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Posts by Krow

  1. Krow African Astronaut
    I stand corrected. I meant
  2. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Bring back the BeigeWarlock!!

    Not an acceptable response. Please try again
  3. Krow African Astronaut
    sakes is not in the world-enhancement's list
  4. Krow African Astronaut
    What happened when Iteration number 1 ( Went online. When did this Anti-jedi hatred start up. I thought Zok was half jedi and Half African American ?

    did the jedi humor start of as innocent and just pull in hardcore nationalist (Whites) into this place. Zok tolerated it or is Zok a self loathing jedi in America?

    I think it's OK to make fun of the radicalist fucks. Muslims, Christian or jedi or Buddhist.. etc

    but this feels more like that breitbart site. It doesn't seem like you guys are just trolling old school racist humor on here. yet I have seen you guys condemn Infinity-shock for it when he just becomes repetitive but here some of you are acting like White Supremacist.

    it's confusing. I want backstory on
  5. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Did Lanny code it? Then yes.

    It's usually a download patch for the BBS

    he only has the totse and 2 others. most sites have shitloads and a tool to change it out yourself with color patch hex-codes

    maybe lanny destroyed it with a secret wordenhancement trigger
  6. Krow African Astronaut
    You fucking pieces of shit. Especially you now, SpectraL

    You're creating these stupid conspiracy to deflect what happened on the key site.

    totse was never a White Nationalist site. it allowed all people .. I don't know what the fuck happened on Zoklet to bring in this shit. There were people trolling racism on totse and it was tolderated because they didn't want to ban free speech (until I came along with Christian speek and this didn't go well with the alternative thinkers)

    yet that being said. I am bashed for making true statements and facts that Totse's history is being scrubbed from one of the only fucking archive crawlers there is. and pretty much all of you witness this. yet you make these agrecious statements that the NZ mosque might be another "Sandy Hook" fake? when we know Sandy Hook was not faked??

    all I said was I was amased how the guy had a near perfect stream and never cut out (which is highly unusual in the best cell tower locations) but I don't think this is staged. it's damn good if it is.

    but lets be real? what was totse about? every topic out there. Including how to make weapons and backyard ballistics and rockets and shit. this is crazy. Harper reed and his buddy take out a hay stack. sure it wasn't a person, but the system usually doesn't view this as an exception. they were placed on watchlist for the rest of their lives? but Obama hires him. "Totse Forever" on his own personal site. He's a good guy I'm sure, but he's working in Government. Zok apparently worked in Government while someone gets nailed for a felony forgery case of coupons in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    But the Government didn't shut down Totse. So why would they take your guns away? at most.. like the feds did after 9/11.. they shut down one of the forums. so most likely the guns won't be sold anymore, but it doesn't matter. those AR-15 can soon be printed on more advance 3D printers. dudes in America and Mexico and the Filipines will take one apart and reverse engineer it and then make a ghost gun with no serial.

    So using the philosophy of Totse. You shut me down, they will just go to the local library and learn about the subject (not sure if books on these subjects of weapons making have been pulled from all libraries, but I'm sure a mom and pop book store will order one for you.

    fucking totse. I never said Jeff was apart of 9/11 I said he threatened me with intent to fuck my life up by not finding employment because he wrote the standard hiring software's that became a corporate standard?

    clear links with Obama who hired James comey who lets Mrs Clinton walk.

    "Full Transparency" is what James Comey, Jeff Hunter and many other who was taught this by Billionaire Ray Daleo is preached all over their LinkedIn and probably Facebook as well.

    OK Jeff. Full Transparency. I want a copy of that Manifesto thread that was posted. don't be a hypocrite.
  7. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed If I had my way all American cops chest-cams would look like the new zealand mosque video.

    Mandatoty minimum body quotas.

    Nefarious as fuck. Flagged for Interpol.

  8. Krow African Astronaut
    Happy St Patties.

    30 years and OM (the 30 looking OM sign from india with a one eye willy face next to it. also spin the 30, 90-degrees to the left and ,from top to bottom it spells OM but that's off topic kinda)

    I compare Soy-B0ys comment of "American's aren't Irish" to that of Malcom X being rejected by Arab Muslims which forced Malcom and his Mosque to create the Black Islamic Movement.

    Not everyone in Ireland is Irish Blood. and Americans with enough Irish Blood to say "I'm Irish American" "is not an Irish"


    Answer usual is this: They don't live in Ireland and understand the political woes we suffer.

