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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost especially the asian ones.

    Here is a flat chest from a trusted source, def not a trap

    On Bing or Google search-image. If you type in Zok or Zoklet photos (and turn off safty search) very very questionable photos show up.
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby your bullshit sucks

    And your randomness that follows makes about as much sense as you do

    Reeeeeeeeeeeee Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    &Totse and all it's iteration's users have hundred of hours of ill tainted stories and experiences. not to mention the manifesto. from trolling sardonic humor to questionable high end criminal offences from the past.

    no mainstream news source could ever get it right. nor Vice for that matter.

    Except that Zok thing. FBI employee ran a website giving link to 4chan on how to print up usable forged coupons. Of course the FBI guy walks. he was just running the board. but in almost all cases of something like this, they would mention the names of all party owners. Including Zoklet. they didn't. and something tells me it was set up to create a third party to deflect others involved.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Tell me more im intrigued.

    I'm trying to figure out how much buttwipe I need to store away for the Apocalypse. I can figure out food. Is it one roll per 2 days per person on average?

    Water is a Gallon a day (to drink and technically can sponge bath with but I could just use recyled waste water to get more .

    I'm ugly and not rich yet middle age. just not in the 1% elite so I have to hide.

    they're get ready. they're coming after us, Man. hide.. dig in and store as much survival shit as possible.

    this aint no Chicken George shit neither!
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    I just want to lay down and wake up with a fresh memory of everything.. but wake up 40 years ago.

    like it would matter
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    You people are insane and if you continue to not pray for peace for the holy land you're committing a huge sin.

    We're trying to stop the power control of one jedi sec in whih other jedis to not approve of. many jedis want peace with Palestinians. this is The State of Israel. This is not the true Israel which was far bigger.

    And Israel is not our Demon. I think the Saudis family should be the ones seeing our military coming in and striking them for clearly being responsible for the 9/11 attacks and not Iraq or one of their Family members to (Bring it to closure) in Pakistan. Our Soldiers should of never had boots on soil. they were brave to fight this war but many of them saw all the bullshit that was going on. Like guarding Poppy fields instead of burning them or taking a giant industrial size lawnmower to it.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers It might also be useful to broadcast the "riot frequency" which I think is 10.80 hertz if I remember right, to make sure they have an even more difficult time fixing things since people will be vomiting blood and nearly paralyzed in proximity to the more deadly infrasound but also agitated from the 10.80 hz

    Certain extremely lethal poisons are known to be quite persistent in the environment. It would probably be best to use a variety of them to make treatment more difficult.

    Imagine if all this happened on a global scale.

    We already discussed this. 8-12hrz range is the human brain's radio pulse signal. it varies from 8-12 (some say 20) which made it difficult to maintain an attempt at reading thought signals until the advention of digital radio receivers and transmissions of the same. it trunks between the range and is able to process the trunk in real time by keeping up with the signal which bounces around this multi channel range.

    It is also said that Earth herself has a heart rhythm (her heart) at 8hzr range.

    so Humans have the ability to maintain a thought if they keep it at 8hz.

    or some shit like this. If something was invented to cause people to vomit .. it would probably be more than a signal disrupting this multi range. it's more than just radio frequencies or sound waves. I'm not sure how those "Non lethal heat guns" has to be more than just a sound frequency. there has to be a lot of technology behind it working different parts of the mind. they just describe it as being a sound frequency gun, but clearly more advance stuff is going on before broadcasting it at riots.
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Hank Hatebeak

    the vicious Turkey of Santa Cruz. Fucking hunting ranches let them go

    stalks a UC Santa Cruz parking lot during the daylight hours, threatening those who come too close to his turf. His adoring fans have endowed him (and his offspring) with a Facebook fan page. The students even gave him a name — Hank Hatebeak. And he has a bad habit of attacking car tires while they’re in motion:

    But here’s the thing about Hank Hatebeak and the rest of the wild turkeys around here: they’re newcomers — at least, in this geologic epoch — to the Bay Area. When I was an undergrad at UCSC 10 years ago, I never once saw a turkey. Friends and professors with whom I spoke all said the same thing. And my father, who grew up in the heavily forested woodland behind Stanford, never once saw one during his youth.

    Now wild turkeys are so common (and brazen) that they’re chasing people daily in Santa Cruz and Berkeley. Indeed, Berkeleyside has been documenting the myriad sightings (and attacks) in Berkeley since 2012.

    “Originally, these turkeys were brought for hunting at private hunting clubs and on state-managed lands … it’s been sort of a continued population growth from that time, from the 1950s to the 1980s, when these releases were happening.”

    Still, it seems a bit weird that a big urban area would be such a great environment for these wild animals. So what exactly is it that’s bringing wild turkeys to the urban parts of the Bay Area — especially towns like Berkeley and Santa Cruz?

    Apparently, it’s been a long journey here for our feathered frenemies. Alan Krakauer, a UC Davis biology professor who specializes in the behavioral ecology of birds, explained that turkeys were brought back to California in the mid-20th century. “Originally, these turkeys were brought for hunting at private hunting clubs and on state-managed lands,” said Dr. Krakauer. “It’s been sort of a continued population growth from that time, from the 1950s to the 1980s, when these releases were happening.”

    The wild turkeys’ range once extended across most of the United States, and the birds were a common sight in New England around the time of the Revolutionary War. Founding-father Benjamin Franklin famously defended the bird’s “respectability” as a symbol — though he did not, as the legend goes, propose outright that we use the turkey (rather than the bald eagle) as the symbol of the country.

