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it is so surreal to me

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    thst even when inwas 20 and i went to a water park or raging waters once thst i met a 15 and 13 yr old there and kept kassaging her back hanginf out with her while her 13 yr old friend threw a fit and wa sjelous and i ahd no bakks to bring he rin on it or also start touching her but basiclaly how naughty it felt how unproper and satisfying st the same time but how weird also it felt. but now so many years latwr almost twice thwt age 15 yr olds here in poland where they are the age of fonsent deem just fine or for the picking for me bow. its weird isnt it?
  2. #2
    Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    tell me more about the ghost
  3. #3
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the crazy fucking thing is thst time i went to raging waters i also met a 16 yr old ther ebefor emeeting the two girls the 15/13 and she told me strsight up some shit like sometime you get horny girls get horny and im twking break feom my fmsily etc basiclaly giving me all wigns to fuck her or find a spot to fuck her somewhere in the cutouts or blind spot but i didnt even ask or have the balls to make it happen. see vinny this is the reaosn why why even in poland i csnt fuck ukrianian teens now. i jsut lakc the will or risk or the abulity to take social and possibly punitive risks anymore or ever really. but i dont remember if i was 20 or 22 then.
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