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Posts by Ecto the plasm

  1. Originally posted by aldra the potential attack being people just transferring NFTs back and forth to each other or their own alts rapidly to spam the shit out of it

    there's a whole market and everything, people are upset right now because the market activity of ordinals is killing bitcoin, it's not even malicious or one person sending it back and forth

    The market simply demands proof of work MONKEYS and doesn't care what the outcome is, and there is nothing anyone can do about it without causing massive drama. The bitcoin core developers who maintain the github don't know if they should prevent this or ignore it

    Bitcoin has been forked enough, I don't think another fork will help. I'm pretty sure you could do this to any crypto if you tried hard enough. I heard people are trying it on Bitcoin SV

    (the sv stands for satoshi vision)
  2. that death dumb and blind kid


  3. I don't get it
  4. remember NFTs fuys

    well if you don't know anything about PoW/PoS crypto ; Ethereum is like Java its a virtual machine, you can run games on it and shit. Bitcoin is PoW which means it was programmed to really only do one thing

    There is no custom bitcoin scripting language or token standards, it's very basic/simple compared to ETH technology

    NFTs are just a hash/barcode unique number string that cannot be duplicated on the rockchain, so it's fungible , bla bla bla i'm sure you saw the funny monkeys once or twice. It was designed for this.

    The Ordinal Theory in Bitcoin pursues that each satoshi is expressed in such a way that we can track them individually. To achieve this, satoshis are numbered in the order they are mined (when generated and integrated into Bitcoin tokenomics) and transferred from input to output transactions on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Thus, this numbering scheme has as main markers:

    The numbering of those satoshis
    The order in which said satoshis are drawn or generated
    The order of entry and exit of the transactions in which said satoshis have participated.

    Notation of satoshis following the Ordinal Theory

    With all this, we can get to the point on how the notation of these satoshis is done within the system. For example, we can see a satoshi within Bitcoin identified in one of the following ways:

    integer notation: 2099994106992659. The ordinal number, assigned according to the order in which the satoshi was mined.
    decimal notation: 3891094.16797. The first number is the height of the block in which the satoshi was mined, the second the offset of the satoshi within the block.
    notation in degrees: 3°111094′214″16797‴. It is the representation in degrees of the decimal notation of said satoshi.
    percentage notation: 99,99971949060254%. Position of the satoshi in the supply (total issuance of satoshis) within Bitcoin, an amount that is expressed as a percentage.
    Name: satoshi. Coding of the ordinal number using the characters from a to z.

    Surprising, isn't it? It may seem unnecessarily complicated, but there is one huge positive to this system: allow each satoshi to be personalized. Let's remember that Bitcoin has a limited issue, there can only be 21 million Bitcoins, no more, no less.

    But what about satoshis, the smallest part of a Bitcoin? Well, there the numbers rise to 2,1 quadrillion satoshis. Of course, that is, in short notation, in long notation it would be about 2,1 thousand trillion satoshis. And it is here where the numbers reach new scales, scales of global scope, which could allow Bitcoin to overcome its "limited emission", since in the end, each satoshi counts and, even more if We can associate enormous value with them.

    I don't really get it,

    but I do understand this.

    Basically the Bitcoin network has been congested and ruined because Ordinals/NFTs take up lots of data, so if a bunch of people do it eventually the entire bitcoin network will come to a halt

    It's pretty funny to call this an attack. We actually managed to kill bitcoin and it wasn't government regulation that did it

    It was the fucking monkeys

    idk the way I see it, if you can break it, you should. Telling people to stop putting monkeys on their buttcoins is just a pussy mentality, we should be breaking every PoW crypto and using technology to overthrow institutions

  5. Originally posted by mmQ kill yourself kill yousrelf kill yourself

    Good song

  6. Originally posted by WellHung Sounds great in theory, but i wud think that all (to record some wud be no problem) that data wud be extremely difficult to accurately record during the madness/mayhem of war.

    Maybe for you

  7. I think both economic ideologies are outdated for the modern world
  8. Soviets did it better

    Just put the industrial area next to a residential area

  9. Originally posted by Number13 that's still adhd brain lol everyone since 2010 has been infected with it

    I don't believe in ADHD

    Maybe people just woke up and figured out most media is shite

    Originally posted by Ghost 0 multimedia, only software, code and text documents, pictures, exceutables, files, ISO's that type of stuff

    media is not timeless but technology is and new media can be created from what is around. I would rather save as much potential as possible than see any shadow of the former world.

    I would even seek out and destroy all film and television and make a computer virus that deletes it and put a copy on every CD-ROM with free operating systems I give out for free in my trade so it spreads far and wide, hopefully.

