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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers

  1. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    It turns people into bisexual zombies. Not all, but a lot of them. I can't think of a meth person I've met that hasn't done something gay.

    There was a guy in the news that raped his girlfriends baby recently while high on meth.
  2. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Lol why is DTE sending me PMs ? Candy please tell ur bff to stop PMng me. I already told her but she doesnt get it

    Because you both have a low IQ, so you attract mudshark garbage.
  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Post an 8 paragraph post about hand magic and stfu
    Hand magic, is that what you call it when you slip your hand into your pants while watching tall black men play with balls?

    Speaking of hand magic, I did talk to a naked homeless mexican guy with face tats last night, he kept mentioning hand signals. Maybe he was a friend of yours. He did kind of smell like bacon.
  4. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Oh you're too complex to let even your fingers smell like poon. Got ya.
    I'm german enough to understand your mentality, but too intelligent to be turned on by the thought of random women and their "smell of poon" on my fingers. You and Bill Krozby could relate quite well, he likes the smell of hambeast poon. I would rather be distracted by quality women if it happens at all. Now run along and go watch some tall black men play with balls.
  5. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So what are fat people?..fat?
    They are disgusting, but most people are disgusting in some way. Most people lack will power, fat people just do when it comes to food.
  6. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Oh you're too busy running the show and making the world a better place to be distracted by vagina.

    You misunderstand, you enjoy simple things, you are a very simple person, and you enjoy watching tall black men play with balls. People who actually make a difference in the world tend to be quite a bit less simple than you. Those of us that can actually change it don't usually waste our time with things like that. Although I'm here wasting my time with you, it's somewhat more entertaining.
  7. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I always heard that Spectral would be on the roof of K Mart practicing his numchuck skills, waiting for potential shoplifters.
  8. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Oh I get it. You're too humble for pussy.

    I get that you enjoy watching tall black men play with balls. What works for your ilk does not work for those of us that actually run the show.
  9. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Lol damn son you need some pussy
    I don't get anything done when I'm with a woman. It is a huge distraction and my IQ is definitely a lot higher than yours, everyone in my family has an IQ between 130 and 160, as well as being generally more athletic and creative than most people.

    you come from untermensch genetics, and you will pass those on if you reproduce, unfortunately.

    EDIT: you may as well pull a Risir and find a black woman
  10. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'd never go to a mcfaggles

    Lots of poor people get duped into that. Even people who are well off, whose parents took care of them and made good money, enjoy that nasty shit. The fries and such. I fail to see how any of that tastes any better than anything else from some other place. But then I'm not an untermensch, I am not wired to be a slave like most people.
  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun You read that shit?

    Not enough ADHD I guess.
  12. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Some campus police a few months ago tried to tell me it was illegal to possess body armor if you're not the police. After they left, I googled it, and the fucktards flat out lied.

    Texas Penal Code Section 46.041 prohibits convicted felons from possessing metal or body armor. This statute has no five-year limitation like the UPF statute: a convicted felon can never possess metal or body armor.

    I've never been convicted of a felony, so that wouldn't apply to me. I had a word with their superiors. They told me "I don't know how one of our officers would jepardize their career over that, because that's what lying about it would do" and I said they're ex military, they could likely get higher paying jobs in the private sector since their experience is so valued and the private sector security industry is booming.

    But I told him just give them a warning so it doesn't happen again.
  13. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Strange about the owning a gun thing.
    KHOU 11 was able to Verify that Texas Penal Code Sec 46.04 allows for a person with a felony conviction to possess a firearm on the premises where he lives, five years after the disposition of his conviction.

    However, federal law does not allow for a convicted felon to possess a firearm under any circumstances, unless he has been pardoned.

    Fuck the feds. Don't listen to anything they say. You can always just say it was your girlfriends gun anyway if you have to use it outside your house. \

    Federal law should never apply in Texas. We are technically not supposed to be part of the US at all.
  14. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Ramadan is a cool holiday. The jews do something similar. They have pretty similar holidays actually. There's lots of both j/ews and muslims here and somehow they get along. You never hear of them fighting or anything. I'm partial to Islam because I think it's less cucked out than other religions.

    I'm not in favor of treating women badly, but that's more cultural in the Islamic world. Depends where you go. I'm also not in favor of bulldyke lesbians running around everywhere bucking up to men and trying to start shit. Muslims put fags and queers in their place and tend to have more respect for science.

    Science, alot of the truth about it, has been hidden by the catholic church after the romans defeated Egypt.

    anyway happy Ramadan
  15. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    I'm surprised people e date in their 30s. I was a lot younger when I did that. But if it works out, I guess that's good. I gave up on sex and relationships. I've turned it down so many times. It's a distraction. I feel like the reason the world is such a shithole is because all people care about is sex and relationships, looking out for "number one" in other words themselves and their loved ones, and they have this "fuck the rest of the world" mentality. To me everyone in the world is my family. I'd like to be less selfish. I haven't had sex in years, and for all the low IQ dipshits that assume that makes you abnormal or something, it doesn't. If you cannot control your hormones then you are basically subhuman or untermensch.

    I don't wanna be Bill Krozby, where all I do is try to have sex and do drugs constantly without ever doing anything productive with my life, being a pizza delivery guy in my 30s. Just not fulfilling to me. If everyone just cared about shit like that, or what is slightly less repulsive, the house with the white picked fence and the wife etc, all these politicians and their henchmen would just get away with everything. Some of us are going to at least try to make sure you have the freedom to be a drug addicted sex crazed waster, even if we disagree with it. And you faggots are going to continue taking that for granted.

    anyway I saw some old posts by Risir and he's definitely a hardcore libtard cuck faggot that tried constantly to look like a badass online, constantly talking about how hard his life was in germany or whatever european shithole he's from. But it seems CandyRein saved him from this life of e thuggery and dumbassery, now he can stop fronting and be a normal dude. No need to try to impress anybody since he's finally "getting laid" which is apparently what he needed or aspired to do, even if that makes him a "mudshark"
  16. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Ran into this one homeless dude with face tats last night, he was completely nude. We had a fairly long conversation about the government and spirituality, among other things.

    I was just trying to get a beer. He's an alright guy though. One of those MKULTRA personalities that the government sends into my path as a distraction. They don't like me drinking alcohol.
  17. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee I've never had relations with a woman!!

    Why not, canadian women are prone to mudsharking, might as well fuck women too
  18. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Well that's why I'm sure he bumped you stupid bitch

    It was actually just random. I get bored and start browsing old threads from like page 700 something. As much of a fucknut as you are Bill Krozby, you do post some entertaining stuff occasionally, unlike that faggot WellHung and a bunch of other people.

    Don't know why hydromorphone won't just get a job or something, then again I never understood fat people, or narcissists, or fat people that think they're the shit.

    This morning a fat jewish hambeast walked past me and called me a nazi, the way all the rest of the brown nosing shit-forbrains stalkers do, and I ran up with a knife in my hand and said "sorry I just gotta cut this stick" and she nearly shat herself. Nobody was fucking with me for a while after that although I'm sure they'll continue to.

    EDIT: hambeast/mudshark, likely a kike, unsure
  19. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Drugs are kinda retarded except for shrooms and weed or crystal DMT in a meth pipe, but even if you quit drugs, this probably won't make the stalking go away. They watch people like a hawk, usually due to their ancestry, and they hold them to higher standards than the rest of you swine.
  20. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    ITT: DickHouse drama

    e drama at its lamest
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