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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    I wish we had computers at home when I was a kid. I mean with a window type OS and applications to teach us. In the 70s and early 80s, chemistry was pretty boring. The same teacher teaching us Chemistry also taught biology. he was pretty cool. but I had a hard time in school.

    I'm sure they have programs that can teach you this way faster in a much funner visual experience. of course, most kids today realize.. hey "Breaking Bad" that's why I'm gonna learn chemistry.
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah Keep in mind NZ time is ahead of ours here in the states

    I just thought he randomly joked about it .. another one of those "Happenstance" moments

    that's fucked up what that dude did. lets hope it doesn't start a recoil affect on Churches across NL
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed The UN didn't steal the land. Palestine was supposed to be multicultural.

    Do you relize they already were? this is what I'm saying about one sect of Israel that slowly did this. not all jedis approved of this.

    this is more of a political move by elitist fucks to take control. you can you-tube Palestine and see all 3 major religious people in old films. showing Jerusalem and people of different cultures walking around.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby DAMN SON YOU GO HARD! I DO TOO HERE IN THE ATX NIGGA!

    Didn't they get into trouble with NWA (or Ice Cube) for stealing this song without the blessings?
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed I was never in Texas but can't imagine how it is worse than new yawk.

    New Yawk is where it's happening with real Night LIfe. Unlike San Francisco that goes to sleep at 1:30 am at last call. most people don't even hang out at clubs after 1. they go in 11-1 and leave.

    San Francisco should just stay open all night. so many fucking clubs to get hammered. and has a decent public transit system.. if they kept Bart open all night and the new Trans Bay would get fixed.
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG The absolute mutts I've seen that try to pass for Irish is insane

    7/10 white Americans will claim Irish ancestry this weekend

    Same thing with Italians. "I'm Italian American" yeah sure.. Schaffer is an Italian Name, Stupid cunt.

    No.. My Mom is Italian full on. her parents came from Italy. and my Dad's mom cheated on my father with an Italian.

    then we smoked some weed cause it was kind of true and shit.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed …it all started when the jedis stole all the land in Palestine without paying compensation…

    UN moved them in. talk to them
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    I'm 'Down' with popsicles, yo!

  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost There is a hooker alley one street down from 17th with lots of trap houses. My stash spot was behind the "border crossing" bar

    I mostly used to sell meth in the Vietnamese plaza area by the burger king and the "town and country" motel.

    I also knew someone that had close ties with the bacon brothers

    uhh are you Canadian or Californian? cause .ca means both
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Palladium is a chemical element with symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston

    LOL Peedee 46
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Palladium is the catalyst for reduction.

    wh wha is reduction? like reduce?

  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Wait.. Ghost aren't you from LA?

    I thought you were white or mixed white/Hispanic

    are these Indians (from India?) or just mixed Pacific islanders?

    I'm so confused. most kids I grew up with were white or mixed Asian white or white Hispanic (at least in my neighborhood).
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Ephedrine + palladium and glacial acetic acid under pressure with an electrical current will yield methamphetamine

    Isn't Palladium a metal? Meth is metal?
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I keep seeing girls I know on tinder and it's depressing. I saw one who was using pictures from at least 8 years ago. Still want to smash.

    I met a real life guy from totse and he turned out to be a weirdo. I just figured out it was him. I was supposed to get drugs for someone from totse once too who came to by city to write bad checks. I told him to call me back because I was in the middle of something and he didn't then had to leave town the next day.

    I think I talked to a girl from totse/zoklet who posted underage nudes before who I know moved to my city. She just looked familiar and was with some dork who was skateboarding and we talked for a minute then I realized later she looked very familiar.

    I also once hitchhiked across America to get a fatty I met on zoklet pregnant then her husband fucked me in the ass and she threatened me with a shotgun and did all my drugs.

    Was that last story about Kr0z? are you "living vicariously through the acts that happened to others"?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost no you're just a retarded faggot.

    I hope you die from a mass shooting in a mosque

    Did you happen to post this before it just happened down in NZ?
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost How 2 cook meth

    Well.. we're waiting!
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Torx A gift to the Zionist jedis from Gaza

    So what set off rockets being sent into Israel? why now. this has been going on for a while

    and are you guys suggesting the rockets were Israeli made and sent in by Israeli themselves? like saying the Rabbi are the ones spray painting their own temples?

    you guys sjw jsw whatever whatever

    plus it's pointless to send in rockets when they're defense system is just way to accurate.

    waste attempt
  18. Krow African Astronaut


  19. Krow African Astronaut
    If I search to send a message to the whitehouse "" it would always work. now it says I don't have permission to use search at whitehouse.

    Why would I think Trump's admin would be any better against former government corruption. it has nothing to do with his racist wall legacy
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Anyways Zoklet doesn't mean "Flat chested" does it?

    but cp is what pops up!

    Isn't it googles job to search all possible combinations with an algorithm to use facial recognition to flag children's faces connected to nude bodies only to see it still links to a guys site who apparently was a former FBI employee?

    that's weird! so much they did for the NSA to breach people's personal securities but hey, CP.. no biggie. (No pun intended..much)
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