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Posts That Were Thanked by vindicktive vinny

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Out of 41 million? Yeah they need to go to Russia.

    do you also think US blacks should go back to Africa if they don't want to be mistreated by the police?
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Spreading quality genes.

    Creating single mothers.

    he said value
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Spartak getting shelled:

    Lughansk tram station getting shelled:

    both with 82mm mortars I believe. A major TV station was bombed too
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    today I learned that Merck's early polio vaccines were contaminated with SV40, a monkey virus that was retained in the liver cells used to synthesize the polio vaccine.

    and that SV40 was possibly the source of AIDS - the popular theory is that some African deviant contracted it from a monkey or bush meat, but there's significant evidence that it could've evolved from SV40 after large numbers of humans were infected with it.

    and they think it's funny
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump So what's the post-mortem on this anyway? The yanks are half-wits, obviously, and people like Biden and his brainless lackeys in the media are thoroughly discredited with their "on February 16th Putin will bomb Kyiv and invade Ukraine" talk.

    So was the invasion narrative put out by the Russians as a disinfo campaign? Part of some sort of sigint disinfo? Or did the paranoid anglo-jedi looneys just make it up out of whole cloth, a symptom of a disordered mind?

    How could they get it so wrong?

    Almost everything the White House says is for domestic consumption. This whole 'Russia is going to invade tomorrow!' nonsense is for the benefit of people like Tech and Stl who never read beyond the headline - as we've seen in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc. they will make a bold statement to try and solidify support for whatever action they intend to take, then just keep doubling down on it until something tangential happens and they can claim they were right (ie. in the first chemical attack in Ghouta, where they were hyping Assad's chemical attacks for weeks, only when it happened the UN investigation group found the gas used came from outside Syria and was launched from rebel territory. so they fired the lead investigator and buried the report) or they MAKE the prediction come true (ie. the 'chemical attack' in Douma that was entirely falsified by the Turkish-British White Helmets). Admitting that their intelligence was bad is anathema, so they can never learn from their mistakes.

    They've really painted themselves into a corner with Russia thanks to Hillary essentially destroying diplomatic relations because she couldn't admit she lost an election to a 'newcomer'.

    As for the current activities, it's actually been in motion behind the scenes for a while and I just didn't put it together. Before Putin's address they made clear that he'd given France and Germany forewarning that this was going to happen in their diplomatic meetings last week, and military movements (specifically MiG-31Ks being stationed in Kalingrad, Belarus and Tartus) indicated something was changing
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist Yup False flag BS

    you should stick to things you know about and just not comment about anything, ever
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Tyler Dudayev
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  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    The answer to op's question is yes. There is a cult but no one will admit to being a part of it.
    Some dude from &t was worshipping unspeakable deities and did despicable things towards women, probably because he was an incel loser.

    I didn't become aware of him till about a month or so before the temple closed. He made a post with a picture of a naked woman tied to a pole. She had several weird cuts all over her body. I don't recall the entire post he made about it, but he did mention insertion of certain objects, and period blood having magical properties, and that he needed it to perform certain rituals. I imagine him hanging girls out to drip, and then collect said drip. The woman on the picture seemed to be in despair, as if her soul had left her body.
    The post got deleted no more than a few minutes after it was made.

    Fast forward to zoklet.
    One day i'm sitting there reading a thread about prostitutes and recommendations, while drinking scotch and smoking like the OG i am.
    I look at the hot topics and see a thread title called extraction of the uterus on a wake and alert subject. Now, as the no bullshit guy i am, i click it expecting a link to a vid with guy performing oral sex on a donkey. But that wasn't it. I got exactly what the title said, and that wasn't all. You see the creator of the post had the same name as the guy from &t.

    In this hopelessly recorded clip, this girl was strapped to a table and had her stomach cut open by some shady figure with some sort of lancel used for anatomical dissection. At first she was pleading, but when he opened her op, she started screaming. It lasted a good 5 minutes. The girl passed out or died halfway in. It was hard to tell.
    I don't know how long that thread was up for, but it was removed the day after when i wanted to show a friend of mine the clip.

    So how is this guy related to a cult?

    This guy, before he was banned, had pm'd several users including a buddy of mine liquidice/burningchrome about an offer to join him on his ranch where people could recieve "pleasure" from his "stock" and the blessings of his master.
    I didn't get that pm myself, but several other members did and a thread was made about it because apparently it freaked some people out.

