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Posts by We'reAllBrownNosers
2019-05-09 at 11:03 PM UTC in Americans are the Master Race
In 2014 62% of adults in England were classified as overweight (a body mass index of 25 or above) or obese, compared to 53% 20 years earlier. More than two-thirds of men and almost six in 10 women are overweight or obese.[3]
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2013, the United Kingdom had proportionately more obese and overweight adults than anywhere in western Europe with the exception of Iceland and Malta. Using data from 1980 to 2013, in the UK 66.6% of men and 52.7% of women were found to be either overweight or obese. The figures for Malta were 74.0% of men and 57.8% of women and for Iceland were 73.6% of men and 60.9% of women respectively.[51]
The UK had the fifth highest rate of obesity in Europe in 2015. 24.9% of the adult population had a body mass index of 30 or more.[52] In 2016 according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nearly 27% of adults in the United Kingdom were obese, the highest proportion in Western Europe and a 92% increase since 1996.[53] -
2019-05-09 at 10:50 PM UTC in Found shrooms todayI'm going to be finding these till around december probably. They're very common in my city. I find some on trees pretty often but I'm not sure they're active. There's a few species that prefer to grow on palm trees and we've got lots of those. I'll post pictures eventually.
I posted on shroomery last year about this. I've been excited for the rainy season to come back. I gave this one guy some, right before he smoked a huge both of meth. Dude was fucked up lol
EDIT: I find these in people's yards a lot. So many public places in plain view where I'll find these. -
2019-05-09 at 10:35 PM UTC in Found shrooms todaySo I'm printing about 24 at the moment. I already have a bunch from last year. If anyone wants, like I said, PM me an address. Not opposed to sending out multiple prints either.
2019-05-09 at 10:15 PM UTC in Were the Nazis really evil?The results of war are never good. The results of a war where one country takes on several other countries by itself and nearly takes over the world is going to have very bad results.
2019-05-09 at 9:13 PM UTC in Found shrooms today
Originally posted by -SpectraL
That's a good video. I always find them quite close to deadly poisonous species as well. Gyms kinda scare me to be honest. First time I tried them I started sweating, then feeling cold. After using them for a few months that stopped happening, but the way people describe higher doses, it sounds scary. I'm fine on a high dose of cubensis of paneolus.
EDIT: Oh yeah, these aren't the bitter species. Not all gyms are bitter. Some taste rather mild. Got some today that were bruising blue pretty good. -
2019-05-09 at 9:08 PM UTC in Cant we just stick to weed?
2019-05-09 at 9:07 PM UTC in Petition to segregate Totseans, Zokleteers, & Dhers..That's why I need to advertise this site at local homeless shelters. Homeless people are used to an "anything goes" sort of atmosphere.
2019-05-09 at 9:04 PM UTC in Found shrooms today
Originally posted by Bill Krozby ITT op is a faggot and a liar.
Why on earth would I lie about this? Like I said, gimme an address, I'll send you a print for free. The gymnopilus genus is rather complex so without a DNA test and microscope examination I can't tell you exactly which species they are, but they're definitely gyms.
I gained a shitload of experience with them last year. Before that, I'd only eaten Paneolus and Cubes. -
2019-05-09 at 8:34 PM UTC in Found shrooms todayFound a bunch more. Going to have so many spore prints. One of my favorite logs is producing like crazy at the moment, it produces every year but the first flush isn't usually too heavy, and I'll get sometimes as much as 10 flushes per log. I get sick of rain, and then I find shrooms everywhere. It's going to be an interesting summer. Gyms are beautiful. When you learn to hunt them, and you become familiar enough you'll never mistake them for anything else, you start to see they actually look as though they have healing properties. I call them healing shrooms. I tend to heal faster after eating chanterelles, but those grow out of mud, which is kind of disgusting.
2019-05-09 at 8:19 PM UTC in Were the Nazis really evil?The US placed Japanese people in internment camps too. It's actually not uncommon throughout history for people to be placed in internment camps. The bolsheviks treated prisoners much, much worse, though.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and critic of Communist totalitarianism:
"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the "Russian Revolution." It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators."
The worst genocide in history wasn't the Holocaust … in fact, it was perpetrated by members of the very same group of people who claim they were the victims of one. And it took the lives of 66 million (Solzhenitsyn's estimate of those who perished between 1918 and 1957), not 6 million.
Few outside of Russia and the former USSR are aware of it, and that's the way the powers that be in Western countries want to keep it. You cannot get Solzhenitsyn's book "Two Hundred Years Together" in English, as it's blacklisted in English-speaking countries, and no major publisher will touch it. Just as concerning, no one's ever made it past translating more than 60% of the two-volume work online.
One page commenter wrote "My grandmother used to tell me these same things from the old country … the US culture is brainwashed about all happened over there."After the banker-financed takeover in 1917, Russia became a vast, monolithic killing field on a level not seen in the world before or since. Unimaginable horrors on an unimaginable scale took place in the ensuing years and decades, as Christians, the middle and upper classes, and those who disagreed with the regime were wiped out. Joseph Stalin, the Georgian who was the de facto leader from the mid 1920s to his death in 1953, was - despite occasionally rocking the boat - subservient to the real power behind the Soviet Union.
While most of the victims died due to the lethal conditions of gulags and engineered famines such as the Holodomor in the Ukraine (/lvsvxl2), hellish orgies of murder and torture were also unleashed. Russia's population today (143 million) is half or less of what it would have been had this Satanic catastrophe not befallen them.
