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Posts by Lavender Squad

  1. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by jerryb lol Wariat hoping his family buys property in Italy where AOC is 14. They need to find an African country with AOC 0.

    LOL I think this whole obsession with aoc is fucking gay, like honestly who the fuck cares. Fuck the law. Since when did people start basing their sexuality off what the law says? Didn't work too well for gay people, you gotta go hard like Angola and straight up murder people to enforce such laws

    not the faggoting muslims that check your butthole for evidence of gay activity, which in itself is a gay activity. It's all so deranged, people should keep their nose out of other peoples sex lives.

    In my hood growing up lots of 16 year old sluts get with 20+ year olds, with all sorts of age gaps around that. There is a famous case where i'm from of a 30 year old dood grooming a 12 year old to KILL HER FAMILY and she did it to run away with him, they both got locked up, she got ran through the youth system and given a new name, they did an interview with her years back and shes like 20 something now and says basically she did it because of love because she knew they could never be together or some shit

    but like the dude totally brainwashed her, he was a psycho and she probably hates him for convincing her to kil her family, I mean shes a fucking idiot for doing that but yeah, power and age gaps in relationships and shit, not good. Parents have no idea how fucked up some of these kids are, I should know as I was a "good kid" but did all kinds of devious and deranged things

    An Alberta woman who became Canada's youngest multiple killer when she helped her boyfriend stab her parents and brother to death at age 12 is free of any further court-ordered conditions, restrictions or supervision after a final sentence review in Medicine Hat on Friday.

    The woman, who can only be identified as J.R. under Canada's Youth Criminal Justice Act, thanked the judge via closed-circuit TV, but offered no apology or expression of remorse when she addressed the court from an undisclosed location.

    The review marked the completion of J.R.'s 10-year sentence. She spent four years in a psychiatric hospital, followed by 4½ years under community supervision, first in a group home and eventually living on her own and also studying in Calgary for the past 5½ years.

    J.R. was convicted of first-degree murder in the 2006 stabbing deaths of her mother, father and eight-year-old brother. Her then 23-year-old boyfriend, Jeremy Steinke, was also convicted of the crimes.

    "I think your parents and brother would be proud of you," Court of Queen's Bench Justice Scott Brooker said to J.R. "Clearly you cannot undo the past; you can only live each day with the knowledge you can control how you behave and what you do each day."

  2. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat its like wat about the age of consent fuys why dont the ones in poland understand it?

    nobody gives a shit if it was legal and there were no AOC laws they just dont want oldje
  3. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    bro yhat chick just posted here
  4. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    i stole a fucking yule log

  5. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
  6. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

    i rarely buy games
    im still playing df from christmas
  7. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    They all move out west eventually seeking the OIL MONEY
  8. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat actually it was and may still be the number one producer of certain kinds of porn aldra with a 14 yr old aoc and open prostitution of all ages apparently at one point in front of moscow buildings in moscow. something that never occure din poland. open prostution much less open child or teen prostitutes you could get if you want easily without contacts or know hows like wlaking to certain aprt of city etc.

  9. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Wariat im seirously considering moving to italy.

    lANNYS grandfathwer lives there
  10. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by Haxxor just STFU you pedophile piece of shit

    leave wariat alone , go play with kafkas hair you loser!
  11. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Originally posted by jerryb the social paradise

    This is a myth

    As much as people say everything is peaceful and theres no guns, everyone loves each other. That is not my reality at all, that's just the same upper class reality that exists anywhere, and for some reason they are the only ones online and speaking in newspapers or whatever, you don't really see the perspective of DA STREETS

    most people I know dont use computers or internet and have minimal social media, a facebook page maybe from years ago that they log on once every few months. Most Americans have internet access and a computer and a smartphone and reads all this news from Canada like "haha wow they are all communists"

    coujldn't be further from the truth. I know communists and they want to drag politicians out and chop off their heads
    most people here are highly local focused and don't give a shit about other places in Canada, let alone USA / globalist affairs. Lots of immigrants here just become part of our local culture and don't follow American politics or anything like that, they don't even know who the president of USA is.

  12. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    there are probably thousands of drugs we have not yet discovered yet.
  13. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Wouldn't it be La

    or Lz

    the fuck is this

    Lanthanum compounds have numerous applications as catalysts, additives in glass, carbon arc lamps for studio lights and projectors, ignition elements in lighters and torches, electron cathodes, scintillators, gas tungsten arc welding electrodes, and other things. Lanthanum carbonate is used as a phosphate binder in cases of high levels of phosphate in the blood seen with kidney failure.

    damn I have read a lot about weird stuff involving rare eart metals but i've never even heard of half these

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man The stars that make palladium are relatively rare and very very MASSIVE. Know this Helium is 2 in Atomic Number . 4 in atomic weight while palladium is 46 om atomic number, 106.42.

    The stars that can Palladium is many orders of magnitude greater than our sun.

    The Noble Elements are chemically intert or inactive especially toward oxygen Platinum is the most noble of the metals. That is only part of the story, of these rare metals, it takes massive transfers of energy to make such high numbered (Atomic Number and Atomic Weight) elements Energy transfers far beyond anything we know

    The Energy to create the elements of the Platinum metal Group is so far beyond our technology Fusion and Fission skills all we can do in Fusion which creates Heavier Elements is Hydrogen to Helium - the Energies required for lets say Platinum is beyond our imagination.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-01-21T13:24:32.799532+00:00
  14. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    we don't have food stamps here lol people just steal food
  15. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

  16. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    If my twitter looked like this I would kill myself

    people have been like that this entire time, Russian SJW'ing

  17. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    Also ANY DAY now Russian armed forces will all mutiny and take out Putin just like we did to SADDAM HUSSEIN and GADDAFI

    a revolution by the people! Putins inner circle has had enough of his long tables and him freaking out whenever he see's a bird "WHAT IS THAT HOW DID IT GET THROUGH THE BATTERIES"

    "sir that's a crow"

  18. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]

  19. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
    imagine getting to the top and planting this

  20. Lavender Squad Tuskegee Airman [intersect that neonatal burqa]
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