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Posts by EasyDoesIt

  1. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    "be wise like a serpent, but as harmless as a dove" - Slayer

    That's actually in the bible. Slayer didn't make that quote up.
  2. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    You guys beat me to all the jokes.

    I've never tried Ethiopian food though. I googled it and not much of it looks very appetizing. Maybe there are some great dishes out there though.
  3. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    And it's an old pic btw.

    Ok. Then it's cool.

  4. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman


    Lol, watching civilians play with guns. This is why I always laugh when Americans talk about rising up and fighting the military.

    Anyway, no offense, but what's the purpose of your boyfriend owning 4 versions of the same gun? You only have two hands. I have several weapons, but I also hunt to survive (so I actually need them), they all serve different purposes, and the accessories I put on them help advance their purposes. That guy has 4 AR-15s, three of which are M4 clones, the stocks with mixing and matching colors make them look stupid, would make them stand out in almost any situation where he needed them (including shooting rabbits), and the "tacti-cool" accessories don't make sense. I mean, why the hell would you put a sliding stalk on the long version of an AR-15? Do you really need a handgrip on it, especially when you have an AR-15 M4 clone with an EOTech CCO that doesn't have one? Not only that, but bozo has over $2000 in handgrips and crap to supposedly make his weapons more accurate but none of them have a even a $20 sling.

    Sell 3 of the ARs, keep your bolt carrier and internals for spare parts in case one eventually fails, remove the stupid handgrip and off of the Mossberg 500, don't mix and match colors, move the handgrip on the weapon you're photographed with closer to the receiver so you're center of gravity is closer to your body when you shoot it, and for god's sake buy some slings.

    Also, just a note, if you're not allowed to have a weapon your boyfriend can get into trouble if you're pictured holding his.
  5. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I understand that this response is very long-winded and dry, but please understand that it has to be since the subject matter demands a very long-winded and dry response in order to address it thoroughly. The short version is that student loan debt is very unique from other kinds of debt, but it's silly for you to worry about it.

    To begin, it seems like your father has a very common generational misunderstanding about debt. Generation X was raised by the Baby Boomers, so they grew up in literally one of the most prosperous times in American history (since we had just won World War II). Since there was so much money floating around, there was a lot of sociological pressure to spend money on things as an earmark of being an adult. That is to say, part of being an adult was getting married, having kids, owning a house, and having nice things. Amongst general greed and other reasons, most (but not all) of Generation X wound up having this crackpot-capitalist philosophy of "We can own all sorts of shit we can't afford and live way above our means, so long as we make minimum payments on everything forever! Everybody else is in debt, so my debt is therefore justified." This is not only a profound misunderstanding of finance but also a very irresponsible one. Namely, the economy has basically tanked, and the resources to justify living life on layaway are no longer available. For this reason, most Generation Xers will have little to no savings, most won't be able to retire or retire on time, most won't be able to afford basic medications they need or will have relatively lousy health insurance, most will end up relying on their kids for support, and most will end up dying in debt that they pass on to their children. I know the letter of the law dictates that you cannot inherit debt, but it still happens in one way or another.

    Secondly, you've got to recognize how bad the US economy is right now. It's something like 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts - one third of this group doesn't even have a savings account. The average college graduate doesn't leave their parents house until they're 26.5 years old, and even then most are working entry-level service jobs. Almost nobody has insurance (or good insurance) and most people our age can't afford to even rent houses.

    So long story short, your dad is dumb and entitled about money, but it's not really his fault so don't be too pissed at him. His whole generation is basically a victim of systems beyond their understanding and control when it comes to finance. In point of fact, one of my parents took out a private college loan for $30,000 with an insane interest rate under my name without telling me, and proceeded to spend the money paying off their own irresponsible credit card bills. They constantly bitched at me that I needed to pay this college loan or I would "ruin their credit!" When I found out what really happened, I was absolutely fucking livid. That parent has since done the right thing and assumed the payments on this loan, but when I checked it out independently, I saw they were just making minimum payments on it. That means that they were only paying off the interest, so they've literally spent tens of thousands of dollars over almost ten years and are still in the exact same amount of debt when they started paying it because they're too poor to understand money. My point isn't to play the victim here, but basically to communicate to you that what you're experiencing is a very common problem.