    About 2 months or so later, people start acting weird. Writing about things they don't usually write about, in ways that seems.. unauthentic. Well known posters starts talking about period blood and the worship of the unspeakable and how they are going to lead us to a greater plane of existence. This didn't last for long, as many of these people simply stopped posting one day, and those who didn't kept on being "weird" and unlike themselves.

    We've since then been grinded through several shithole substitutes for forums and only the most dedicated remains.
    I do know of two people from that event who still posts here though.

    There's rumors that the death of our recently diseased member was related because he threatened to talk about some dark things going on with the people on these boards.

    They could all be cult members, and you could be recruited next.
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  9. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley Joe Biden is nto gonna be good at war.

    Biden is not good at anything, Elon musk was right on the money when he openly called him a sock puppet. Biden's just a mascot for the 'powers that be'; I'd be surprised if he actually dresses himself given his cognitive state.

    Originally posted by Bradley Russia really wants this whole fresh water port and they're gong to take it.

    Which one? There's no part of the Ukraine that would make sense for them to take from a cost-benefit perspective.

    They took and were able to take the Crimea ('Krim') for a few reasons -

    1. It's the key to power projection over the entire Black Sea
    2. It's been part of Russia longer than the Ukraine's existed as a state
    3. Even after its transfer to the Ukraine's stewardship in the 70s it was maintained almost solely by Russia - there is virtually no industry or infrastracture outside of the Soviet-Russian naval base
    4. As a result its people overwhelmingly supported its transfer back to Russia. Even before Russia 'annexed' it they ran almost annual referendums on the matter, always with over 80% of voters wanting to go back to Russian rule and always ignored by Kiev.

    Crimea held immense value and a population that were overwhelmingly willing to accept reintegration into Russia. There are no other places with that combination - the eastern regions (LDNR) want to be absorbed into Russia ('Novorussia') but support is not overwhelming, and what support there is is often just for higher living standards and pensions rather than culture or loyalty. Their infrastructure and industrial base are also devestated, which would drag down the Russian economy if they were forced to integrate and rehabilitate them.

    Originally posted by Bradley They have so many troops situated out there prepared, nuclear weapons to back them up, they're fighting their neighbor and remember folks: Ukraine hasn't joined NATO and Russia hasn't received the assurances it wants in writing, as the west has stated ukraine previously wouldn't be invited to nato only verbally (it was a different time then and putin had less global clout)

    Yeah, Russia is able to deploy orders of magnitude more fully equipped troops and armor than the rest of Europe (and the US) in any forseeable timeframe. NATO could not win a ground war in Europe, but a large-scale ground war is not going to happen - countries with strategic weapons (such as nuclear or chemical) will use them if their borders are threatened.

    NATO will not allow the Ukraine in as a peer member because they're doomed as a state and are far too unpredictable - Article 5 compels all NATO allies to join the fight if one declares war, even if it is a war of aggression. Even so, the US badly wants to host its strategic weapons there - this is the core issue that Russia has been hammering. Look at a map, at how close Moscow is to the Ukraine. TBMs hosted near the border could hit Moscow before anti missile systems can react, regardless of how modern or advanced they are. The request is perfectly reasonable - no strategic weapons on former Warsaw-pact territories in order to preserve a buffer zone, but the US refuses to engage diplomatically because it sees taking Russian concerns seriously as a sign of weakness. When Russia first delivered its list of security concerns (or demands, if you like), the US sent two responses, one public and one secret (which was leaked a week later). The public response was basically a middle finger, refusing to discuss the items. The 'secret' response was far more diplomatic, essentially addressing the concerns without making any promises in order to drag out negotiations.

    Originally posted by Bradley Russia wants to basically say fuck ukraine, take over that fresh water port/split ukraine. that port alone is like 60% of the nations income i heard on the bbc world news the other day, russia loves it like it loved that little spot by estonia it wanted so badly to get (and keep)

    Like I said, there is no longer any part of the Ukraine that would be worthwhile for Russia to take.

    Originally posted by Bradley the president of ukraine has said that he received 100% confirmation he will be invaded on the 16th,

    He was being sarcastic lol, CNN had to pull that report and wipe all references to it

    I am not sober enough to write more now
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  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny did the groom certified her virginity by showing the guests his bloody penis after the copulation.

    No he sent us all a group text with a video.

    We require video now.
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  12. Bradley Florida Man
    she was a virgin, all male attendees were all able to verify before the cake was split, this is common practice, her father was very proud and gave us the tour
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny tweet removed

    Originally posted by aldra

    LOL fucks sake

    I need to remember to download this shit
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny looks pretty enclosed to me.

