Who is the masked faggot?. He's the most powerful evil force that stalks this forum. A few years ago we all posted happily on a forum called and it was ran by Idiosyncracy and his mod cabal Rocklin and Fanglekai. It was a good forum and had 4 times as many active posters than
Then one day in summer 2015 this poster named "Richard Burnish" got Idiosyncracys PI and threatened to expose him so Idio took down and Lanny started There are also theories that richard burnish is responsible for the fall of Zoklet and every totse clone. I heard somewhere that he works for Interpol or some European spy agency that works closely with the NSA and that he's a triple agent double dealing on both sides.
He runs secret darknet child porn forums, scams credit cards, works for the government, hacks people, writes hacking software and pretty much spends all day behind a computer busting people on the internet, infiltrating pedophile rings, stealing all their good illegal porn and reselling it and then busting them because he's also a government agent. Then he's done working and turns on his spambot, spams the forum and tries to ruin free speech and fuck with totse because he's evil and hates us all.
He hates free speech and wants to frame everyone, get all of our PI and get us all raided by the FBI, thrown in jail just because he thinks its an epic troll.
Watch out for Richard Burnish and do not trust him, he is dangerous and will ruin your life just for the fun of it. Be careful about clicking on certain links, watch out for spambots and don't trust weird alts, new posters that seem too friendly and especially be wary of any private messages with suspicious links from people you never seen before.
(proof of the existence of richard burnish)![](
It's obnoxious to collect people's IP addrs but banning the person doing isn't going to make Burnish not have that info and it won't stop him from being able to distribute it.
Let's talk about what's happened here: Burnish sent some people links that log ip addresses. When your browser requests a resource from a website your IP address is part of the info exchanged. If you generate a unique link and distribute it to one person you can be reasonably sure that the first request made to that URL was the person who you sent the link to. It's important to note that images are also independent requests, amusingly Burnish sent urls but this kind of "attack" is usually conducted using embedded images so if you leave image embedding this can be done without you needing to click a link, simply loading a PM will induce your browser to make a request and your IP address could be logged.
So what does it mean if some cunt on the internet has your IP address? Ultimately very little. ISPs own large blocks of IP addresses and assign them out to their subscribers (you) as needed, generally speaking your IP address will change periodically. Which block belongs to which ISP and region is public information, you can place a person in a state or major metropolitan area with their IP. This is the start and end of what some nigger trawling on here can do. Now if you're LEO, you have an ip address, a timestamp for when a request was made, and a warrant you can identify a subscriber whose connection was used to make a request. Note that if you have a warrant you don't go to shady internet doxer dude to get an IP, you go to my host and pull the data from my logs if you really want, so Burnish having your address on file does nothing to change the "cops are looking for me" scenario.
Moral of the story: you might want to disable images, don't click shady links, your IP address isn't really a secret.
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man
I took a really funny picture but I'm not posting anything, you people aren't worth it/
You are all rattex scumbags too afraid to cam up or show your faces in TC yet you will talk SO MUCH SHIT on niggas in space and hide behind alts and richard burnish.
Where the fuck is richard burnish now you little pussies?. I was the first to be banned for spamming that faggot and you idiots had no idea the high level 12d chess of internet underground cyber totse politics I was playing.
Keep posting your funny zelfies you rat fuckers. Triangle of the Screaming electron is evolving every day. Totse 3 is coming for me!.
the last time i saw richard burnish was over a year ago, he was on tc wearing a "v for vendetta / anonymous" mask and showing me his masonic jediminati ring..
the other night I was down by the university eating pizza on the street and I saw some short dude on a handless segway wearing an anonymous mask and it made me think of richard burnish, he passed me by I said "FAG" with a mouth full of pizza her turned his head but kept stepping