    All classical works and cultural arts are useless to preserve except for historical purposes.
  10. What social media do Japanese people use/?/
  11. It should be called global pollution and shitfucking our environment, like the "IS IT HOT YET" part isn't even whats important

    the feedback loops in the oceans and ocean acidity, etc etc. But all people wanna talk about is HURRICANES and FLOODING and MUH CO2 ATMOSPHERE

    like who the fuck cares, Even if everyone was in agreement it's not a thing you can solve by reducing consumption because nobody will ever do that in a society based on consume, consume, consume. Take that away and people will lose their jobs, careers, not be able to feed their kids

    And when that happens all the people who touted climate change activism are probably not gonna build their own windmill to process their wheat into flour, they want to just buy bread from the store, the store that runs on electricity. You better have a lot of nuke plants and be ready to put a solar panel and windmill (don't forget you need to mine to get the metals to make those)

    Nobody is willing to live without these things, which is why I find it all funny because I am perfectly happy playing BEEP BOOP NUMBERS on a 100mb ram PC running off a potato, I don't drive or take airplanes. I find it strange how people require so much just to be alive

    Like what do you need that car for? To get to work. What do you need that money for? To pay the bills, What do you need to pay a bill for? SO I'm not homeless and have running electricity, and what do you do with the home and electricity? Use it so you can plug in an alarm clock, wake up early, go to work and pay that bill on time.

    What if you had no electricity and grew carrots instead? Would you be worse off? Unhappy? Because farmers rely on technology and "the grid" or "the system" just like everybody else

    that's the problem I think is a centralized grid, nothing will ever change because of this. Most energy companies are private but I suspect if you try to start your own you will be faced with more hardship than honest work and capital

    I have been trying to think of ways to make money from being an oceanman.

    Anyone wanna illegally drill the Tiber oil fields with me?

  12. I don't have adhd though, I know that for a fact. I just find more enjoyment in doing stuff constantly, like I will play the same games for days/months/years

    but I still haven't finished watching the Sopranos
  13. I'm usually pretty busy with my video game tournaments on the weekends but I did pop in for a little bit, I don't remember any of the movie lol

    watching things is hard idk how people do it. I sometimes try to watch a movie and usually end up pausing and getting too distracted to finish
  14. Originally posted by Michael Myers Dunkin Donuts = overrated.

    How the fuck does your country have dunking donuts and mine doesn't

    this isn't laize fair!!!!!
  15. is it saturday right now?
  16. His first name is Ben actually

  17. silken?! I thought you were into heavy business now like the lead industry or perhaps opening a DUmbell manufacturing plant, or a sand farm where you make sandbags all day

    I'm not too familiar on the heavy sector of economy but I heard Amazon is the kings of anything big, bulky and heavy

  18. Originally posted by MuscleStud69 Gay sex dungeons and dragon's dick shaped dildos.

    I don't know what to roll for this comment

    I have never seen anything lewd done with dice rolls

    except this

  19. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Dungeon masters hate me

    I'm a dungeon master and it's true,I would give you a *rolls dice* 2d6 x 2 number of goblins to fight

    Gonna need you to pass a charisma check for that

    Fuck we really need a dice rolling bot on this forum

    Anyways, you roll a 4 which means I hate you

    Here's a campaign i'm working on for a game

    New York City, December 31, 1999 – As the clock struck midnight, the streets of Times Square were filled with the sounds of revolvers firing, the smell of whiskey, and the sight of a giant tumbleweed slowly descending from the sky. For cowboys visiting from Dallas, it was the experience of a lifetime.

    "I've never seen anything like it before," said Sarah Johnson, a cowgirl from Dallas. "Back home, we usually just ride horses and shoot our guns in the air to celebrate the New Year. But here in Times Square, it's like a whole other level of cowboy partying."

    The tradition of the Tumbleweed Drop began in the Cowboy Republic back in the 1800s, where cowboys would gather around a campfire and watch as a tumbleweed was lit on fire and sent rolling down a hill. In the 1900s, the tradition was brought to New York City by a group of cowboys who wanted to share their love of the Wild West with the rest of the world.

    Now, over a hundred years later, the Tumbleweed Drop has become a beloved New Year's Eve tradition in Times Square. "It's a little crazy, but it's a lot of fun," said Jack Daniels, a cowboy from Tennessee. "Everyone's just having a good time, shooting their guns and drinking whiskey. It's like a giant cowboy party, right here in the middle of the city."

    As the last remnants of the tumbleweed disappeared into the crowd, the cowboys raised their glasses and shouted, "Yeehaw! Happy New Year, partner!"
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