    Secondly, when it comes to student loan debt, YOU are responsible for it. I'm not sure where your age falls month wise, but you're eligible to be on your parents' insurance until your 26, at which point you need to pay for insurance or you'll be fined. If your parents are still filing you on their taxes, they're doing it so that they can get money for you, but that also fucks you because you're eligible for more college loans and grants if you're independent. As far as that's all concerned you'll want to talk to an authority in the field like a tax specialist, but I can tell you at least the basics about student loans.

    First and foremost, you need to contact the student loan company(ies) and make sure that your parents don't have the ability to make financial decisions for you. I've been considered independent for a very long time so I'm not sure if filing for independence is necessary to accomplish this, but you can't have your dad just taking money away from the federal government in you're name and pulling the whole "FUCK YOU I RAISED YOU THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS LET ME DESTROY YOUR CREDIT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE BECAUSE I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW TO BALANCE A CHECKBOOK OLOLOLOLOLOLO" or whatever his deal is. You've got to realize that taking out a meager $700, depending on your interest rate, could literally turn into tens of thousands of dollars in payments contingent on how long it takes you to pay it.

    The main things that are important for you to figure out are....

    Is it a single government loan, several government loans, or is it a private loan?

    If it's a government loan or loans, is it subsidized?

    What's the interest rate your paying?

    How much do you owe?

    Are you still living with your parents?

    And the number one most important question...

    ...Are you confident that you'll be able to get a job with this degree from this institution?

    The last thing you want is to do end up like me - having so much college experience that you're overqualifie for everything but not enough skills employers recognize as valuable to result in being paid well. Scranaldo Trump got an interview for a job that pays $12 an hour. He literally lives in a shed and is constantly high on meth. He's still being considered for more money than I am because, if I were to walk in there, they would either say "WELL THIS EGGHEAD CAN'T MAKE IT IN OUR FIELD WITH HIS PUSSY COMMIE BOOKLERNIN'" or "THIS ASSHOLE IS GOING TO IMMEDIATELY LEAVE BECAUSE HE CLEARLY HAS SO MANY OTHER OPPORTUNITIES HE'S JUST WAITIN' ON." I don't know what your field is, but talk to grads about how much they're making. Find out what the employment rate is in the field is for your major. Is your school known for what it does?

    Also be prepared for the school to lie to you. I remember reading (and niavely believing) in a report released by our university that the top 15% of the class in any subject is always employed (I'm in like the top 2% or something and it sure didn't help me or anyone else I know). They also recently released this completely dishonest publication trying to misrepresent the numbers to appear as if education majors are averaging $70 grand a year, which is laughable hogwash.

    At the end of the day, the decision is yours, but it's very rough out there and you're going to face a lot of challenges as a twenty-something trying to make a bachelor's degree into a meaningful investment.

    As far as the debt is concerned, student loan debt cannot be forgiven by bankruptcy. Doctors used to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical school debts and then file bankruptcy, which would mean they could open a practice and make ungodly amounts of money. Nowadays, if you're delinquent on student loan payments, they will literally take it out of your paycheck. As in, you show up to work, and a lot of it is missing because the government just took it from your employer and you can't really do anything about it.

    That all sounds awful! I thought you said not to worry about it?

    The good news is that all of this is avoidable, there are options make your debt go away, and there will literally be no negative consequences whatsoever if you just don't ignore your responsibility (which often comes down to not paying any money at all but making a single phone call twice a year). First and foremost, after you graduate, you have a right to opt for deferment, forbearance, and income adjusted repayment. There might be a grace period, but it often comes down to who your loan management company is and if your loan is private or not.

