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Posts by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm

  1. this is now a sacred triangle thread welcome to half baked

  2. Originally posted by mashlehash Back

    if you aren't into phonk and memphis rap by now, you are never gonna make it. just saying
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson There's much better pix of her…and rxbaby.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson see if you can find a pic of Lonely_sara

    the names dudley do-right and i'll take the case!

    yeah okay CANDI RAYNE whatever you say the haters gonna hate hatae hate hate shake it off oooo oo o

    DTE is 100% april madison and has a public divorce and her kids being taken away on her facebook. Lol she says they are like 17 idk maybe theres other kids but the impression I got sneaking through her profile was more like she went insane after her mom died, husband left her, joined DH and basically doxxed herself and got fucked with HARD just making her even more crazy. Sad story , and she doesn't care that I'm trying to help so fuck you april, or sorry if we're cool i can't remember that I said to you last time
    imagine using this picture on a dating site
  5. DAT ASS
  6. this thread is sacred lol the lesbian is gonna necro bump all threads fucking idiot only took you like a month to realize that pic has been getting spammed here for years, hundreds of times.

    Still not me xD didn't you make cock nose kill himself???

    oh man it all goes in a in a in a triagnle!!!
  7. Originally posted by Bradley I noticed yall look a lot alike

    Originally posted by CandyRein


  8. Bring us Sparkz! Snoozin! all the DHtards YOU DON'T GET TO LEAVE THAT EASY, I WILL FIND YOU ALL

  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Cum lickin fagit's gonna lick fagit's cum

    hahahha STL1 pressed off the forum by me. He helped expose yall!!!!!! Bless stl1 I would gladly take his shitty spam threads over any single one of you pathertic DH spammers and shit trolls.

    hurt_burt GTFO !!!
    princessnawty GTFO

    nobody likes you!!! bring us tech !!! cupocheer!!! stl1!!! corbyn!!! I'm gonna track down ol korb I think and bring him here

    PRESSING KORBYN ONTO THE FORUM REAL!!!!!! REAll!!! thanks for doxing him all those years ago AHAHAHAHAHA imagine thinking a fake MS paint shit photioshop is a real article and ending up in the mental hospital, what a faggot. You better get to him before me ;)
    but idk he seems troubled for sure, a tortured soul much like DTE but DTE and Korrbyn have given me lots of info from their past insanity.

    Maybe the most skitzo ones are the ones that will help bring you fuckers down. The DHers I talk to THAT DON'T POST HERE ;) in PMs and stuff they are singing a much different tune than the pied piper song you're trying to push around here.

    and remember, you are the fancy pressed shirt line tactics and need to have a parade, I'm going back into the jungle to eat bugs. You can make fun of me all you want but I will just keep doing this

    you can bomb as many villages as you want , you can kill me, all my friends but you will never stop getting harassed by those that follow truth
    Bless us with Korbyn oh spirits and esoterics of grande ahkraj jreality !!!! give us a trianglular holy miracle to smite the zinners!
    bring us mikey!
    bring us red_woman and joerell!!!!

    join us in the truth and light and you shall be blessed in the temple for all eternity as true apostles of trianglism oh dear broth airs and cis tears! WellHung also is a nigger we shall sacrifice him to the Gods!
    White Whine Sharona from DH come attention whore here!!!

    what happened to candy fuys?????? did someoen CAST ANOTHER WIND STORM WHILE SHE WAS IN A HOT AIR BALLOOON???? OH NO !!
  10. REAL

    seriously I was looking into triangular aligned groups and came across these guys. Anyone that charges money for the truth naturally falls into my realm and I determined they were bending the light for their own wicked ways, So I signed up to become a member

    I am now in the lower circle (triangle they are all about the triangles ofc)
    They don't get it though, it's all talk about rejecting money to be happy and then they want money. It's very easy to see, I already rejected money and secular society to follow truth instead.