    Sure, but this kind of ordnance has been designed for a specific application which is to penetrate armor of some sort. The weapons platform it belongs to has a certain way of firing the explosive projectile, furthermore, these kinds of weapons systems have specific types of fuse design. All that has to be taken into account when utilizing a shaped charge in this manner. If you took this apart but kept the shaped charge, used an ordinary blasting cap, kept the copper exposed and used the standoff distance equal to the length from the copper cone to the tip of the munition you would still get the same penetrating effect. The whole point of a shaped charge is to concentrate the explosive power into the copper cone so all the energy is directed through it in order to turn it into a jet of super heated copper that has an impact point inversely focused at a precision point, where it will then be able to utilize all the energy imparted to penetrate just about anything.

    Remember that not all shaped charges are used in a military capacity. They can be utilized in mining and ordinary demolition. In demo they use them to cut steel beams and support structures. Designs may vary but the principle behind it stays the same.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and i was wrong. the copper in shape charges never actually melt. copper are just plasticky in that with sufficient pressure they can be forced into almost fluid-like dynamic. like peanut butter,

    It's called a phase-transition, and all metals can do that. However with regards to conventional explosives copper performs more than adequately. Now you can have your copper in compressed powder form, or as a solid cone. Compressed copper powder shaped charges are mostly used in mining operations as far as i am aware.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats the difference between high-ex and low-ex again.

    Low explosives deflagrate. That just means burn quickly, by burning quickly they release a lot of gas, and if you have that happen in an enclosed space, LE's go boom. High explosives detonate, that means they go from a solid to completely gas in no time at all. The molecular bonds basically break releasing stored chemical energy.

    Also, LE's generally don't get a velocity of detonation(when used with a container) higher than 1000 meters a second. Think of Flash Powder. High explosives on the slow end, mainly primary explosives but not exclusively get up to 4500 meters a second. While secondary high explosives reach a VoDs of 7000 meters per second and higher. this also gets into things like brisance, which is a topic all on it's own.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny will you post the results of your experimentation.

    I might make a small charge that uses steel balls, and a small shaped charge to illustrate the effect. And when i do i will show you the results.
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  15. Top British diplomat refused to recognize Voronezh and Rostov as part of Russia — source
    After Truss’ statements urging Moscow to move its forces, located on Russia’s soil, away from the border with Ukraine, Sergey Lavrov asked his British counterpart if she recognized Russia’s sovereignty over the Voronezh and Rostov Regions
    Voronezh and Rostov are both regions in the middle of Russia. Not only don't they know geography, these dumb british warmongers don't even know to shut their mouth until they know what the shot it.

    When Anglo stupidity meets Anglo bellicosity meets Anglo agression.

    "I have an opinion"
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  16. smokemon Houston
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny shame is pride

    Piss is shampoo.

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  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny I'm lurking and mad about the great sex you're having

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  18. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked We’re all in our 30s you fucking sperg

    How Anglo of you. It's pretty normal for older people to help out younger people pretty much everywhere except in Scandinavia and America, where the young are expected to act like peasants for the old.

    The old have ruined the west. Young westerners have to compete against the whole world for housing, food, fuel and work. The old benefited from protectionism, immigration restrictions, and dirigisme when they were younger, then destroyed those protections when they got older to make money on the stonk market and from house price appreciation.

    Young people have to deal with the whole world moving to their countries and shitting upon their culture.

    Young people have to deal with competing against China and South America for jobs.

    Young people have to deal with being told that dysfunctional groups of people are actually their fault. They have to deal with out of control crime and political violence.

    Young people got told their whole lives that they could do whatever they wanted. "Do what you love and the money will follow" - a crock of shit totally divorced from reality and only perpetuated by television and other one-way means of communication.

    From the old young people have inherited countries full of horrible 80 IQ people who resent and hate them, full of unaffordable houses, empty oil fields, empty quarries, exhausted mines.

    I could go on and on and on.

    Long story short, it's not pocket money, it's reparations.
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  19. I used to run lol. Boy shut your fat ass up lookin like you ain't brushed your teeth, done a sit up, or ate a salad since 1997.
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The sick fucks are vaccinating pregnant women. No studies have been done, but it looks to me that as many as 80% are suffering miscarriages as a result. You can also miscarry from covid - a good reason to avoid social contact when pregnant.

    Anything related to covid is rigidly censored, but consider the known risks of other vaccines during pregnancy.

    Google are censoring. jedi murderers.

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