    Deferment usually lasts for a year (or two) and is pretty much a grace period where you aren't expected to pay anything back because you most likely won't have a job right out of college. If you have subsidized loans, that means the government will actually pay the interest on these loans while you are on deferment, so they don't get any bigger. Subsidized loans will accrue interest. In most cases, you'll probably have a mix of unsubsidized and subsidized loans.

    The second option is forbearance, which is typically used after you've exhausted your deferment. This means that you still aren't expected to pay anything, but your subsidized loans will no longer have the interest paid by the government.

    The final option is Income Adjusted Repayment. That means that you send in tax information for how much you work, and the government makes you pay based on what you make. The great news is, for most people, we make so little that the adjusted payment is $0 a month. There's a scale available to see how much you have to make before you're expected to pay, but if I remember properly you have to be making like $32,000 a year.

    There's more good news. You should also note that these things all have a time limit. That is to say, if you are eligible for a year's worth of deferment, get a job in six months with an income adjusted rate of zero, you can file paperwork and still retain your final six months of deferment while you pay nothing.

    It should also be noted that there are opportunities to have your student loan debt 100% forgiven. Some of them involve odd commitment like doing social work or joining the Peace Corps, but many of them are worth it if you feel like you've gotten your head below water. Similarly, there's lots of dirty tricks to student loans that people don't know about. For example, if your file paperwork proving that income adjusted repayment stays at $0 once a year for like 30 years, the federal government just straight up cancels your debt. Most people are just too lazy to do it.

    The the short version is that it's impossible to really escape student debt, but you shouldn't be nervous about it because if you aren't a completely irresponsible choad it won't make a huge difference. Like I said, it typically boils down to an email or phone call one or twice a year. If you're being expected to pay it, it's because you're making enough money to be able to afford to, so it's not the end of the world. The other thing is that, with so many people being in unpayable student loan debt in the United States, I'm seriously getting the impression that they're going to forgive it in less than a generation because there's no way any of us can pay this shit off.

    Also, please note that you're going to want to talk to someone in whatever debt repayment agency you're passed onto after you graduate. Don't take all this information as gospel truth of how loans will always be, but it is a basic blueprint of accurate information.

    Just for the record, I wrote this long post three times for you but browser kept crashing and not saving it (you're welcome).
  6. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    A+ Thread Sploo.

    Question for Sploo - Do you have any aspirations career wise?
  7. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Why do you think i do drugs? As a side note, OD'ing on opiates is very peaceful, i did it once. You just fall asleep, if you take enough you just won't be waking up.

    You talk about doing drugs a lot.
  8. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Boy are you gonna feel stupid when you realize what website you are posting on.

  9. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Your argument is literally "If you dont feel what I feel you are stupid". You say that I was high horsing you but you are doing it yourself buddy.

    No, it isn't. Most of these "opinions" are contradictions of objective fact that (believe it or not) your feelings have nothing to do with. I just refuse to have patience for what is either at this point dishonesty or stupidity.

    Your claims...

    The church did not bring about charges of heresy or whatever to Galilleo for presenting his theory of heliocentricity. Their dispute with him was largely academic and were actually based on the fact that his theory was not proven by the standards the courts held.

    How you say that theology is inconsistent seems to jut show your own ignorance on the matter of consistency in either church.

    To say that the work of a scientist requires no faith is incorrect. They must have faith that all the science that came before them is sound. They must have faith in their instruments. They must have faith in the valid workings of their own mind and most importantly they must have faith in the scientific method even though the method itself requires that whatever is undertaken in that method not be taken in faith.

    Modern scientific methods are just that, methods of science. Faith is not a method of science for good reason but that is not to say that the scientist is still not surrounded by faith in one sense or another.

