantasy person with me there im ordering around and getting to lick my asshole suck cock as fast as possible lick asshole and just like hardcore changing of positions etc like facial abuse guys do it. or going to the fucking bathroom pissing in the toilet imagine a face being there etc. it brings out like the dark side in me like the darkest shit hidden within the pyche come out when doing that shit. I can see why so many people turn into fags like bradley and scron and others here who do meth. i wonder if meth and mefodrone are a similar drug or give a similar feeling.


    you don't even do that much. You should get a glass pookie and smoke it

    and don't buy it on the fukin streeeets YA TARD learn to use the darknet and rypto and order it yourself or learn chemistry as a new hobby, you can legally practice all the methods like extraction and reduction to get a base level skill in bench chemistry and then you will know how to do it for real when you can get real precursors or make them yourself

    be like the koreans who made nukes without any help from anyone and don't listen to anyone but themselves, they are masters of their own destiny

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