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Posts by Lavender Squad

  1. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    this woman is a rare kind of degenerate and her skills and talent are underappreciated
  2. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by aldra I have a video of pigs feasting on charred corpses in the Ukraine


    yeah I could see that if S.T.A.L.K.E.R is anything like real combat in ukraine there are wild boars and bloodsuckers running around , and the dogs

  3. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I follow this minecraft porn artist on twitter

    i want to pay her to draw a lewd version of my minecraft skin as my character is literally a sex joke

    oh no you got stuck inside me~
  4. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I volunteer to be your sherpa, you can cut me open and use my dissipating body heat for warmth
  5. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

    Gory, terrifying, historically accurate, impeccably detailed, and absolutely true account of Rebel soldier's experience during America's Civil War. He survives thirteen battles in four major campaigns under Generals George Pickett and William Longstreet. Yet, our soldier's worst fear is not of being shot but of the smart, ruthless wild hogs stalking both armies. He can see them on the mountains, in the thickets, at the edge of the woods, waiting patiently to eat the faces of the dead and wounded after darkness has covered the battlefields. Hess' actual diary is included as an appendix, along with a complete bibliography.

    A pigs banquet , half eaten rotten bodies littering entire fields. Men who are not yet dead being unable to shoo away the hungry swine as they devour their fallen comrades around then waiting for their chance to sink their teeth into your flesh as soon as the life is drained from you, you will not be buried by your family

    you are just going to be an arm and digested pig food
  6. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Big trouser 😍
  7. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    the indians are slowly taking over.. theres a indian pizza joint in my hood THEY BETTER FUCKING HAVE THIS I will phone them and tell them to figure it out if it's not on the menu


    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    If pineapple as a topping is Canada's claim to pizza fame — or, to some, infamy — then the city of Brampton is home to what's next: Pizza made Indian-style.

    That's pizza topped with garlic, coriander, ginger and green chilies. For decades, Brampton's South Asian community has been calling up local chains and ordering "Indian-style" pizza, and that success has led to even more Indian toppings (hello, butter chicken) being thrown on.

  8. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Kafka I feel like my shadow self has been set free but it’s not healthy to always suppress it.


  9. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by POLECAT tetanus shot is not scary science thing and the scuttlebutt I heard about the tetanus is its a sterilization conspiracy and I dont care about that but I dont wanna have to watch my arm for red lines for 2 weeks.

    I sold my tutu and they don't require masks at the dr office anymore up here

    oh no muh scary science PROFESSOR i'm sure you're an expert
    keep choking on that big pharma LIES

    I will say NO THANK YOU to all injections from the AmeriKKKa Hebrew Overlords of Medicine
    You think you can play God and decide who should live or die? Stop fighting nature . If you were meant to get infected that is Jah's will mon and he be irie wit killin folx
  10. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i was tryimg reverse psychology to get you back on drugs

    well I have no drugs so you failed twice
  11. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I also like to go on twitter

  12. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

    Neat. Too bad it only kills a superbug and not humans

    Researchers in Canada and the United States have used deep learning to derive an antibiotic that can attack a resistant microbe, acinetobacter baumannii, which can infect wounds and cause pneumonia. According to the BBC, a paper in Nature Chemical Biology describes how the researchers used training data that measured known drugs’ action on the tough bacteria. The learning algorithm then projected the effect of 6,680 compounds with no data on their effectiveness against the germ
  13. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by jerryb All those WN forums pretty dead now except for stormfront and they don't like you using kike or nigger. Most places not like here and will ban your ass quick if you don't follow the party line.

    YEah they are huge fruitcake faggots that live in a complete fantasy world, they are niggers. They think people that smoke weed should be shot for being jedi and stuff, like fuck off i'm white you globalist kike don't fucking shoot me for growing a plant and smoking weed like some communist chink faggot U NO SMOKE BE MORE WHITE

    Being outraged at your neighbor is not a white trait. White people respect their neighbors right to beat their dog
    Only liberals and soycucks and NIGGERS tell you what to do DONT USE THAT WORD, DONT DO THAT!!

    they are all FBI honeypottiers and brainwashed by kikels
  14. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    lol a tetanus shot make sure to put on a tutu and wear your mask too TRUST THE SCIENCE TAKE THE JAB
  15. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
  16. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    I have just been eating handfuls of cookies and chocolate and Passing out from the sugar diabetes rush also I ran a lot today and am very out of shape

    All I want to do is eat EAT and sleep like a bear
    I have one pot of coffee left

    I need check day to come so people can buy drugs from me , once everyone runs out of money suddenly I also run out and am just as poor as any of them with slightly more drugs and then they start trying to trade me stolen shit for the drugs

    Like what the fuck do I want an Xbox for IM HUNGRY . Cash or chocolate, I will take payment for drugs in chocolate coins

  17. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]



  18. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
  19. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    his bum leg prevents him from stealing whole ass pizzas
  20. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    because i'm not on drugs? UI Agree,

    people not on drugs are losers
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