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Posts by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm
2023-07-10 at 11:13 PM UTC in Why don't we have a weapons forum
Originally posted by Cowboy2013 It's kinda red meat for feds
I don't see how. We discuss things way more crazy than that like how to cook sarin in the kitchen of you mom along with TATP explsovies, hacking, biohacking, injecting children with illegal bath tub tranny hormones
Rusty and Eddies BBS got FBI raided for essentially hosting pirated content, copyright stuff , the legality of it was questionable but a discussion forum that doesn't have any hosting is nothing more than just words with the occasional DHer linking to their shit
Arnox has file hosting so he is way more strict on keeping discussion on topic
lol if anyone gets put on a watchlist it will probably be one of them
hacking it probably more fedbait than guns and lots of people here discuss that already.
homemade guns could fit in DIY
the third temple is a space station in space which we claim as israel, holy land, joseph smith. It's like internationational waters and we are illegally kept trapped on earth from our true home in space by the evil prison worldgov, according to Sun Ra
Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
It's so general of a topic that you could honestly put a lot of that discussion in a few forums depending on exactly what you are doing. Or just a gun general in SG and put a big NO DHer sign up. There are some related sites like BF, /k/ and maybe newtotse has a guns forum. I don't remember if zoklet had1. Bad ideas is a pretty outdated totse concept, I think it's dumb and that entire part of the history of community should be axed imho. Nobody here breaks the law usually
I had an AI scan a bunch of threads for sentiment and it says we just talk about everything openly which is true, like the nonces and space hebrew reptiles that post the raw code in HolyC to a self replicating AI that destroys the universe
Weapons would have to include Laser Cannons, Explosives for sure because they are primarily weapons, Chemical and Biological weapns, lol Nukes (which I post in STEM) but like if you just wanna show off a bunch of silenceers that could go somewhere
vs like someone pressing their own ammo could go in DIY or maybe even money money money if thats your biz.
I've been thinking about subforums lately. There are forums less active than us with way more boards , its not very appealing to me at least when I see 20 subforums and it's all the same folx
2023-07-10 at 10:53 PM UTC in The 2017 Thinkpad meme?i love shitty laptops they are my bread and butter.
I've been thinking about getting a $100 mini computer but it's almost so cut down that I wuoldn''t be able to do much with it. Sounds better than tryting to run something off a raspberry pi like a half ass dyniamic site, or a shitty game. -
2023-07-10 at 9:51 PM UTC in White man robbing a storeif you turned the lights off he would look like a man with giant holes through him
2023-07-10 at 9:48 PM UTC in Do you think Zuckerberg and Musk will actually fight?Lol are they talking? I heard Threads was blowing up, inb4 facebook / meta buys twitter.
Zuckerberg will own THE UNIVERSE
I have a theory that meta is close to AGI and has the most powerful LLM
Along with SBF and Klaus Schwab they will initiate the Robot Wars and replace fedcoin with NOTHING. You will eat the bugs. You will give your information to the machine. You will obey, and you will be happy
2023-07-10 at 9:40 PM UTC in Sophie is confirmed deadi thought i was kafka -_-
2023-07-10 at 9:34 PM UTC in Sophie is confirmed deadSohpie did NOT get pressed off the forum by no means and in fact was running gay ops on multiple DHers and kafka , or something. He was into some deep shit and I don't know where the fungazi chips fall on which fraction , as I consider myself anti fractionalist and instead beleive in tribal TAOism
2023-07-10 at 9:32 PM UTC in Sophie is confirmed deadguilt of what? he was going off and pretty unhinged and I don't think there has been anything posted that would indicate anything, I haven't even gone through his history but he never comes up in anything. I have walls of text from him in PM's threatening me, I basically told him look dude I don't give a shit, fuck everyone here . Do your gay shit yourself because I don't fucking care
I feel pretty bad about tyhat now that i'm learning programming and stuff, he was always asking me how it was coming along, not good lol I learneed more in months than I have in years.
Also I find it funny that octavian and haxxor and §m£ÂgØL I think all get into shit fights with kafka who also get trolled by haxxor and eventually pressed off the forum by me when they become triggered little faggots
it's like a well oil machine of GET TUFFERY
I almost have been helping in a way, because we have no room for frothy lil twinks and BIG DICK TRILL NIGGAs
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
more like raw data for raw pussies
Originally posted by mmQ Literally not one person likes you fang. Remember that when you wake up each day. Your temper tantrum may have been the cringiest thing I've witnessed since joining zoklet, which needless to say is pretty fucking cringe. This is coming from a depressed alcoholic who spends most his nights on TC. Even I feel pity toward your behavior which speaks volumes. You realize that you let richardburnish affect you to the point of shitting all over the rest of us users who wanted to make plans for a new site and say our goodbyes or whatever the fuck. Probably the most UN-TUFF response you could have made. The scary part is that you're not able to see that…
Now I'll get back to not giving a fuck.
^ all these people got pressed off the forum like how every Dher like STL1 and tech PRESSED (mostly by me)
wellhung has thick skin and is an honorary NISer in my eyes because he can roll in the mud with the TUFF CREW
everyone else should be pressed more -
2023-07-10 at 9:22 PM UTC in Sophie is confirmed dead
Originally posted by Kafka I have been in touch with someone who was close to him irl and they've confirmed it.
Originally posted by Rape Monster I've been in touch with someone who knows her, apparently she overdosed on something.