This was all bankrolled in large part by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which later became Lehman Brothers.
-The Hidden World
"Priests were crucified and had their eyes gouged out and tongues cut off. Their churches were burnt to the ground or turned into toilet houses or Synagogues. Some of the victims were boiled alive. Others were placed in boxes with rats or had hot lead poured into their mouths. Babies were cut out of pregnant women and slaughtered in front of the mothers. Some victim’s had their stomachs cut open and their intestines nailed to a pole and then were forced to run around the pole until their guts unraveled and they died. Sometimes the next day’s victim was forced to watch. Children were tortured in front of their parents. Women in front of their husbands."
A former Soviet functionary named Mikhail Voslensky wrote about some of the methods of torture and murder in his book Nomenclature:
"In Kharkov, people were scalped. In Vorenezh, the torture victims were placed in barrels into which nails were hammered so that they stuck out on the inside, upon which the barrels were set rolling. A pentacle (usually a five pointed star formerly used in magic) was burned into the foreheads of the victims. In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin, the hands of victims were amputated with a saw. In Poltava and Kremenchug, the victims were impaled. In Odessa, they were roasted alive in ovens or ripped to pieces. In Kiev, the victims were placed in coffins with a decomposing body and buried alive, only to be dug up again after half an hour."
Again, the National Socialist party of world war two Germany locked people up, but other than their eugenics and horrific science experiments on people(which a shit-ton of other governments were doing before and after), they actually treated prisoners a lot better than many other governments throughout history.
A thread I made: -
2019-05-09 at 5:56 PM UTC in Found shrooms todayGot 12 mushrooms total here, enough for a pretty enjoyable dose. Gotta get these prints. I didn't look very hard, I didn't expect to find gyms till July, though you can find them all year round. Only shrooms I can think of that I'd be able to find here year round other than paneolus from the horse stables.
2019-05-09 at 5:29 PM UTC in Were the Nazis really evil?Germans in general make excellent soldiers. Their special forces trained the original American special forces, but they're often overly empathetic as a people. The nazis were no different. During the revolutionary war, people noted it was much better to be captured by the Hessian soldiers than taken by the British, because you'd get treated much better if the Germans caught you. Ironically, a lot of lies have been made up about Germany's National Socialist party during world war two.
2019-05-09 at 5:28 PM UTC in Cant we just stick to weed?
2019-05-09 at 5:25 PM UTC in Found shrooms today
Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III sounds pretty dank. what part of the world are you in? it sounds like something i'd want to experiment with, but i don't have time/equipment/money to do anything with a spore print right now
San Antonio, Texas, United States. I'd send you some dried, for free. I'll probably have pounds of them this year, but they're prone to losing potency if you dry them any other way than freeze drying, because they have much more psilocin than psilocybin. Psilocin is very unstable when it comes to heat and atmospheric oxygen. The tea is pretty good. I've never taken enough to trip balls, just mild trips, some fracal patterns and distortions.
Gyms are cool when it comes to cultivation because they'll eat any kind of wood as long as it's partially rotten already, as they are secondary decomposers. You could likely start them in cardboard, and then just transfer that to some cooked rotten wood.
I have thousands of dollars in equipment, but for gyms it's not really necessary. They're pretty darn easy.
EDIT: kava compounds do not appear to be very water soluble, so the tea may not be nearly as euphoric as eating the mushrooms whole. Something I've noticed -
2019-05-09 at 5:20 PM UTC in Free shroom spores (magic gyms)PM me an address if you want spores. I will have a couple hundred extra this summer. They're nothing special really you can purchase them online from various different vendors. These are free though, I'll just get stamps and envelopes and mail them out. These things produce a lot of spores, much more than most species of mushrooms, so there's plenty.
2019-05-09 at 5:18 PM UTC in Cant we just stick to weed?Shrooms and weed
2019-05-09 at 5:14 PM UTC in update on my homeless adventures
2019-05-09 at 5:10 PM UTC in Found shrooms todayYou need to eat two handfuls (and even a dinner plate sized amount for the less potent gyms), as opposed to just a couple individual mushrooms for cubensis.
Now, because of the kavalactone compounds, you don't actually have to eat much to get all euphoric from them. They have an extra opiate/mdma like quality to them. But when you do eat enough to trip, I've heard it's more visual, more similar to LSD. Everyone I've tried them with had noticed the color enhancements right off the bat, even on a small dose.
It's almost too euphoric for me. Almost annoyingly euphoric. Cubensis to me is like being struck with a lightning bolt that turns me into a demi god or something.
The kava compounds are also effective pain killers for certain kinds of pain. I've used them medicinally for that. I knew this old man with kidney pain, and so I gave him about 4 gyms, medium to small sized, and I told him to start out with just one or two. He ended up eating them all at once, it took his pain away, but he said his face felt like it was melting lmao
EDIT: the guy still felt high for days afterwards. as with kava, the effects can last quite a while. -
2019-05-09 at 5:06 PM UTC in I never been to a stripper building with females on those silver thingies
2019-05-09 at 5:04 PM UTC in CIA launches its own darkweb site after creating an instagramA lot of CIA recruits come from masonic fraternal groups like skull and bones. A lot of them go to Yale. Some of them I imagine are recruited before they have much education at all, if they're exceptional. I'm not from any special group so I don't think they'd hire me. Might try to turn me into a mind controlled assassin though. That's what they do with expendable people who don't come from affluent areas.