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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung The last sentence of your caption explains why… didn't even read your own shit huh?

    I didn't "Caption" I aksed a question. I asked a question aided with a remark.

    you mean "What the fuck is this?"
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah So she was suckin cowboy dicks instead of nigger dicks? So what, where the pics at bruv

    Why do you need to see pics of my Mother when you can see videos of your Mother on
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    Glory hole. What you don't know can't hurt you. except the AIDS.
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah Damn ur mom been wildin out so hard she had to leave the country to do it. That’s legit.

    Pics of ur mom?

    1950s, Pal. things were different then. Country folk
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    The thing is people really died. not just adult men. there were children cowarding behind a wall that went back a bit. they were on the ledge of the panel. I think he may have let them live? but not the women including Mothers and younger ladies.

    and the fact he was fairly calm. like GTA when a player is not playing the objection portion of the game. not being serious but just finds a gun and shoots everyone on the sidewalk or in the building.
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Regina is one of my favorite cities, I would totally be homeless there.

    I think I remember my mother saying her and her friends from ND would head up to MooseJaw and Regina to drink (back then I think it was 16 or 17)

    that's a long effen haul to party with the girls.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist We don’t know the laws of New Zealand. My gosh you peeps need to be patient and give it time. The news will come out. Seems New Zealand handles things differently; especially how quickly they arrive at the scene.

    was that sarcasm? that dude walked back to his car and loaded up some new guns. no sirens wailing in the background. maybe 15 minutes? I mean he was 2-3 minutes on the road before passing the first Emergency Vehicle

    probably because it never happens there?
  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist If this was in the US, we’d know the names of the victims, the breakdown of male/female/children, and their vocations. Violence is big business here.

    No That's mexico> They don't candy coat shit. they show it as is on TV (or I'm told.. I have seen Mexican TV bits on Youtube.. i'm surprized youtube hasn't pull them but I respect Mexico tv. if it bleeds it leads. but then again, I wouldn't want someone close on tv shown. perhaps just the adult men
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm not a huge fan, at least if I try to treat him as a philosopher rather than just like a write or something. Often when I read Watts I feel like he's mistaken the form of deliberate vagueness for the actual content of the zen tradition. To be fair he has presumably read more primary material than I ever will but like other translators of eastern texts seem to be able to pull a coherent thesis together instead of Watts' kind of metrical writing on and on without ever actually saying anything. Like maybe there's an argument that Watts not actually saying anything is supposed to be an instructive device ala the gateless gate or something but that's really not a very productive mode of writing when transplanted to a different time and culture.

    In the end though he's pretty benign. Sometimes I can just be like "alright, let's just not think and listen to some pretty things and listen to a recording of Alan Watts" and it's alright I guess but any time I try to engage with him critically it just grates on me.



    Thank you Lord and Master of NIS
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    And I'm obviously white skin and blonde and blue. I've been called the White Devil a few times.. but usually some laughter and "he's alright"

    but with people like Trump, I have notice I get a lot of angry stares by some PoC.

    I don't want my ass beat because of this shit. people .. get a job and talk about the real shit that matters
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed So how do we have peace?

    What do we have to do to get left alone?

    Can you please expand a bit on this statement? I mean.. I suppose buy a fucking compound. a co-op shitload of acres and build your own towns and run your own news and run a golf course and stores..etc. be your own private town. Call it Whiteyville

    Soon if it was just whites.. you would start nick picking and splitting hairs over what is acceptable and who is in and who is out.
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    This dude I met in IRC sent me a link to a website called MOABB (Mother of all Bulletin Boards) it had cockpit videos showing smart bombs being dropped on a handful of guys trying to aim a G2A at the copter or jet or whatever. over a year went by and the local news showed that very video as if it just happened. I knew then that things were being time censored. maybe to protect the pilots? but I was saying, I have seen this video a few times. The pilot had to chase this dude like a football field in length before blowing him to pieces. there were bombs exploding behind him one after another. then it's the one you always see where they're firing a Gatling at the jeep and the dude is underneath trying to hide, and another one hiding off in a ditch.. they find them with FLIR. just those bullets were blowing the dudes to pieces. it was kind of fucked up watching. but the one dropping bomb after bomb and the dude running just in front of them like Tom Cruise. was surreal.

    anyways, there was a few live feed channels. You clicked on one of the 2 or 3 they had running live. I watched it a few weeks with just people yapping at a hotel (This was in Afghanistan somewhere) and finally I hear bang bang bang and a armor vehicle rolls up and dudes shooting this large gun (i don't know shit about guns) on the top like a tourett mounted to a roll bar.

    Now I have to go see if Archives has it. but they were live streams. I was telling the dude (who lived in London but was an Afghanistan who hated jedis and called me jedi Lover) he was a trip. but he said "Isn't technology great.. you're truly an armchair warrior watching war in real time in the comfort of your home. They should of had more sites like this. But I think this was a known hotel in the capital of Afghanistan that ran the feed.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    I'm ashamed some of you are not trolling the White Nationalist thing but are the real thing.. and are true to this club of Stupid.

    There is no peace in this generations future
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Pew Die Pie a former Zoklet?
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The "manifesto" thing was originally a creation of the FBI and CIA. Nobody writes a fucking manifesto. Maybe one or two would, but not ALL of them, like we see time and time and time again. The so-called "manifesto" is nothing more than a lame prop to parade around all over fake news CNN and MSNBC.

    Fuck you spectraL.. Release your copy ofbthe 9\11 manifesto. Im being fucking serious
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah Did you try this one^

    This is so surreal its like watching GTA. Our western culture is fucked with payback. FBI caught some dude on video saying he was going to shoot up Cal Berkeley Campus. This may not sit well in the islamic community. Why the fuck did h3 fucking do this?
  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Manila Jacket or place each page in those sticky pullback photo albums which I believe are legal size 11 x 8
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    post a direct video of the shootout so I can watch it like the other 90 percent of this planet has
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    post direct video
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Not one video on any site loaded for me.


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