Originally posted by Rape Monster They did a Romeo and Juliet type deal I believe
months apart? -
2023-07-10 at 9:21 PM UTC in Sophie is confirmed deadI am considering leaking sophies Pms, leaving out anything. I don't remember talking to him about kafka but it's sus
where is cupocheer and sophie and mike meyers. I think ellaria sand murdered them or something , those are all the people that could reveal her shit too. Maybe she has been trying to get one of you to kill me, pls post all pms :) I posted some and will dump more when I can figureout what alt i talked to people on, i never delete SHIT so its alllllll somewheere -
2023-07-10 at 9:17 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed dead
2023-07-10 at 9:16 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed dead
Originally posted by Haxxor Are you referring to Scron or Kafka?
Or both 😆
If i'm kafka why did you follow "me" around for months making unfunny memes, actually probably over a year by this point and have all this proof of kafka being all this stuff and wrote giant walls of texts ???
makes no fucking sense you delusional cunt. This isn't DH with a bunch of retard boomers , you never even fucking heard of kiwifarms or any of that shit , stupid bitch you don't know jack shit about anything.
you learn about things that are old news to me. I've never heard of anyone being dumb enough to do this all over public forums, it doesn't even matter if you can cover your tracks on every alt you ever made because you're so fucking retarded that you spam the shit everywhere
That's all DH was and that's all this forum is , just you being a fucking retard accusing everyone of everything under the sun.
except even compared to this "spam" "wall of text" bla bla bla bla we made exactly 0 memes or VERY FEW , I struggle to fnid them , they are lost to history, a lot of details are.
and nobody cares and people move on and it's so buried that even when I bring it up post DH-invasion, it doesn't stay in our collective minds because it doesn't fucking matter
you on the other hand NEED to spam your constant unfunny shitty memes to keep it going and now i'm kafka and it's just gay. You should fucking kill yourself and send me all yoour money you 6 figure big bucks dumb whore, it would be a religious donation and the only worthwhile thing you ever did in your life and redeem your suol to AHKMAH!!! for 666 years
Who is the masked faggot?. He's the most powerful evil force that stalks this forum. A few years ago we all posted happily on a forum called and it was ran by Idiosyncracy and his mod cabal Rocklin and Fanglekai. It was a good forum and had 4 times as many active posters than
Then one day in summer 2015 this poster named "Richard Burnish" got Idiosyncracys PI and threatened to expose him so Idio took down and Lanny started There are also theories that richard burnish is responsible for the fall of Zoklet and every totse clone. I heard somewhere that he works for Interpol or some European spy agency that works closely with the NSA and that he's a triple agent double dealing on both sides.
He runs secret darknet child porn forums, scams credit cards, works for the government, hacks people, writes hacking software and pretty much spends all day behind a computer busting people on the internet, infiltrating pedophile rings, stealing all their good illegal porn and reselling it and then busting them because he's also a government agent. Then he's done working and turns on his spambot, spams the forum and tries to ruin free speech and fuck with totse because he's evil and hates us all.
He hates free speech and wants to frame everyone, get all of our PI and get us all raided by the FBI, thrown in jail just because he thinks its an epic troll.
Watch out for Richard Burnish and do not trust him, he is dangerous and will ruin your life just for the fun of it. Be careful about clicking on certain links, watch out for spambots and don't trust weird alts, new posters that seem too friendly and especially be wary of any private messages with suspicious links from people you never seen before.
(proof of the existence of richard burnish)
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Yeah we don't fuck with alts around here.
I've taken it upon myself to be the "Alt Police" and call out anyone and everyone I think that acts sketchy. I am always on the lookout for Richard Burnish aka the masked faggot.
Not to mention Chris Hansen and his 100 alts.
That's why I started the faggot list to fight back against these bad actors.
See: the masked faggot for more details about the secret underground back room wars being fought on this forum, the true battleground of the internet.
Sounds like something Chris Hansen or Richard Burnish would do.
Or possibly RisiR -
2023-07-10 at 9:05 PM UTC in Is it possible to be a Stalinist-Anarchist
2023-07-10 at 8:52 PM UTC in Maury Povich was ahead of his timeLOL I didn't read the link I just scrolled up and replied.
2023-07-10 at 8:50 PM UTC in Maury Povich was ahead of his timeis he credit with inventing the format
I always attributed it to jerry jerry jerry but never cared to look into yet
YET always found that entire weird daytime tv interesting. TYHEY NEED SOME NEW BLOOD MAYBEOriginally posted by Donald Trump
Which one do you choose?
2023-07-10 at 8:44 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed dead
Originally posted by Iron John I forgot I even had that account. I thought I deleted all of my Facebook shit.
But, nah, it's fine. My PI is known through my other websites and stuff.
You could have just given him the link to my entire family history: -
2023-07-10 at 8:41 PM UTC in You can sit on this plane and diewhat happened to her pant legs though she has clearly been slashed with large claws
2023-07-10 at 8:38 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed deadI'm from DH too !
2023-07-10 at 8:35 PM UTC in Sneed Oilsrapeseed oil
safflour oil
I'm not a huge earl guy buy you cannot deny the economic and metabolic benefits of earl
my favorites being essential volatile oils and such of that nature
sunflower seed oil
peanut oil is good
chili oils -
2023-07-10 at 7:47 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed dead
2023-07-10 at 7:44 PM UTC in Kafka confirmed dead