    The most recent instances of persecution of belief is found to be against those of faith such as jedis in Germany or Christians in Russia.

    the crusades were a response to hundreds of years of muslim invasion and barbary.

    ...Are demonstrably, factually, 100%, not debatable, bullshit which I provided primary sources for. Most of the other things you introduced were fallacies, which I each addressed individually and gave the Latin names for. Granted, while I made a point to tell you that this illustrates pretty clearly you don't know what you're talking about, to reduce my entire argument to that single observation is pretty disingenuous on your part and further proves my point.

    If you're so convinced that I'm just a narcissist who is dismissing your arguments, you could respond to each them with evidence instead of just replying to what's basically a page and a half essay addressing each point with "well easy is just an asshole who thinks he's smarter than me because I disagree with him and it shows how immature he is." I don't have to respect your opinions when they're basic contradictions of fact. Sorry but "The Catholic church didn't bring Galileo on charges of heresy" isn't just thinking differently - it's objectively incorrect and there's no evidence that the spent the rest of his life any other way than under house arrest. Saying that "the history of church theology is consistent and you're ignorant if you think otherwise" isn't a matter of opinion when there's literally over 35,000 different major denominations of Christianity alone and these churches specifically in question are marked with Schisms, Reformations, disagreements about what's even canonical scripture, and literally wars over doctrine.

    I also don't have to be nice about it because it's really cringey and pathetic watching you try to justify thousands of years of persecution and abuse on behalf of the church with claims that obviously lies to anyone who even googled them. Again, freedom of speech doesn't mean that your ignorance is equal to the knowledge of somebody else.
  10. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Everything you have posted in this thread just shows that you are bitter against the Church. Rather than combatting my arguments you just called me ignorant and bragged about how exposed you are to philosophy and said that my claims about my own beliefs are dubious (even though in my first post I made it clear what my beliefs are). I think you are smart and also a pretty cool guy but your arguments arent nearly as good as you think they are since they basically devolved into you berating the opposition. Arguing with you was fun but once you stop combating the points made and start being hostile against the person people are not gonna wanna talk to you.

    If you really feel that way then you didn't read the post then or understand it. I literally put up first hand sources demonstrating what you claimed was bullshit. I also give examples of each fallacy you made.

    I'm not bitter against the church at all and actually occasionally go to Orthodox churches because the liturgy is beautiful. I just have a low tolerance for bullshit I refuse to apologize for.
  11. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I think about smoking and cooking meth literally every day

    We've noticed.
  12. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Don't you mean..

  13. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I hate the Wal-Mart in my area. It's like going to the zoo. A zoo with no cages. When I need something from Wal-Mart I now drive the extra 10 minutes to the edge of the city to go to the nice Wal-Mart, because the inner city one is so trashy and full of criminals and immigrants.

    Most Wal Marts are trashy.

  14. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Seriously though, when the law is "Literally everyone can have a loaded gun and carry it around until they demonstrate that they can't use it safely" I'm not sure what people are expecting.

    People can't even drive cars safely.
  15. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Lol I love this video.
  16. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Why do you think any of us want to ask you anything?
  17. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
  18. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Spectral that's retarded. The guy was old as fuck and had a history of health problems.

    Also, letting students carry guns openly in University is probably not the best idea, but I guess it beats leaving schools as "gun free" zones.
  19. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    I am not sure who profiteered from Hiroshima….

    But Raqqa and Mosul should be Nuked. Nobody will give a shit.

    The US did because it basically neutralized Japan as an opponent in war.
  20. EasyDoesIt Tuskegee Airman
    Knowing you to be an aspiring writer, I'm assuming this is for a novel you're writing.

    I wrote a similar short story and found that people who search cars typically do a thorough inspection on the inside of the car but not the outside of it. Not sure how handy you are but, if you could, create a compartment on the exterior of the vehicle. A great spot is the door, because there's usually an interior and exterior with space in between.

    Just know, wherever you put it, the easier it is to access then the easier it is to find.
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