    If you are afraid of shapes, you are a pussy. That's like being afraid of light or air
    this is the group in question
  11. Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm fucking CUCKED and raped by lanny !! ALL PRAISE DEAR LEADER THE ONLY STUPID ONE IS YOU

    u mad
  12. Originally posted by Bradley In the spirit of WellHungs campaign to bump nostalgic threads I would like to bump this explanation of Kr0z explaining why he told everyone she died four different times "because it was in her best interest."

    A fucking legend IMO.

    you killed him with wozny and tort, and others

    Originally posted by Bradley To answer your question; after doing large amounts of methamphetamene (code named "tek") he convinced himself Austin Police Department was outside with a dog and a raid was incoming, and tortilla-style blocked off his doorway, in a delerium he decided "Fuck BradleyB and everyone else who cares about me" and decided to use a kitchen knife to open himself up in the wrist and stomach, at some point he decided "Wow this really hurts and I might die" and attempted to undo some of the barricade. There were two pools of blood, one located at the door barricade & one located next to the bed where he was to my knowledge found dead.

    It is what it is. Another dead friend, I took it really badly and started drinking again (not because of Bill Krozby but because I wanted to) then got "sober" where I smoked an eighth, did half a dab cart, and a quarter gram of speed a day.

    I even had a minor freak out where i incorrectly convinced myself that my roommate had someone over and was colluding to kill me. So I did what any reasonable person does when expecting to meet death on his own terms, I beat on her door until she answered and then barehanded sought to fight my oppositional adversary. Unfortunately it was just her, and I apologized, did two ambien and went to sleep.

    But we're not all as cool as I am.

    RIP Kr0zd0g, I knew you'd never work.
  13. Originally posted by Haxxor That’s his MO. He saves everything posted anywhere for the last ten years (probably corresponding with the last time he left his room) he’s the human equivalent of Smegma - harmless and possessing a foul odor.

    This is rich, coming from the faggit who literally has more alts than hair on his head…..Scron - you’re a used up waste of space….get a fucking job, or a life…or at very least some new material you pathetic retard.

    Frank Zappa said it best -

    “A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who depend on drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole.”

    u mad go thank your posts on another alt you delusional faggot lesbian kike
  14. reported for non tropical in a tropical

  15. Originally posted by Haxxor A place where your alts can talk to each other without being interrupted by reality.

    Should we thank him in advance for leaving

    You are obsessed with my alts but I have been posting on the same accounts for years, everyone knows them by this point. You are the only one that cares trying to make people care. I don't hide behind alts, there is a clear difference. You are just a shittroll FUDders lesbian faggot that should suicide also reported for off topic
  16. imagine not building NIS code with pyramid pythohn. smh Lannyism all praise lanny but idk what pyramid is
    Dial in to Python Temple BBS
  17. wut u fink fuys pygame or pyarcade for a menu based browser game?

  18. Originally posted by Pete Green Someone said github helps but only the intro is free then you have to pay?

    They probably meant the AI thing. Yeah I wanna do the free trial with that when i'm already on a project because it looks really good. I'm just fucking around trying to learn right now , there are all kinds of programming AI's and those things are really good for learning I think, at least for me.
    "CodeWhisperer fits the way that you work. Select from 15 programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript, and your favorite integrated development environments (IDEs), including VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA, AWS Cloud9, AWS Lambda console, JupyterLab and Amazon SageMaker Studio."

    20 simple python projects for noobz
    django is a nigger

    Originally posted by Pete Green I'm gonna learn Python
    I had some program and the first tutorial was making a simple snake game.

    But it wasn't an introduction to the fundamental of teaching someone programming as much as repeating the command lines it's telling me to type
    yeah tutorials don't feel like i'm learning anything I need to understand why x does why. Python is pretty chill , the libraries piss me off sometyimes but it's a good system , i think.

    pip install mystic_bbs, best lib, telnet interface
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson eta: lanny and his stupid fi/ter enhancement

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