    Nigga Please!! What did a fat fuk like Soy-B0y have possible suffered? the potato famine? more like you didn't have enough potato bread to make a sandwich and stuff your fat fucking face with.

    plus you look like you live a really nice modest life on that farm, Goat Boy!
  9. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed In general Americans deserve to be murdered by police the way they behave.

    Irishman views of All Americans should die-Confirmed.

    You're not that special you fat mick fuck.
  10. Krow African Astronaut
    Hey Lanny. Why does it shift me back to page 3 or 4 when I post on the last page in the thread? I changed my UI to the all black. it's easier on the eyes. is their a glitch in it. I mean it's page 10 then flips me back to page 3.

    fix this and end your word enhancement bullshit or I will purple nurple you into the cosmos whatever that means.
  11. Krow African Astronaut
    Fucking Lanny and his Enhancementing faggoted (non-homosexual) little word enhancement; tarding up my statement.
  12. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Because they're nothing more than globalist hand puppets.

    come on man. You're better than this. perhaps some of them muslims have AR-15 style rifles and apart of a NZ type of NRA. Cheney is a big NRA member. loves to hunt with people close to his side. look how he is viewed as enhancementing reality out and starting a war on lies.. this is similar to this for enhancementing out the majority would never do this but this will give reason to take away rights as Iraqi's rights were taken away on small situations turned into huge stories of intent.

    all the politician aren't behind this.

    I guess the idea is you're afraid they will demand your semi weapons (capable of going full auto with little modifications) that you see as your right to form a militia in case a coup was to occurs.

    if it comes down to this, I'm fairly sure the NRA code of "My gun had the Monday Blues.. and went to rest on vacation.. I have no clue where My gun went" will be honored by the majority.

    also it doesn't help when you have this Nationalist movement to fuel their argument in their favor of the public eyes.
  13. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING V: A Cat-Girl/Boy Under Every Bed When does anyone ever meet with whites when we get murked?

    respect to their religious laws and culture?
  14. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Methuselah U mad lil queermo?

    Beercat?? :/
  15. Krow African Astronaut
    I am curious about one thing. This is a stream video yet I have never seen a stream that high quality. there is very little (if any) hicups in the stream. it's like 1080p or higher. it never breaks once.. that I can remember. even when he takes off. its like he uploaded the actual video afterwards rather than someone saving or screencapturing the video live.

    Again, I'm not crying Sandy-Hook-Jones moment. but what kind of cell towers do they have in NZ that allowed such an amazing stream without interruptions.
  16. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Jesus converts.

  17. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny to cuddle in a platonic way and also because I know your rubber doll making business is going under and I wanted to throw some business your way.

    I want lanny to be the son I lost.

    we can go camping and sit in a boat while I tell lanny he has to shut up for long durations because fish don't like that.

    and then we can sit by a campfire and cook our fish and if a giant brown bear comes at me, Lanny would make a great attention grabber for the bear while I comfort lanny that I'm going for help.. in our fishing boat. elsewhere.
  18. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie We literally made the sea our bitch. The Delta Works and our dyke systems are glorious, and we have these things called polders which are basically flood plains. Also, we won like 20% of all of our land mass by literally creating it where sea once was. Our hydraulic engineers are renowned for their skill and our hydraulic engineering companies do business all across the globe.

    I'll fite you.

    If you had quakes like California or Alaska you would be eating them words. Nature would fuck you were you should wipe more.
  19. Krow African Astronaut
    So are there phone cams taken from third party viewers to this event? I'm curious why the road is busy with traffic until he starts shooting. Now obvious it's because no one wants to drive up that street.. but that means someone on both sides of that stretch of road stopped and told people "shooting, don't drive up the street" but there is aways those people who want to get closer to view it.

    I'm not playing Alex Jones-Sandy Hook denial. but it was so odd watching. and when he drove off it's like he suddenly rolls up on existing traffic . even after he stops to shoot a parked car idled that takes off (curious if anyone was shot in that car) and then he's now in traffic. clearly this is real. it's just calmer than one would expect. Not just inside the Mosque but outside.
  20. Krow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SHARK Good that NZ is considering banning shit now rather than later. If their country decides on it through their democratic political process then that is their right, and we can see how it plays out for them.

    This is most likely true yet how do semi-weapons being banned come into play with Jesus?
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