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Posts by Ecto the plasm

  1. Originally posted by Wariat 17 is a bit old actually.

    Yes, where are all the child brides these days???? YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT CHILD BRIDES

  2. heavy metal is a buzz word,

    they're all heavy, it's metal.
  3. Keep gas high

  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny any men who do have any eunuchs in their court can not be king.

    leaders should be castrated
  5. how about a real game OLMAOOAOMA
  6. now you're cool
  7. Originally posted by aldra it'd only work to modify children before their DNA is expressed to RNA and used to form their bodies

    i think the Chinese do that

  8. Originally posted by aldra ever wonder why tranny doctrine is pushed so vigorously



  9. Originally posted by aldra you did a shit job

    I did an amazing job and made her call the police on herself

    Whats worse? Raping a woman or pushing her down , putting a knife to her throat, punching her in the face and saying "I could have done it if I wanted to" and then leave her there in the grass bleeding and crying

    probably the rape but according to some people they enjoy it
  10. Imagine if he declared himself King of Kings
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny real men play painballs.

    With or without armor
  12. Every time I see that tree I wanna eat it

    Originally posted by A College Professor i only put the fat one in dirt and i couldnt take care of it anymore so i gave it away. i let the rest of the sticks die from neglect -.-

    how do you non neglect a stick?
  13. You just heard about Crispr now

    also not a sg thread
  14. I don't miss anyone because if you aren't HERE right now that means you never seek out never do shit, the fuck are they doing???

    People like that and DONT MAKE ME NAME OTHERS can't be around a forum internet because they have nothing to say and know replying will just make them feel like an even shittier

    You can really get a gauge for how socialized people are when they mention THE LAW or CUSTOM and CULTURE in every breath, NOOO NOO THATS ILLEGAL! THATS IMMORAL! The left/right framing everything it's either us or them seems to work for them

    I suspect deep down they know its bigger than that, but swallowing the society pill is easier

    we are all just LOSERS that need to GET OFF THE COMPUTER GO THROW A FOOTBALL
  15. It was me, i attacked kafka
  16. nice Sydney Bing

  18. Alternatives for what? I think it's funny how Bitcoin remains the criminal/scammer crypto of choice

    Nobody ever wants to use Monero or an actual privacy coin because ??????? IT'S BITCOIN THE GOVERNMENT CAN'T TRACE IT

    For transactions I haven't had any trouble with Bitcoin, the fees are fair. People say it's not good enough to work in retail, that sounds like retails problem OR MAYBE A BANK COULD MAKE SOMEONES LIFE EASIER FOR ONCE

    Idk I can't fucking stand debit cards, every POS terminal is slow as shit, HURR DURR YOU INSERTED THE CHIP TOO FAST, or the "It's been doing that all day" and I always say "HAHA OH MAN ITS A SHAME WE CAN'T USE A PROOF OF WORK CRYPTOGRAPHIC CURRENCY INSTEAD OF RELYING ON ALL THESE CENTRALIZED SERVERS"

    But bitcoin is bad for the environment, it ONLY runs on coal electricity

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