    Wild turkeys were almost eliminated from the United States between the late 1800s and early 1900s, said Krakauer. “Now that we have more regulations on when and where you can hunt, that’s made a big difference in the recovery of these populations … you don’t see people in the middle of these urban areas hunting them.” Hence, without any predators, once they invade an urban area, they can be hard to get rid of.

    Plus, wild turkeys love all the open space in the Bay Area: Tilden Park, the vast wilderness of the Santa Cruz mountains and all our other open-space preserves, nestled between populous towns, make for good living for wild turkeys. But problems arise when brazen turkeys like Hank Hatebeak venture to the edge of the wilderness and hang out around people (and cars).

    Native Bay Area residents might wonder whether the turkeys are technically transplants. “It’s a contentious issue: whether to call turkeys in California ‘native’ or ‘introduced,’” said Dr. Krakauer. Turkeys have certainly been in California before. Wild turkeys are one of the most common fossils found in the La Brea tar pits and were present in Southern California in the Pleistocene. But “most of the introduced ones here were brought from the Texas or Oklahoma area,” said Krakauer. “The landscape here is similar, so the turkeys adapted easily to California.”

    Still, with Thanksgiving around the corner, you might be thinking what I’m thinking: there sure are a lot of these birds in parts of the Bay Area, and many of them are quite big. And plump. Could a hungry, carnivorous citizen, er, kill and eat one?

    “You’d need to check with the city or county,” said Krakauer, laughing. “I don’t think you can just go into Tilden and shoot.”

    The long answer to this question is “It’s complicated.” You need a permit, which can take a while, and the hunting season is open only for a month this year — from November 12 to December 11. (The SF Chronicle put together a guide last year as to where and how to hunt turkey.) In other words, in lieu of a rogue coyote or mountain lion busting in, Hank Hatebeak is untouchable, the king of UC Santa Cruz — and our cars will just have to take his abuse.
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'll bet you're not afraid of wild turkeys either.

    Everyone stops their cars in California for them. some afraid to run them over and some to take photos. Again, I don't know who the fuck brought them to California, but I never grew up seeing turkeys before. it happen 10-15 years ago and they're everywhere now. they breed like rabbits almost. nice for the homeless to eat. I would kill one if I was on the street. I mean shit, you can walk right up to them. They don't fear cars.

    they cause accidents. Who the hell brought them out this way? Climate change?
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah Ok I'll tell you in a sec, I'm just filling out this form real quick:

    Get me a foia form while youre at it and pm me the doc..k
  11. Krow African Astronaut

    happened around 3:13pm
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    When AI officially comes online. all people not on the A list will be turned off. Terminated except people who are needed a workers with special Talent skills, until AI can figure how to do that better and then all of those people with special skills will be next to be turned off.

    leaving the world with less then a few hundred thousand. mostly beautiful young women and middle aged men.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Almost eaten by a Malabu

    And I did have broken bones. ER and Alice didn't want me there.

  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    was this a response to my question of why you left Walnut Creek for Canada?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    GGG Bodypaint yourself in Rainbow colors and show tits.
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    I stole beer a couple of times. just a few single bottles. In highschool.

    then I just stop stealing cause it's retarded and I don't need to have something that badly I can't afford.

    Before that, like age 6-7 from Mom's purse. got caught. as beating and a guilt lecture which is why I didn't steal except those beers. I think it just sunk in. plus it's cheating. I'm barely making payments. worst I'v ever been in. I'll have them take my repo my car if it comes down to that. go find a Job doing something else

    I hope it doesn't happen. I like my car. it's pretty cool.
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Gluttony. I loved to over consume food and Alcohol

    when I was in my teens I lusted after milf.. Neighbours wife. but not on my block. few blocks over.

    is Jealousy one of them?
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL People, are stupid. They wear the same hat, same coat, same shoes… you don't really even need their face.

    Are laws different in Canada? You do to positively identify them. it could be chance someone had the same clothing and did the same thing. or that you're grabbing someone with the same clothing who was there to purchase. or a group of people shuffling clothing around so you will follow those cloth description while someone wearing something else steals the second time. you know.. decoy ducks.
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    Even if the numbers weren't 6 million in Poland. it was still over a Million. its still an attempt at genocide on jedis.

    and Russia apparently murdered more jedis than Hitler did. not in gas chambers but allowed the Russian Front to slaughter many.

    The people running this world is people who claim many religions Islam, Christians, jedis and Gnostic types and perhaps Budhism or atheist or etc..

    You want easy, so you're blaming jedis. I laughed when I heard "no jedis were killed at WTC"

    there is a huge list of jedi people in that building and as first respondents. I will agree that 5 Israelies were seen trying to blow up the George Washington Bridge. it was said they were Mossad. Not sure what went on there. but Saudi Arabs at the top of their leadership were cutting checks for the very guy (Mohammed Atta) they accused of taking over one of the planes. he was being given money to live in San Diego and then Florida while training for this. But did he work for some agency and told "This is just a training excersize" while he was seen boarding the plane. Why didn't they have video recordings of the fucking cabins in black boxes? No one knows who really did this. regardless of those phone calls.

    they robbed the shit out of the WTC for billions in wire transfers and gold from under WTC 5 and 6.

    gold was under Building 6 and 5. the dude from FEMA hired to document it said there was no damage down there. just the vault door was open and emptied out. some documents left in there but no gold. trucks were seen leaving the area. To this day, no one asks "Where is the gold". 2 hours prior to the planes hitting 1 and 2 and the pentagon.. wire transfers in the hundreds of millions being transfered .. they proved this happened by finding the HDD and having the hardware restored to be able to read from. in 2009, they proved it in fact happened. prior, it was only data fingerprints assumed it was a wire transfer but they could't prove it was money being wired.
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    But if they have the same last name as you or born on the exact same day.. is that cool?
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